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It Didn't Take Long To Blame The Us For The Wave


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Maybe this thread should be renamed.. It Did Take P.K an age to come up with a reply


Don’t know why everyone believes this so called truce is a breakthrough... The Palestinian elections were an utter sham... it was a forgone conclusion.. The IDF blocked access to many polling stations… so very few could vote anyway. I mean the results were out with in a matter of hours??. As for Mahmoud Abbas he is nothing more than a puppet & his bending over backwards to please IS/US lends even more weight to the coincidence/conspiracy theories about Arafat’s timely death.


As for the Palestinian "state" it will in effect become little more than a Free Trade zone (as in no workers rights - see Haiti) where the Palestinian workforce will be used as virtual slave labour for Israeli businesses.


Where do Hamas fit in?.. ask their paymasters

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A word of explanation is called for.


When I read the post by Magneto my first thoughts were less than charitable and they degenerated from there.


Out of annoyance as much as anything at someone who seemed to always look at Israel from the side of a bunch of terrorist scum rather than as a maligned and tortured people who have been denied peace by a piece of filth who has at last thank G-d been taken off the earth with the hopeful result that the people that he supposedly represented and the others to whom he was implacably intent on destroying can finally reach at first an end to hostilities and then an accord whereby they can both live together.


To then read the utter rubbish about the Palests becoming some sort of virtual slave labour was to me the final straw and without consideration for good taste (one of us might as well show some) I posted the ‘gif’ that Magneto has reproduced.


Having posted it I then thought better of my actions and deleted it but Magneto managed to copy it in the short interval between my posting and deleting.


My thoughts remain the same, in fact they have if anything become more entrenched, I just took the offending item off the forum.

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Oh I did read it after all...


" Having posted it I then thought better of my actions and deleted it but Magneto managed to copy it in the short interval between my posting and deleting." Ha you make me out to be some kinda criminal... jeez take some responsability for your actions man!


Tell you what I'll be good sport & remove for yer

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Maybe this thread should be renamed..  It Did Take P.K an age to come up with a reply

Errrr.... if you look back I think you will find it took me crossing a dateline to reply.


Still, never mind, as long as you think that the time it takes someone to reply somehow diminishes what they have to say then the time lapse is clearly very important not.





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Oh, I nearly forgot. What sniper weapon have you been trained with Magneto? I suspect the pair of settler amatuers you depict as being such a threat would creep up to a settlement, fire a couple of bursts in the general direction and then leg it.


So come on Magneto, or whatever alias you have chosen this week. I have been trained in using a "smelly number four" to close and kill. And I was very good at it. Loading each round individually (you only use the magazine when you have to) I could put five rounds into a two-inch group at 200 metres in only 25.5 seconds. Everyone was very glad that I was on their side. I went on to shoot at Bisley....


Have you seen the film "Tears of the Sun"? There is a very funny scene where a "sniper" is told to "get eyes on" a group in a village. Despite having a very clear view of what is going on where he is the "sniper" gains another four feet up a tree (which always sways making accurate shooting impossible) and proceeds to take out targets with head shots (you always aim for the middle of the target ie the solar plexus) with a gas blowback weapon ie while the round is moving up the barrel the equal and opposite reaction of the moving parts is pushing the weapon off target.


Of course, you can compensate for this by having balanced moving parts and a very heavy weapon to absorb the shock. The Israeli Galil being an excellent example.


But at the end of the day the M16 has a barrel of less than 20 inches and loads of moving parts when the round is fired. My smle no. 4 had no moving parts on combustion, was not a gas blowback weapon and the stock enveloped the barrel enough to keep it's temperature more or less constant and therefore it's accuracy. I chose the particular one simply by the fact the stock was very dark wood compared to the usual yellow. I think it was walnut. There you go.



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A word of explanation is called for.


When I read the post by Magneto my first thoughts were less than charitable and they degenerated from there.


Out of annoyance as much as anything at someone who seemed to always look at Israel from the side of a bunch of terrorist scum rather than as a maligned and tortured people who have been denied peace by a piece of filth who has at last thank G-d been taken off the earth with the hopeful result that the people that he supposedly represented and the others to whom he was implacably intent on destroying can finally reach at first an end to hostilities and then an accord whereby they can both live together.


To then read the utter rubbish about the Palests becoming some sort of virtual slave labour was to me the final straw and without consideration for good taste (one of us might as well show some) I posted the ‘gif’ that Magneto has reproduced.


Having posted it I then thought better of my actions and deleted it but Magneto managed to copy it in the short interval between my posting and deleting.


My thoughts remain the same, in fact they have if anything become more entrenched,  I just took the offending item off the forum.




Rog I don't log in here too often but whenever I do it seems, like a bad smell, you are always around. Several things come to mind about you but the first is always - what a sad case.


I've mentioned this before: indulge me whilst I repeat it. Instead of mouthing off about your fascist Israeli chums, why not move yourself from your comfortable UK based armchair and computer screen and get out there?


If that sounds a tad risky for you, no doubt it does, armchair warriors always are cowards, why not just get lost or shut up?

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Oh, I nearly forgot. What sniper weapon have you been trained with Magneto? I suspect the pair of settler amatuers you depict as being such a threat would creep up to a settlement, fire a couple of bursts in the general direction and then leg it.


So come on Magneto, or whatever alias you have chosen this week. I have been trained in using a "smelly number four" to close and kill. And I was very good at it. Loading each round individually (you only use the magazine when you have to) I could put five rounds into a two-inch group at 200 metres in only 25.5 seconds. Everyone was very glad that I was on their side. I went on to shoot at Bisley....


Have you seen the film "Tears of the Sun"? There is a very funny scene where a "sniper" is told to "get eyes on" a group in a village. Despite having a very clear view of what is going on where he is the "sniper" gains another four feet up a tree (which always sways making accurate shooting impossible) and proceeds to take out targets with head shots (you always aim for the middle of the target ie the solar plexus) with a gas blowback weapon ie while the round is moving up the barrel the equal and opposite reaction of the moving parts is pushing the weapon off target.


Of course, you can compensate for this by having balanced moving parts and a very heavy weapon to absorb the shock. The Israeli Galil being an excellent example.


But at the end of the day the M16 has a barrel of less than 20 inches and loads of moving parts when the round is fired. My smle no. 4 had no moving parts on combustion, was not a gas blowback weapon and the stock enveloped the barrel enough to keep it's temperature more or less constant and therefore it's accuracy. I chose the particular one simply by the fact the stock was very dark wood compared to the usual yellow. I think it was walnut. There you go.



P.K. what the hell you on about... what sniper rifle have I trained on??? eh?? As I've said on these forums before... I've never served in the forces but close friends & family have (at least I admitt it. wannabe). I did think of joining up many years ago.. but the idea of giving up my life for a bunch of t***ers who don't give a f**k about you kinda put me off. As for all this Army barmy bullxxxx about big guns & Hollywood films jeez... how old are you?


Oh by the way I use one other alias... Blixo... used when I'm a better frame of mind.


Anyway I'll leave you to knock one out over your latest copy of Soldier of Fortune... have a good one!

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I did think of joining up many years ago.. but the idea of giving up my life for a bunch of t***ers who don't give a f**k about you kinda put me off.  As for all this Army barmy bullxxxx about big guns & Hollywood films jeez... how old are you?


Oh by the way I use one other alias... Blixo... used when I'm a better frame of mind.


Anyway I'll leave you to knock one out over your latest copy of Soldier of Fortune... have a good one!

I would have to admit that we trained to fight the Phantasians who were always equipped with the latest Russian equipment but who were never going to invade Western Europe. So it came as something of a shock when they actually called our bluff and put us in harms way.


I presume "Soldier of Fortune" is a glossy for Arnie fans with small todgers?


A Wednesday night post for which I apologise. I tell you these 7:45 kick-offs are hell.



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I'd just like to support Rog here. There is no doubt that he comes across as a right wing fascist, and he probably is.


But it is not his fault.


It is pretty obvious that he went to a public school and right wing bigotry is the usual outcome of people so brought up and educated.


Lovely chaps in social life quite often, but scratch the surface, and most of them are in love with Mrs. Thatcher and such uncaring people


So don't blame Rog - blame King Bill.

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I'd just like to support Rog here.  There is no doubt that he comes across as a right wing fascist, and he probably is.


But it is not his fault.

Yes it is. (er, should I be writing this?) I have the choice to decide if I want to be right wing, left wing, or just plain stupid and plumb for Lib Dems. Actually --- years ago I was markedly to the left of center but then as I learned and grew more worldly wise my political affiliations slewed to the right and have stayed there. I would like to thimk of myself as a 'McMillan Conservative' and a dyed in the wool Zionist supporter.


It is pretty obvious that he went to a public school and right wing bigotry is the usual outcome of people so brought up and educated.

Harumph. Mutter mutter, can’t answer that one. Don’t think it’s the case with me but it’s hard to judge oneself.


Lovely chaps in social life quite often, but scratch the surface, and most of them are in love with Mrs. Thatcher and such uncaring people


I do aprove of the Thatcher policies and the Thatcher politics but as regards the woman, from what I picked up from the TV the Radio, and the Press, I would not like her in the flesh (shudder). Not a case of being uncaring, more a case of focusing on the big picture. I think that Thatcher did care about the people of this country but was looking to the future rether than propping up an outdated and fatally flawed economy based on lame duck industries.


I guess she undertook major social surgery to excise the cancer of Socialism. Not social care and responsibuility, but Socialism, a different thing altogether.

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Phantasians  :D (had to google it though)


I've been hanging out here http://www.grumpieroldmen.co.uk/ far too much & its begining to show..

Sorry but I thought that your dipiction of the threat those settlers actually posed was totally exaggerated. I also tried to explain how hollywood has sold the public short on just what is possible and what isn't. I have to say that I probably failed - again!



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a 'McMillan Conservative'




He eventually returned to Parliament in 1984 as an hereditary peer. He attended the House of Lords, from where he made attacks upon the Thatcher government for "selling the family silver" through its privatisation programme.


Not for nothing, was he ne never known as Super Mc or Mc The Knife :)

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