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The 'p-word'


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Someone mentioned the term 'coon dog' before too. I always thought that simply meant a dog used for getting raccoons(sp?) - is that not the case? Didn't think that particular one was meant to be racist at all even though it sounds like it could be?


Is it me who has the textbooks out or you?


Simply because the 'er' has been substituted does not in any way mean that they are different words.


I have heard 'coon' a lot and I know what that means.


Jesus wept!


I think you'll find that "nigga" and "nigger" are generally different meanings. Certainly they are in my experience even though they may well not be different to everyone. You've used Google almost to death to do your soapbox self righteousness as usual, why not finish the job and look it up.


In case you can't read my post, I was not referring to the word 'coon' but the phrase 'coon dog' which is something entirely different, and as I attempted to explain - is nothing to do with the word 'coon' as you are trying to suggest even though I've said otherwise. Again, look it up because I can't be arsed trying to explain my way round your woe is everyone tunnel vision, and inability to understand that just because you have a view on things, it neither makes it fact nor the same as other people you preachy oaf.


You should be in a pulpit at times but no - you've already banned religion in another thread.

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Here you go, you single minded boy:





Do the rest yourself.

I can't believe I wasted my precious free time trying to reason with you, or bothering with this thread when whatever you say is just so.

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Jesus wept!


I think you'll find that "nigga" and "nigger" are generally different meanings. Certainly they are in my experience even though they may well not be different to everyone. You've used Google almost to death to do your soapbox self righteousness as usual, why not finish the job and look it up.


In case you can't read my post, I was not referring to the word 'coon' but the phrase 'coon dog' which is something entirely different, and as I attempted to explain - is nothing to do with the word 'coon' as you are trying to suggest even though I've said otherwise. Again, look it up because I can't be arsed trying to explain my way round your woe is everyone tunnel vision, and inability to understand that just because you have a view on things, it neither makes it fact nor the same as other people you preachy oaf.


You should be in a pulpit at times but no - you've already banned religion in another thread.


When I mentioned 'coon' it was only because I hadn't ever heard of coon dog before and only coon. And that is all! If anything then I must have misunderstood why you mentioned coonhound.


And no I haven't used google, though I am curious to do so now, what will I find? As far as I am aware nigga and nigger both refer to black people.


I never banned religion Cret, even if it were possible it would be wrong, I just made it clear that the world would be a better place without religion, without people blindly their religious leaders who obey a non-existent deity.

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I just made it clear that the world would be a better place without religion,


There you go again - illustrates my issue with your posts.

You claim so many things to be facts (eg "I made it clear" - says who except yourself?), which may be or may not be.


Unless you can prove/disprove them(and you can't), you look daft to make out such things to be as irrefutable as you do.

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I just made it clear that the world would be a better place without religion,


There you go again - illustrates my issue with your posts.

You claim so many things to be facts (eg "I made it clear" - says who except yourself?), which may be or may not be.


Unless you can prove/disprove them(and you can't), you look daft to make out such things to be as irrefutable as you do.


Well I think I would have been better saying "I just made the point...". But my views are obviously my views. In terms of religions there is the fact of hierarchy within them and the indoctrination and misleading of the young and the vulnerable. With this in mind I have strong convictions that say it is wrong. I just don't like the idea of being manipulated and misled.


But some things are facts. Is Paki a racist word - undoubtedly. However, did Prince Harry mean to be racist? Maybe. Was he racist? Maybe.

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Reminds me of a rather strange moment in Studebakers ages ago. Standing at the bar waiting to be served - little Indian fella, who I didn't know and had never seen before - standing next to me. Barmaid approaches with usual "who's next" shout and serves him - no probs as I arrived after him anyway. Suddenly he turns around to me:


He: Thank you

Me: He?

He: And by the way - I am from India, so please don't call me a Paki


I'm still scratching my head about that to the current day - came completely out of nowhere and I've never figured out why he said that...

Might be related to the fact that India and Pakistan are now pointing nuclear weapons at each other.

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Reminds me of a rather strange moment in Studebakers ages ago. Standing at the bar waiting to be served - little Indian fella, who I didn't know and had never seen before - standing next to me. Barmaid approaches with usual "who's next" shout and serves him - no probs as I arrived after him anyway. Suddenly he turns around to me:


He: Thank you

Me: He?

He: And by the way - I am from India, so please don't call me a Paki


I'm still scratching my head about that to the current day - came completely out of nowhere and I've never figured out why he said that...

Might be related to the fact that India and Pakistan are now pointing nuclear weapons at each other.

I interpret it as being the result of him been called Paki so often, either as an insult or in friendly ignorance, that he's got so fed up with it he'll raise it with complete strangers.

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Might be related to the fact that India and Pakistan are now pointing nuclear weapons at each other.


Whilst a fair proportion of both their populations exist in grinding poverty.

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Prince Charles 'calls Indian friend Sooty'

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The Prince of Wales calls a friend of Indian descent "Sooty", according to members of a polo club.

The heir to the throne allegedly uses the term for Kolin Dhillon who is a member of the Cirencester Polo Club along with Charles and Princes Harry and William.

The term is said to be an "affectionate nickname" for which Mr Dhillon does not find offensive, the Daily Telegraph reported.



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