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[BBC News] Man charged over indecent images


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I think that paedophiles should be locked up for a very long time as I don't believe you can be "cured" of this. OK it would be partly punishment but mainly to protect everyone especially other children. I can't believe anyone with kids would feel any differently to this BUT


i suppose the urges of paedo's are no different on a mental level to that of gays or hetrosexuals? ( not that i'm defending them ) gay was a no no for 2000 years? perhaps in 4010 paedo's will get the thumbs up, legally? and by 6020 the goings on in foxdale will be ok too. if gay is normal behavior? then so must paedo's?? we can't control our sexuality?? we can control our actions though. so not all 'normal' is acceptable in our society. and lets not forget that gay was not normal or acceptable until recently?? still isn't in some parts, along with free black folks. we must be the only animal on the planet that in many cultures doesn't start breeding when the body is ready to do so. if a culture ( arab/african/indian ) allows marriage at 12 or 13, does that make the husband a paedo??

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In August 2000, a female paediatrician consultant called Yvette Cloete was labelled a "paedo" after a campaign by the News of the World to name and shame paedophiles in the community.

The incident took place in Newport, Gwent.

Dr Cloete returned from work at the Royal Gwent Hospital to find "paedo" spray-painted on her front door.

Local police believe the graffiti was written by someone who confused her job title with the word paedophile.




That is the problem with paedophiles - their crimes are so repulsive to most people that everyone wants to join the lynch mob. And yet the recent cases of young kids being physically abused - to the point where they died from their injuries - are surely every bit as horrible?

Obviously, such criminals have to be removed from mainstream society so that they cannot inflict their disgusting practices on other victims but there needs to be some form of psychological assessment of what it is that drives them. Most experts seem to believe it is a matter of being able to impose power/mastery over their victims rather than a simplistic sexual urge, which suggests that castration - either chemical or physical - is unlikely to render them harmless.

Although, as a parent, I can understand the desire for revenge - and would doubtlessly feel an urge to kill anyone who harmed my kids - I recognise that this a primal urge for revenge that, in the long term, will not do very much to prevent such cases happening in future. A greater understanding of the mentality of such people is needed if there is to be any hope of reducing such crimes


Incidentally, the point made by other posters about teenagers being labelled as paedophiles when the difference in the ages of a couple may be no more than a couple of years is a valid one - it is high time that such 'crimes' were given a separate and much more clearly defined identity.

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Whilst having no truck at all with "paedos"......please explain the word indecent as this is a matter of personal taste surely?


A nudist would have no problem with seeing another naked person yet many people would find a person pubicly in the nude to be indecent. Many of us, those who quite like "tits and arses", see nothing indecent in page 3 of the Sun, but many find the pictures to be indecent.


Indeed, many would believe that a loving completely "straight" granddad with pictures/video of his grandchildren in various states of undress as they run around the garden under a hosepipe on a hot summers day would deem those pictures to be indecent!


Where does white become grey ad grey become black.......................


It is my understanding from news reports that a boy who is 16 years and one day old can be put on the sex register for having sex with a girl two days younger than him (at 15 years 364 days)............although more than probably unlikely that this would happen, no doubt he would be considered a "paedo" by anyone who happened to know his name was on the Register.


Do not forget they have to tell the Police of any change of address and who is to say that the Police remain tight lipped at all times?

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Many of us, those who quite like "tits and arses", see nothing indecent in page 3 of the Sun, but many find the pictures to be indecent.

I assure you that you would find it indecent if it were me showing my bits on page 3.


Maybe it's not about what is indecent but who is indecent!

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I think that paedophiles should be locked up for a very long time as I don't believe you can be "cured" of this. OK it would be partly punishment but mainly to protect everyone especially other children. I can't believe anyone with kids would feel any differently to this BUT


i suppose the urges of paedo's are no different on a mental level to that of gays or hetrosexuals? ( not that i'm defending them ) gay was a no no for 2000 years? perhaps in 4010 paedo's will get the thumbs up, legally? and by 6020 the goings on in foxdale will be ok too. if gay is normal behavior? then so must paedo's?? we can't control our sexuality?? we can control our actions though. so not all 'normal' is acceptable in our society. and lets not forget that gay was not normal or acceptable until recently?? still isn't in some parts, along with free black folks. we must be the only animal on the planet that in many cultures doesn't start breeding when the body is ready to do so. if a culture ( arab/african/indian ) allows marriage at 12 or 13, does that make the husband a paedo??


Why do you think that paedophilia is the same as the sexualities of heterosexual and homosexual? As Lonan mentions, and I think it a very important point, paedophilia is driven by dominance and power over the vulnerable, similar to rape.

Homosexuality isn't in any case 'normal' behaviour. Normal is the word that heterosexuals use. And homosexuality (there is no such thing as gay prior to the twentiwth century) was not a 'no, no' for 2000 years. Many cultures allowed, condoned, and even saw homosexuality as o.k.


But is a man of say 30 right in taking a woman of 12 or 13 as his wife? Yes, regardless of the culture but I don't think it is paedophilia.

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Incidentally, the point made by other posters about teenagers being labelled as paedophiles when the difference in the ages of a couple may be no more than a couple of years is a valid one - it is high time that such 'crimes' were given a separate and much more clearly defined identity.


I don't think it necessary to give them any identity whatsoever. Such criminalisation should never occur.

I don't they are strictly perceived of as acts of paedophilia, but there is the assumption that it is wrong and the older person has done wrong against an innocent. That I do not agree with.

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But is a man of say 30 right in taking a woman of 12 or 13 as his wife? Yes, regardless of the culture but I don't think it is paedophilia.


A girl of 12 is not a woman, you liberal loony.

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But is a man of say 30 right in taking a woman of 12 or 13 as his wife? Yes, regardless of the culture but I don't think it is paedophilia.


A girl of 12 is not a woman, you liberal loony.


Oops, yeah you are right. But I am not a liberal! I imagine you are, not me.

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But is a man of say 30 right in taking a woman of 12 or 13 as his wife? Yes, regardless of the culture but I don't think it is paedophilia.


A girl of 12 is not a woman, you liberal loony.



In your opinion. Mine too actually. But in many cultures once a girl starts menstruating then they are considered to have reached womanhood. Often this is at 12/13 and sometimes even younger.

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I think that paedophiles should be locked up for a very long time as I don't believe you can be "cured" of this. OK it would be partly punishment but mainly to protect everyone especially other children. I can't believe anyone with kids would feel any differently to this BUT


i suppose the urges of paedo's are no different on a mental level to that of gays or hetrosexuals? ( not that i'm defending them ) gay was a no no for 2000 years? perhaps in 4010 paedo's will get the thumbs up, legally? and by 6020 the goings on in foxdale will be ok too. if gay is normal behavior? then so must paedo's?? we can't control our sexuality?? we can control our actions though. so not all 'normal' is acceptable in our society. and lets not forget that gay was not normal or acceptable until recently?? still isn't in some parts, along with free black folks. we must be the only animal on the planet that in many cultures doesn't start breeding when the body is ready to do so. if a culture ( arab/african/indian ) allows marriage at 12 or 13, does that make the husband a paedo??


Why do you think that paedophilia is the same as the sexualities of heterosexual and homosexual? As Lonan mentions, and I think it a very important point, paedophilia is driven by dominance and power over the vulnerable, similar to rape.

Homosexuality isn't in any case 'normal' behaviour. Normal is the word that heterosexuals use. And homosexuality (there is no such thing as gay prior to the twentiwth century) was not a 'no, no' for 2000 years. Many cultures allowed, condoned, and even saw homosexuality as o.k.


But is a man of say 30 right in taking a woman of 12 or 13 as his wife? Yes, regardless of the culture but I don't think it is paedophilia.



people can have the desire to dominate and control the vulnerable and others without wanting sex with minors. i doubt Gengis Khan has ever been refered to as a paedophile?? paedo implys children as in paediatrics. the confusion/problem is that dependant on circumstances and culture sex with what we would call children can be normal and legal or depraved and vile and illegal, it is a subject that doesn't seem like a line can be drawn through it to divide it. and sexual activities with the same sex is normal behaviour, you see dogs trying to jump other dogs and cows and bullocks doing the same. how far the attraction/physicallity goes doesn't alter the innitial desire even if confused in nature..

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He said this should apply in any culture. Including this one.


Sorry, what I meant was that a person of 12 or 13 entering into marriage with an older man strikes me as being wrong, even if the culture of the society has dictated that it is the right thing for that girl to do and she does so willingly. I wasn't trying to make a comment on whether such a person is a woman or a girl.

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