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[BBC News] Meeting decides residents' rates


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As the BBC with its usual superb standard of reporting fails to mention times,


In order to ensure a 10.30am prompt start to the proceedings members of the public are requested to take their seats in the public gallery by no later than 10.20am.


One wonders what level of increase will be found necessary to maintain the level of decline of a scruffy, decaying seaside dump overburdened with civil servants.


Presumably any increase will also factor in the rise in tea and coffee costs in cafes.

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I like the idea that they are "invited to attend". They have every right to be there. The figures are known by the councillors already, but they are in Purdah.

I'm sure our resident councillor is being briefed on what to say at this moment and will re-appear on this site sometime after the meeting with a cribsheet of answers to concerns. We probabvly won't see him any time before.

I predict a unanimous vote by all councillors after they receive an 'Executive summary' of the sums (which none will understand fully). The first thing they will look at is their address folowed by their relatives, only after the calls are made will they think of their constituents.

So much for the quasi-independence of your councillors, a learning experience for Tynwald.

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Seems you already know how it works, tell you what why dont you sort it all out for us?


Its just his realisation that we all know that we are dealing with a bunch of incompetents who will just do as they are told. Frankly Douglas Corproation should be totally ashamed about the state of the dump we call our capital. It won't, however, stop them pissing more ratepayers money away to keep the town in the impoverished, run down, and completely disgraceful state it is already in.

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The things is I agree, aspects of Douglas are a dump, but you seem to think the Council is this amazing magic wand that can just be waved and change everything to perfection. Well sorry to burst your bubble we are not. I try my hardest to put forward good governance and stop needless wasting of money/rates.


I can not help what has gone on in the past, only look at improving for future, I want Douglas to be vibrant and an excellent place to live as well.


If you are not happy how the Council works etc, then stand for election as I did.


There is more needed than just positive action from the Council to improve Douglas, though I agree sometimes it would help if we got away from the little issues and also worked towards a greater picture, working along side a Government that is also moving forward.


Problem is how do you please everyone all the time ?

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If you are not happy how the Council works etc, then stand for election as I did.


I am not happy about seeing my very expensive rates being wasted on frivolity and vanity projects. Why should I go to the trouble of standing for election and sitting in Council just to see value for money?

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Sultan, are you suggesting that I am in the pockets of Dandara?


I can not comment on projects that took place before i became a Councillor, the seagul was one of them, but as I have said before Terry I agree a waste of money.


Sarah, I am only just about to attend my first full budget meeting, but the issues I have seen so far about projects are mainly to do with upkeep. The Council has to upkeep the gardens and other open spaces, grass verges etc etc. The service that are provided also cost, Bins Lighting etc.


I agree in the past money may in my opinion has been spent too easily.


But there have been many projects put on hold that I am glad have been, and also many more costs for issues that the Council has to deal with due to law or Health and safety.

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