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Good Riddance George W


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I wish they would stop going on about him being the first black president,


Yes, a quick look at the history books puts him at about number 8 for black and mixed race president.

For example, why do you think Obama and MLK's idol is Abe Lincoln?


I do wish also that the issue of him being black is repeated over and again in the specific respect that because it is about the Presidency it shows that some sense of equality. If you adopt the values, norms, and culture of the dominant white class then you can become President. But Obama will be no more a stepping stone in the end of racism than Thatcher was to feminism. Nevertheless, it does show how far the country has come.

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I do wish also that the issue of him being black is repeated over and again in the specific respect that because it is about the Presidency it shows that some sense of equality. If you adopt the values, norms, and culture of the dominant white class then you can become President.


Would you think he had more authenticity as a black man if he dressed like Mr T and put a big set of chrome rims on Airforce One?

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George W Bush was a fantastic president.


He presided over a highly successful economy and made it better. He reacted strongly and fairly when his country was attacked and quickly detained people who were obviously guilty (you only have to look at them and we know they're bad men). He successfully overthrew and quickly brought democracy to Iraq and now the name 'George' is the 2nd most popular christian name in Iraq (number 1 is 'Tony'). He opposed stem cell research and rightly denied possible cures for many sick people across the USA. So many positive things.

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George W Bush was a fantastic president.


He presided over a highly successful economy and made it better. He reacted strongly and fairly when his country was attacked and quickly detained people who were obviously guilty (you only have to look at them and we know they're bad men). He successfully overthrew and quickly brought democracy to Iraq and now the name 'George' is the 2nd most popular christian name in Iraq (number 1 is 'Tony'). He opposed stem cell research and rightly denied possible cures for many sick people across the USA. So many positive things.


I know what you mean about 'those who looked guilty'.


People were detained after the bombings, A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE DETAINED, simply because they were Arab regardless of whether there was any evidence to show that they had a connection. A large number were detained for 150 days without any convictions, and a smaller number were held for some years without being allowed to contact their families and with no convictions having been made.

(Nonetheless, Britain's response to terrorism is even more drastic and draconian)

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George W Bush was a fantastic president.


He presided over a highly successful economy and made it better. He reacted strongly and fairly when his country was attacked and quickly detained people who were obviously guilty (you only have to look at them and we know they're bad men). He successfully overthrew and quickly brought democracy to Iraq and now the name 'George' is the 2nd most popular christian name in Iraq (number 1 is 'Tony'). He opposed stem cell research and rightly denied possible cures for many sick people across the USA. So many positive things.


I know what you mean about 'those who looked guilty'.


People were detained after the bombings, A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE DETAINED, simply because they were Arab regardless of whether there was any evidence to show that they had a connection. A large number were detained for 150 days without any convictions, and a smaller number were held for some years without being allowed to contact their families and with no convictions having been made.

(Nonetheless, Britain's response to terrorism is even more drastic and draconian)


No! Say it ain't so! If that were true then the news media would be full of stories confirming what you say and forum posters just wouldn't bother responding to such a blindingly obvious and patronizing post. Surely you must be wrong, surely the War on Terror is very, very important, because if everyone has been privy to the same information as you, next thing you know they'd be wanting to oust the politicians responsible.

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No! Say it ain't so! If that were true then the news media would be full of stories confirming what you say and forum posters just wouldn't bother responding to such a blindingly obvious and patronizing post. Surely you must be wrong, surely the War on Terror is very, very important, because if everyone has been privy to the same information as you, next thing you know they'd be wanting to oust the politicians responsible.


Sorry Freggyragh, not sure how much of your post was sarcasm there.

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No! Say it ain't so! If that were true then the news media would be full of stories confirming what you say and forum posters just wouldn't bother responding to such a blindingly obvious and patronizing post. Surely you must be wrong, surely the War on Terror is very, very important, because if everyone has been privy to the same information as you, next thing you know they'd be wanting to oust the politicians responsible.


Sorry Freggyragh, not sure how much of your post was sarcasm there.





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No! Say it ain't so! If that were true then the news media would be full of stories confirming what you say and forum posters just wouldn't bother responding to such a blindingly obvious and patronizing post. Surely you must be wrong, surely the War on Terror is very, very important, because if everyone has been privy to the same information as you, next thing you know they'd be wanting to oust the politicians responsible.


Sorry Freggyragh, not sure how much of your post was sarcasm there.






Fair enough, just don't see how it was patronising post.

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