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[BBC News] Man charged over indecent images


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Simple solution, boot with nails in the bottom, dirty peado tied down and then stamped on the groin area until moitionless.


Then add salt and vinegar to ease the pain, set free and see if they do it again.



I must admitt, if a list ever did come about of where peado's were I could see influx in new doors being fitted.

Anyone care to go 50/50 on a business supplying new doors?

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I always find it hard to believe that the manufacturers of this type of thing can't be identified through the recognition of their victims faces?


I'm sure that every country has laws banning child pornography and a bit of detective work shouldn't be too difficult??


As for people who download, it is a lesser crime than actually commiting a physical abuse of a child and should be taken in that context! The hardened paedophiles should be locked away forever in my opinion!

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I must admitt, if a list ever did come about of where peado's were I could see influx in new doors being fitted.

Anyone care to go 50/50 on a business supplying new doors?


This is why it is a good idea why anyone cannot just get someone's address and details.


I was pointing out this is a good idea.


If I had kids and some peado was living next door to me, I'd want to know and then have them moved with great force ( great force being my foot in there balls ).

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I must admitt, if a list ever did come about of where peado's were I could see influx in new doors being fitted.

Anyone care to go 50/50 on a business supplying new doors?


This is why it is a good idea why anyone cannot just get someone's address and details.


I was pointing out this is a good idea.


If I had kids and some peado was living next door to me, I'd want to know and then have them moved with great force ( great force being my foot in there balls ).


I know you were Knoxville and I was saying it was a bad idea. This is the problem because parents understandably want to know but if anyone can find this information then such people are at serious risk from attacks from the public.

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I must admitt, if a list ever did come about of where peado's were I could see influx in new doors being fitted.

Anyone care to go 50/50 on a business supplying new doors?


This is why it is a good idea why anyone cannot just get someone's address and details.


I was pointing out this is a good idea.


If I had kids and some peado was living next door to me, I'd want to know and then have them moved with great force ( great force being my foot in there balls ).


I know you were Knoxville and I was saying it was a bad idea. This is the problem because parents understandably want to know but if anyone can find this information then such people are at serious risk from attacks from the public.


Well they deserve it, 100% deserve it.

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This is the problem because parents understandably want to know but if anyone can find this information then such people are at serious risk from attacks from the public.


Good. I'd quite happily do one of the filthy nonces without thinking too much about it. It would save the police a job really - publish the list and let the locals beat the shit out of them. It would save an awful lot of Police time and money in the long run.

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Well they deserve it, 100% deserve it.


These people names should be published ONCE guilt is proven.


I don't think they do deserve it. If they have been convicted, found guilty, then they have been punished. It is not for the concerned, the worried, or the idiot to inflict more punishment upon that person. In the same vein as someone who has committed a murder or someone who has raped you cannot let the public have the ability to attack them. In the case of paedophilia it is understandably such an emotive issue that the likelihood is strong that someone will do something stupid. Certainly, in the Isle of Man it would not be good to have their names published.


Good. I'd quite happily do one of the filthy nonces without thinking too much about it. It would save the police a job really - publish the list and let the locals beat the shit out of them. It would save an awful lot of Police time and money in the long run.


Right, then do you think that murderers, rapists, habitually violent people, etc. should be at the whim of the locals? Or do we make an exception to legal guidelines just for paedophiles?

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The greatest thing about a small community is that you will easily find these people identity if you so desire.


The problem you may have is that, they are harder than you.


These people names should be published ONCE guilt is proven.


So your one of these people then?

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Right, then do you think that murderers, rapists, habitually violent people, etc. should be at the whim of the locals? Or do we make an exception to legal guidelines just for paedophiles?


Society has some basic rules - murder, rape, paedophilia are outside of these basic rules. Once you have decided to operate outside of these social norms then I believe that you do not deserve any protection or right to due legal process at all. I've seen what happens first hand when socially minded do-gooders like you get involved in the legal process dealing with people who have completely transcended what is acceptable to polite society. You end up being some prick like Lord Longford appealing for the release of serial killers on human rights grounds when the killers themselves have shown no clemency in the way they dealt with their victims.


I've seen it first hand in the UK where a friend paid for the living daylights to be kicked out of some paedo who thought he'd got away with an assault on a family member. I really don't have a problem with it.

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when ever we see the word sex offender or paedo we imagine a priest or a 20 - 60 something male abusing a 10 year old . what about the 16 year old girl consesually having sex with a 15 year old boy ( who probably thinks he's the luckiest twat going )?? who gets what cut off then?? the girl if prosecuted would end up with a child/sex conviction. is this ok even though there could only be a few months, weeks or even days between their ages?? some more liberal countries allow younger than 16's to have relations but only with people upto a few years older, so basically a similar age group. you can also end up with a sexual conviction as a local lad did a few years back cos your mates strip you and tie you to a lamp post in the middle of town and YOU get done for indecent exposure!! victim to sex offender in the blink of a blind eye. not that i agree with flashers or flashing ( unless it's tits :-) ) but that again can get you a sex conviction and put on the register??. my point being that just cos morons think everyone on the sex offenders register should be exterminated, not all are a danger in any real sense to kids or anyone else.

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Right, then do you think that murderers, rapists, habitually violent people, etc. should be at the whim of the locals? Or do we make an exception to legal guidelines just for paedophiles?


Society has some basic rules - murder, rape, paedophilia are outside of these basic rules. Once you have decided to operate outside of these social norms then I believe that you do not deserve any protection or right to due legal process at all. I've seen what happens first hand when socially minded do-gooders like you get involved in the legal process dealing with people who have completely transcended what is acceptable to polite society. You end up being some prick like Lord Longford appealing for the release of serial killers on human rights grounds when the killers themselves have shown no clemency in the way they dealt with their victims.


I've seen it first hand in the UK where a friend paid for the living daylights to be kicked out of some paedo who thought he'd got away with an assault on a family member. I really don't have a problem with it.


"Socially minded do-gooders like you get involved in the legal process"? If you knew my politics you would know that I would have no connected with the 'legal process'.

I am in sense playing devil's advocate. I do not believe in positive law and do not think there even should be a legal system. However, because I am wanting to discuss this issue I am talking in your and most people's terms. I recognise that the vast majority believe that the legal system works and that it should exist but if so it would seem contradictory to place particular crimes outside of this system and deal with them by having the 'locals' organise justice themselves. Furthermore, if the current rules are to be accepted and a paedophile should be punished by the legal system then you cannot again punish a person for their crime.

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