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Left 4 Dead


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Is it just me? It seems like it is.


There's nothing remotely special or 'game of the year' about l4d. It's two games as far as I can tell: serious sam, with zombies in coop mode, and avp in vs mode. What's new about it? Where's the lasting appeal when it's just 'oh look another horde of zombies to mow down'. Where's the subtleties of game play that exist in the balancing of classes in something like Team Fortress?


I can see a bit of potential in vs, where the different enemy types can be combined in an ambush to something effective, but when you're faced with one shot kills and random respawns, actually making it happen is rare as fuck.


I just don't get it, sorry. It's fun, I enjoy playing it for a bit, but after an hour or so it gets repetative, and I've had enough. It's not like Team Fortress 2 or Counter Strike or even Gears, where I can happily play all night and still want more.

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Not played it, it looks alright but certainly nothing so amazing I had to go out and buy it!


Fallout 3 for me. Would have been GTA IV if it had actually been any good :lol:


Game of the year this year is the pirate one i just bought from xbox live for 800 points, it's immense! :D

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Fallout 3 for me. Would have been GTA IV if it had actually been any good :lol:


Fallout 3 is an amazing experience. I've been playing some Saints Row 2, which in many ways is a better GTA4 than GTA4, it's certainly more of a laugh. Visuals are a bit stinky though.

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Fallout 3 for me. Would have been GTA IV if it had actually been any good :lol:


Fallout 3 is an amazing experience. I've been playing some Saints Row 2, which in many ways is a better GTA4 than GTA4, it's certainly more of a laugh. Visuals are a bit stinky though.


I've been on SR2 aswell, just finished it infact, was a hell of alot better than GTA 4, the graphics were cool in GTA but it was just boring! I think in getting it looking good they kind of forgot the point so it had a weak story and crap gameplay. San Andreas was the best GTA...well that and the first one!

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Is it just me? It seems like it is.


I thought Fallout3 was dull and GOW2 seems like a pretty shallow shooter with no lasting playability.


News Just In: People like different things

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Is it just me? It seems like it is.


I thought Fallout3 was dull and GOW2 seems like a pretty shallow shooter with no lasting playability.


News Just In: People like different things


I'm sure they do like different things, I'm just trying to understand the adulation in case I'm missing something. It's looking a lot like Valve fanboyism to me so far. I think it's interesting that it's done much worse on the 360, where there's less valve goodwill.


Gears of War 2 is far from shallow, its a very tactical game, and the lasting playability is pretty well proven, with gears 1 still being one of the most popular games online two years after release.

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It's done worse on the 360 because fast paced fps shooters aren't best suited to console control pads. I downloaded the demo on my 360 and wanted to throw the controller through the screen.


To me, GOW2 appears to be very shallow. If being popular made it great, we'd all be playing The Sims 2.

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It's done worse on the 360 because fast paced fps shooters aren't best suited to console control pads. I downloaded the demo on my 360 and wanted to throw the controller through the screen.


What were you saying about personal preference? The biggest game on the 360 is an fps, so your logic doesn't fit.


To me, GOW2 appears to be very shallow. If being popular made it great, we'd all be playing The Sims 2.


I'd agree if it was flash in the pan popularity, but this things been top of the online chart for 2 years. It's not shallow at all, its a tactical shooter.

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I don't understand your obsession with telling people how much you think L4D sucks quite honestly. Why not concentrate your efforts on the games you do like? You've been banging on for weeks now about how you think it's an over priced mod. Fair play, but why bother creating a thread to bash it?

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I don't understand your obsession with telling people how much you think L4D sucks quite honestly. Why not concentrate your efforts on the games you do like? You've been banging on for weeks now about how you think it's an over priced mod. Fair play, but why bother creating a thread to bash it?


I'm genuinely interested to know why people think it's so good? I've only owned it for a couple of days, so have revised my appraisal. Are you against discussion on this discussion forum?

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I'm still enjoying L4D, it's not getting as much playtime now as when it first came out, but ramping up the difficulty helps to keep things interesting. Agreed there could be more maps ( especially on the versus mode ), but it's a great social game...


Anyone managed to kill a witch with one shot yet? There is an achievement for it, but I can't for the life of me get it! Damned witches...


Who awarded it GOTY?

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I'm still enjoying L4D, it's not getting as much playtime now as when it first came out, but ramping up the difficulty helps to keep things interesting. Agreed there could be more maps ( especially on the versus mode ), but it's a great social game...


I'm enjoying it too, it's not shit, I just don't get the wooping like it's the best multi ever. It doesn't hold up compared to valves own tf2 in my book. I joined in the valve matches on Saturday night, where the devs set up a load of servers and put a member of the team on each one, it was fun enough, but those guys seemed really bored with it too.


Who awarded it GOTY?


Good collection of fawning here:


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I'm genuinely interested to know why people think it's so good? I've only owned it for a couple of days, so have revised my appraisal. Are you against discussion on this discussion forum?


You don't look like you've come prepared to discuss. Using negative language to describe the game, expressing incredulity that it has received praise and mocking reviews as fawning doesn't really indicate to me that you're approaching this with an open mind and no amount of discussion will change that. People think it's good because they like it. Just the same reason as I think Fallout 3 is shit because I don't like it. Why isn't that enough for you?

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You don't look like you've come prepared to discuss. Using negative language to describe the game, expressing incredulity that it has received praise and mocking reviews as fawning doesn't really indicate to me that you're approaching this with an open mind and no amount of discussion will change that. People think it's good because they like it. Just the same reason as I think Fallout 3 is shit because I don't like it. Why isn't that enough for you?


If I didn't want to discuss it, I wouldn't have asked peoples opinion or qualified my reasons with examples. If i was only mocking, then I'd agree with you, but I've used examples of why I don't think it's anything particularly special. I may have missed something, which is my reason for asking. I tried the demo, thought it was ok, and fans told me I needed to try the full game. Now I've done that, and I still don't see the magic, hence the discussion.


People think its good because they have reasons to like it, I'm interested to know what those reasons are. You don't seem interested in a discussion, so why are you here?

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