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To Ans


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Surely, as adults we can be excpeted to exercise a certain amount of self censorship in that if you dont want to talk about a subject because it offends or you just don't like it....don't get involved. Its not hard. The same could be said for radio and television. If you don't like the subject matter, don't watch and turn the channel over.


As soon as the ability to self censor is taken away, then only bad things can follow. Maybe a warning tag line and a disclaimer by the mods on topics which are "heated" would allow this instead of blanket bans. Legal mumbo jumbo withstanding of course.

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True Albert.


If some American had accidentally cut his own head off whilst hanging a pair of curtains we would probably all have a little chuckle about it.


But given the locality of the person in question and the likelihood that friends and family would (and did) read the thread then closing it was the right thing to do


Ok, so what if an expat who lived here and posted on here saw that we were ripping it out of the person cutting there own head off and only they complained, would we all still be saying " get a life mate, look what he did " - or would you all take the moral high ground and side with him.


And if only they had complained, would the thread be pulled.



At the end of the day, the guy got a Darwin nom, which he deserved.

For that, I tip my hat off to you. You learnt that electricty and water dont mix and who said paying for an education was a waste of money :rolleyes:

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Surely, as adults we can be excpeted to exercise a certain amount of self censorship in that if you dont want to talk about a subject because it offends or you just don't like it....don't get involved. Its not hard. The same could be said for radio and television. If you don't like the subject matter, don't watch and turn the channel over.


As soon as the ability to self censor is taken away, then only bad things can follow. Maybe a warning tag line and a disclaimer by the mods on topics which are "heated" would allow this instead of blanket bans. Legal mumbo jumbo withstanding of course.


You've missed the point. The mods can't always make those judgments between what's allowed and what isn't, so in the event of a complaint it's simpler to just remove without question.


If you're going to post here, you've just got to accept that sometimes someone will take a dislike to a thread and off it goes. If you don't like that, you're going to have to find a less well defended forum.

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no, but maybe I was brought up with a slightly higher moral standard than you.


We considering you don't know me from Adam, I'd say your no more qualified to judge my morals than mine to judge yours. Just because I have a different view on life doesn't make me any less moral then you. Getting preachy dosen't make you look any more moral, just more of a tit.

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Just look at what you are saying.


1, I am not preaching, wholly expressing my disgust that any decent person would make fun off the death of a child

2, If having that human quality (and yes its a quality) of a little thoughtfulness for others feelings, makes me a tit, then i am a TIT.


But thankfully the thread has been closed and we no longer have to discuss the topic and you no longer have to dig yourself any deeper and contradict yourself constantly.

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Surely, as adults we can be excpeted to exercise a certain amount of self censorship in that if you dont want to talk about a subject because it offends or you just don't like it....don't get involved. Its not hard. The same could be said for radio and television. If you don't like the subject matter, don't watch and turn the channel over.


As soon as the ability to self censor is taken away, then only bad things can follow. Maybe a warning tag line and a disclaimer by the mods on topics which are "heated" would allow this instead of blanket bans. Legal mumbo jumbo withstanding of course.


That's fine, when talking in private amongst a group of people. When you start dicussing issues which can upset or offend people who have suffered a sad traumatic loss within our small community, and on a public forum, then that is not acceptable in my book!

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no, but maybe I was brought up with a slightly higher moral standard than you.


We considering you don't know me from Adam, I'd say your no more qualified to judge my morals than mine to judge yours. Just because I have a different view on life doesn't make me any less moral then you. Getting preachy dosen't make you look any more moral, just more of a tit.

John Faragher may not know you from Adam - but he's read you comments that you don't give a monkeys that the thread on the Darwin awards might affect the parents and friends of someone who just died in a tragic accident. You want to have the right to make that death into a joke and you are indifferent to the fact that those close to the lad don't wish to have you rubbing their noses in the upset you are partly creating.


This isn't a hypothetical about some Yank dying - its someone close to a significant number of people on this forum who have complained and asked for it to be stopped.


I would hope you'd understand that and stop going on about morals and your right to say what you like. People with tact and understanding know when enough is enough.

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The fact that there's such a divide of opinion justifies the mods actions. If after many many posts we can't agree if the thread was right or not, how can they? Best to just honor the complaints, take it down, and move on.

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no, but maybe I was brought up with a slightly higher moral standard than you, what I consider good and bad taste.


Its that simple


High morals indeed, like publishing a private communication never intended for the public eye.

Do you actually know what morals are?

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Just look at what you are saying.


1, I am not preaching, wholly expressing my disgust that any decent person would make fun off the death of a child

2, If having that human quality (and yes its a quality) of a little thoughtfulness for others feelings, makes me a tit, then i am a TIT.


But thankfully the thread has been closed and we no longer have to discuss the topic and you no longer have to dig yourself any deeper and contradict yourself constantly.


1, "I was brought up with a slightly higher moral standard than you" What is that if it isnt being preachy, you holier than thou arse.


2, He was not a child. Trying to make out that was the case is a poor attempt at scewing the facts to make your point sound stronger than it is.


3, At least me agree you are a tit.



Surely, as adults we can be excpeted to exercise a certain amount of self censorship in that if you dont want to talk about a subject because it offends or you just don't like it....don't get involved. Its not hard. The same could be said for radio and television. If you don't like the subject matter, don't watch and turn the channel over.


As soon as the ability to self censor is taken away, then only bad things can follow. Maybe a warning tag line and a disclaimer by the mods on topics which are "heated" would allow this instead of blanket bans. Legal mumbo jumbo withstanding of course.


That's fine, when talking in private amongst a group of people. When you start dicussing issues which can upset or offend people who have suffered a sad traumatic loss within our small community, and on a public forum, then that is not acceptable in my book!


But no-one has forced anyone with any connections to look at and respond to anything on the forum. No one was taken at gun point made to contribute. Its PC censorship madness. If certain people had their way, no one will ever make a joke about anyone or anything ever again just on the off chance that someone somewhere might be offended. This entire forum is riddled with offensive language, offensive opinions and the like. And I will gladly prove examples if asked. If you open a forum and ask for peoples opinions then be prepared for stuff you might disagree with or dislike.

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when you've stood up and wiped yourself let the masses know please.


1> I didn't close the thread. Your infantile rantings seem to have ignored this relatively important detail.


2> I closed your thread because we always close threads by whining dickheads like you who don't like a decision we take. Especially when they post it in local news.


3> This thread is entitled "To Ans". Was the Messenger function broken at the time you wrote this? If you have a gripe, use the messenger. Creating threads so your can express your ridiculous nerd rage at thread being closed will never end well for you. You want to argue the toss with me? Take it to PM.


4> I've closed this thread to piss you off. I bet it does.

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