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Sefton ... More Job Losses


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How about more shops opening on a Sunday, or staying open late in the evenings?


Being able to buy pretty much anything you want 27/7 online has changed consumer purchasing profiles....Douglas retail outlets seem to be stuck about 20yrs behind.



We have been told so often, "If you don't like it, there's a boat in the morning", by slack jawed yokels.


Well, it looks like a lot of people are taking this advice and spending their cash in the UK, either online or via shopping trips to Liverpool and the surrounding towns and cities (taking in Ikea along the way).


The dire choice, service, attitudes and extortionate prices charged by the local outlets and the 'yoof' they employ will be the death knell. The shops aren't interested in competing here, and it shows.


Me - I gave up shopping here a long time ago.

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I agree Strand Street is going to look / is already looking dire.


There is a new "regeneration" scheme in motion, I went to the meeting / presentation about it, a while back.


Sounds great on paper, but its not an bottomless pot and I am not the greatest Douglas Development Partnership fan.


The only real option is for us all the stop shopping anywhere but at a local shop.


That is not realistic.


I'll shop local when they can compete with likes of stores across or online.


Waltons charging £1200 for a TV, when online I can get for £700 ( with delivery ).

Its the same with most things here.




the snag being that local shops get fucked over by the steam racket and then the local property rents or prices. i agree with what you say, but fair margins for shop keepers will still put them well above online prices. they are pretty much fucked. i do buy local if its not much more, purely so taking it back is easier in event of failure. case in point, i bought 2 flat screen tellys from M&S, saved around 350 - 400 quid on waltons prices. but is our M&S local as regards the point you made??

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The biggest issue seems to be "choice" & "Price"


The rents really are beyond the control of anyone but the Landlords, The Shops need to make enough to survive so will charge what they have to,

We have only a small number of shoppers, very little Tourism to depend on.


Lowering the rates is an idea, but what about the shortfall? Do you increase household rates?


Increased free parking on the prom is a great idea, but again DOLGE/DOT controlled.


Sunday hours, again it comes down to economic issues, do turn over enough to pay the wages/electric etc?

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The biggest issue seems to be "choice" & "Price"


The rents really are beyond the control of anyone but the Landlords, The Shops need to make enough to survive so will charge what they have to,

We have only a small number of shoppers, very little Tourism to depend on.


Lowering the rates is an idea, but what about the shortfall? Do you increase household rates?


Increased free parking on the prom is a great idea, but again DOLGE/DOT controlled.


Sunday hours, again it comes down to economic issues, do turn over enough to pay the wages/electric etc?



Excuses, excuses...that's all we hear, in addition to consultations and considerations.


There is no choice, the prices are too high, the service is abysmal.


Adapt and survive or roll over and die...I think we all know that the retailers will just choose the latter because they can't be arsed competing.

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Not excuses, reasons IMO


But Port Erin I am with you, apart from Enfin & Manx Marine and shopping for my Daughter, I buy almost all my clothing, electrical goods etc either online or in the UK. This is always down to more choice, better value.


We can offer all the solutions here, but it will always come down to price and choice.


I can't see the IOMG subsidising every Manx Business so it can compete with UK ones

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Not excuses, reasons IMO


But Port Erin I am with you, apart from Enfin & Manx Marine and shopping for my Daughter, I buy almost all my clothing, electrical goods etc either online or in the UK. This is always down to more choice, better value.


We can offer all the solutions here, but it will always come down to price and choice.


I can't see the IOMG subsidising every Manx Business so it can compete with UK ones



Fair comment.


I have to say that customer service plays an important part, and it is sadly lacking in the majority of the stores here. This is echoed time and again on threads that are published here and on www.iomtoday.co.im, when the retailers ask for our support.


I tend to use the shops in Port Erin rather than Douglas for small purchases, as the staff tend to give good, friendly service and I value that. I now live in Douglas, but I will make the effort to support local shops for that reason alone.


I tend to buy anything more than £50 either online or when I'm in the UK, because the choice and value is much better.

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Lowering the rates is an idea, but what about the shortfall? Do you increase household rates?


No reduce spending. How much did the seagull cost?


Anyhow - if you reduce the rates significantly then you make it easier for people to run shops. This has the potential to mean that you end up collecting more.


Nobody would want to be running a small business selling anything which can be got online or at any of the viable large chains (Tesco, M&S, B&Q). But small and boutique shops still have great potential. Especially food etc.

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I hate that bloody street, I only ever went down to nip into Woolies.



I'll second that...full of bloody chavs wandering aimlessly, using prams as battering rams.


The best thing to do with it is to let it go, knock it down and start all over again.

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The seagull was a Douglas Development Partnership Project and was before my time as a Councillor, but I agree and as I said earlier I am not a massive fan, and if I had been a Councillor around the time it was raising its head I would have objected to it.



So we reduce rates by say half, an average saving of 3,000 a year on a shop, they still have to pay all the other bills as well. Why not give then cheap electric, gas, postage, cheap rent.


A government scheme doing the above may help until the business gets on its feet, but what happens when the help stops and the real world steps in.


Its not unique to the IOM every small , medium and Large Town in the UK is having the same problem.

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The only real option is for us all the stop shopping anywhere but at a local shop.


Get away. How about rates discounts for local business? How about corpie sponsored promotions? Free parking in off peaks? Community events that encourage people into town, etc etc. This is a sales/marketing job just like any other and giving up and putting the solution with the populace doesn't give me much confidence in the corps abilities.


Not that I have any left, after the mess that is Douglas Quay and Promenade.


HUH?! :huh:


The Quayside looks fantastic!?!

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I can't see the IOMG subsidising every Manx Business so it can compete with UK ones


I don't think anyone is expecting a subsidy, what about the below as examples (some corpy issues, some gov)


Huge business rates

The inability to park in your own private space that you pay for, because someone else has blocked access.

The inability to get that person a ticket because there's "no budget" to reinstate the double yellow lines.

Getting parking tickets because you leave your vehicle in a disc zone when trying to run your business as a result of the above.

Getting charged, by the kg, for everything you put in your own bin.

Getting charged, by the kg, for everything any other tool puts in your bin.

Getting charged everytime you take rubbish to Snugborough, as you're not allowed to use the amenity site.

Getting charged for the removal of washing machines other people choose to leave in your private parking space (and getting another ticket because you had nowhere to park)

Having to apply for, and wait weeks for, planning permission to try and improve the external appearence of your property, and the surrounding area.

Getting no assistance from anyone when people choose to spit, p**s, s**t on, or try to break into your premises.

Getting greif when you try and have deliveries made to your premises.

Getting no assistance at all with regard to parking outside you premises. What about the ability to give a customer a temporary permit allowing them enough time to actually consider a purchase, rather than checking their watch every 5 minutes?

Having to justify yourself to the work permit office everytime you want to employ someone with relevant experience.


I'm going to stop now as I'm on a rant and am dragging things off topic. Only to add "Freedom to flourish!" my arse. Every contact I have with gov/corpy they seem to do everything possible to prevent people trying to do business in Dougals, and offer no help or support at all.

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