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So The Beers Gone Back Up


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From a personal point of view, I don't go out to pubs very often because most are crap and not due to the price of beer. I'm sick of walking into an H & B "refurb" to be confronted by interiors apparently designed by a chimp on acid. C'est la Vie and the Railway for example...no 3 feet of wall the same design...part fake panelled drawing room, part chav-type "bar" with shiny fittings, too loud to hold a fucking conversation.


Most managers appear to have no fucking idea how to run a 100 metres let alone a licensed premises. But for them they get paid the same salary whether the place is dead or not. They're usually nowhere to be seen behind the bar. Places run for the benefit of the staff not the customer. H & B have fucked the pubs in the IOM over the last 20 years or so.


The Rovers is ok, but for fucks sake you might as well piss on the bloody floor in the mens' bog. Bloody stinks and no amount of money spent there for a few years by the look (and smell) of it.


Completely in agreement. The Royal George in Ramsey being the latest casualty. Ok, it was in need of a facelift but not to the Jocelyn Wildenstein point where it's completely unrecognisable. They've taken away everything that was familiar to people. It's a bit like taking away a dog's smelly, threadbare old bed and giving them an over-stuffed chaise longue. Sometimes scruffy works - look at the undying loyalty to the original Bushy's (though admittedly that has a lot to do with people's nostalgia for a place, time, crowd and atmosphere that can't be replaced).

The Royal now looks like Kerry Katona's idea of a stately Victorian mansion. No wonder Internationale closed - H & B must have cleaned them out. Anyway, went there a couple of months ago and found the food more wretched than the decor. Plus the idea of having lots of speciality beers doesn't really work when people can barely afford the regular brews. Oh, and the service was shit. The place was near empty but still there was a 15 minute gap between the first and the last of our main courses arriving.


Where is the person who should speak up in Brewery board meetings and say 'yes but do you think any of this will actually get more punters in?'? Is he/she gaffer taped in a store cupboard at Kewaigue?

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Where is the person who should speak up in Brewery board meetings and say 'yes but do you think any of this will actually get more punters in?'? Is he/she gaffer taped in a store cupboard at Kewaigue?


They don't have one.

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Sometimes scruffy works - look at the undying loyalty to the original Bushy's (though admittedly that has a lot to do with people's nostalgia for a place, time, crowd and atmosphere that can't be replaced).


Or is it just a reflection of people's questionable standards of personal hygiene?

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The Royal now looks like Kerry Katona's idea of a stately Victorian mansion. No wonder Internationale closed - H & B must have cleaned them out. Anyway, went there a couple of months ago and found the food more wretched than the decor. Plus the idea of having lots of speciality beers doesn't really work when people can barely afford the regular brews. Oh, and the service was shit. The place was near empty but still there was a 15 minute gap between the first and the last of our main courses arriving.


They made the same mistake at the Railway in Douglas. Poshed it up, put in expensive lagers that the regulars didn't want to buy, and sold badly microwaved food at C'est La Vie prices. Your lucky on a week day if 3 people are in there at lunch time.


The brewery have an almost 100% track record in expensive fuck ups. I think they forget that regular pubs that serve good well priced beer and food in not so grand surroundings is what most people want these days. But they can't help trying to poncify their pubs to appeal to the (now skint) finance sector market.

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Sometimes scruffy works - look at the undying loyalty to the original Bushy's (though admittedly that has a lot to do with people's nostalgia for a place, time, crowd and atmosphere that can't be replaced).


Or is it just a reflection of people's questionable standards of personal hygiene?


Ha. Yeah, that too. Nah but I think that if a place becomes the-place-where-everyone-goes, then people fall over themselves to excuse its failings, and even the shit aspects are seen as somehow loveable. Understandable when you associate a bar with great nights....but there's more than a touch of high school peer pressure about the whole thing. No-one wanted to be the prig who boycotted Bushy's because the toilets were mediaeval in their squalor.

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Where is the person who should speak up in Brewery board meetings and say 'yes but do you think any of this will actually get more punters in?'? Is he/she gaffer taped in a store cupboard at Kewaigue?


They don't have one.


Isn't it at the back of the Prospect? i.e. "drawing room" bit on the raised level

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Went to the pub last night looking forward to a pint after a hard shift at work and what do I find, larger back up to 3.05 a pint, so after being ripped off for years they give us a reasonable priced pint for a grand total of 15 days, bloody marvelous. :angry:

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Went to the pub last night looking forward to a pint after a hard shift at work and what do I find, larger back up to 3.05 a pint, so after being ripped off for years they give us a reasonable priced pint for a grand total of 15 days, bloody marvelous. :angry:


The price promotion only brought the price of a pint down to UK prices.


So, after bleating that they ("H & B") were feeling the pinch, etc...they ramp the prices back to where they were less than 3 weeks ago - and we're meant to be grateful.


Expect the usual price rise next month (blame it on the manufacturers), another rise in the UK budget in April followed by another rise before TT and topped off with yet another rise in November.


What a bunch of jokers...I wish I lived in their world where I could afford to get away with such blatant daylight robbery.


No wonder most of the pubs are so quiet.

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Went to the pub last night looking forward to a pint after a hard shift at work and what do I find, larger back up to 3.05 a pint, so after being ripped off for years they give us a reasonable priced pint for a grand total of 15 days, bloody marvelous. :angry:


The price promotion only brought the price of a pint down to UK prices.


So, after bleating that they ("H & B") were feeling the pinch, etc...they ramp the prices back to where they were less than 3 weeks ago - and we're meant to be grateful.


Expect the usual price rise next month (blame it on the manufacturers), another rise in the UK budget in April followed by another rise before TT and topped off with yet another rise in November.


What a bunch of jokers...I wish I lived in their world where I could afford to get away with such blatant daylight robbery.


No wonder most of the pubs are so quiet.

With you on all you say, they ( "H&B") seem hell bent on destoying the pub as we know it, the more pubs that close the less overheads for them, and the people from those pubs ( albeit their getting less and less ) will still go to another of their new

fangle theme pubs or sports bars, so they will still see a rise in their illgotten profits. Gobshites the lot of em.

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is'nt funny how the rate of inflation is apparently 1.9% yet everything is still going up! dont know why they are bothering with a sports bar at strand 58 it will be a novelty for a while and they will kill it off by pushing up the prices more, letting the decor deterioate, toilets will turn into undesirable and burning the curly fries!

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Went to the pub last night looking forward to a pint after a hard shift at work and what do I find, larger back up to 3.05 a pint, so after being ripped off for years they give us a reasonable priced pint for a grand total of 15 days, bloody marvelous. :angry:


The price promotion only brought the price of a pint down to UK prices.


So, after bleating that they ("H & B") were feeling the pinch, etc...they ramp the prices back to where they were less than 3 weeks ago - and we're meant to be grateful.


Listen, you had your chance to become a fucken goddamn useless pissed-up no-good time-wasting fucken alcy-dash-holic bastard.


And you blew it.


Get over it.

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Well I drink the fucken cheapest shit on the market. I go to Mac-thingummys with ma fucken yellow wast-coat on and then up to the fucken Bowler on my way hame. Sometimes the Rosey fer a fucken quick half tae.


Its never done me fuck-all harm, ya shower of bastards ye.

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