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Strand Street - Dead & Dying...


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Are there people shopping in town nowadays or is it just the young mums and unemployed walking up and down all day?


Yes its like a tracksuit catwalk down there most days. Young mums just scrap back your hair, grab your buggy, and let that gold chain rattle in the breeze. If you're lucky maybe you'll manage to nick something from HMV on the way to pick up your giro and have an egg bap at the Caff.

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It's a shame seeing all those empty shops although so far nothing good has actually closed.


Someone mentioned Ramsey. Ramsey has some genuinely really good shops*. It's a pity about the empty gaps in between.


*Feltons, Splinters, Moughtons, the stationery place by the Newsmag, fish shop, butchers, shaktyman (apparently) and a few others.

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It's a shame seeing all those empty shops although so far nothing good has actually closed.


Someone mentioned Ramsey. Ramsey has some genuinely really good shops*. It's a pity about the empty gaps in between.


*Feltons, Splinters, Moughtons, the stationery place by the Newsmag, fish shop, butchers, shaktyman (apparently) and a few others.


Seconded. I always try and use these places. You can't really moan about the death of traditional 'village' butchers/bakers/fishmongers etc if you do the weekly sweep exclusively in Tesco (though I appreciate it's not always black and white...small businesses aren't all rosy-cheeked beacons of excellence...).

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On the odd occasion I do I'm always supprised how many little shops there are selling absolute tat how on earth do they keep going?




The Isle of Man's Minister for the Department of Trade and Industry owns and runs Moochers.


Don't get me wrong. The place is an absolute gem of a shop - the glasses I use to write this very message are from same said establishment. Where would I be without them I ask you? But what a Street.


However, the guy is still a complete and utter tw@t. I left a message on his answering machine. His recorded message promised to get back to me. (Phone him and hear his answering machine words yourself).

He didn't get back. I reckon he couldn't hack it.

He can't fucken well hack it.

(Except he can, can't he. A fucken £1000 a week, aye, can't be fucken bad eh!l lifted from the taxpayer)


Back strictly on topic....


What a fucken Street we have.


What a fucken capital Town we have.


What a fucken shit hole of a fucken country this Island is.

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What a fucken Street we have.


What fucken Town we have.


What a fucken shit hole of a fucken country this Island is.


Compared to where? I'll concede that Strand Street is more depressing than Blackpool in a shitstorm but you can't write off everything else on the Island because of the state of a shopping street...

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What a fucken shit hole of a fucken country this Island is.


It's not so bad. I don't care for shopping so it matters little to me what happens to Strand/Castle St. I did used to frequent Butler's Choice and spent a fair bit of money in there but luckily for me they decided to associate themselves with the housewive's favourite celebrity chef, you know, that one we allowed to puff his chest out up Marine Drive, the Saturday Morning Omelette Judge so I get my kitchen stuff online now. I don't care for propping celebs up. (Especially cooks, I mean, they cook, big deal............. ; ))

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