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[BBC News] Meeting decides residents' rates


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Sultan, are you suggesting that I am in the pockets of Dandara?


I can not comment on projects that took place before i became a Councillor, the seagul was one of them, but as I have said before Terry I agree a waste of money.


Sarah, I am only just about to attend my first full budget meeting, but the issues I have seen so far about projects are mainly to do with upkeep. The Council has to upkeep the gardens and other open spaces, grass verges etc etc. The service that are provided also cost, Bins Lighting etc.


I agree in the past money may in my opinion has been spent too easily.


But there have been many projects put on hold that I am glad have been, and also many more costs for issues that the Council has to deal with due to law or Health and safety.

lol i'm startin to like you . but what do you think about the gardens and other open spaces, grass dog walkin thing?

this time of year who's in them . we shud put a meter on the gate's.& see how much use there geting . & then see the % of pep's using and see what the up keep per head that its geting used see the figures.

on that would be nice. . . fair a nuff may be in the summer when where going to use it. then kick the dog's out.

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Sultan, are you suggesting that I am in the pockets of Dandara?


1. No. In fact who mentioned Dandara? You did, not me I'm afraid.


2. I have not said anything personal about you. I was referring collectively to the Corpy who seem to the most casual observer to have difficulty removing their collective heads from a certain developers well endowed arse. That is not a suggestion of being in their pocket but its funny how you jumped to that as your first conclusion.


I am only just about to attend my first full budget meeting, but the issues I have seen so far about projects are mainly to do with upkeep. The Council has to upkeep the gardens and other open spaces, grass verges etc etc. The service that are provided also cost, Bins Lighting etc.


You sound like a real financial genius. I have never sat on a budget meeting but if I did I think I'd have a fair idea that providing bin collections and upkeeping gardens costs money. As Cheeky Boy pointed out in an earlier thread if you look at all the stuff that has been forceably taken off the corpy in the last 30 years - the power station, the Villa, the buses etc and you look at how many new houses or apartments have been built each which brings with it a new ratepayer - its hard to work out 1) Why the rates still kept going up year after year and 2) Why Douglas still looks like an under invested dump.

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As a non-resident of Douglas I thought that I should inform myself of the development strategy being proposed for Douglas before making comments. Where can I find it? I went to the Douglas Borough Council website:




Not seeing it immediately on the front page (where such information needs to be) I did a word search on 'development strategy' and 'development plan'. The latter directed me to information on "Temporary car parking facilities for Douglas".


Possibly its in there somewhere - my point is to John and other councillors it shouldn't be a hidden document it should be out there for the public to see - on the front page. I am much more interested in development than who are past and present mayors - which features prominently on the front page of the website!


Hopefully such a document does exist?


Business not vanity should be the priority.


PS: I also tried searching 'retail strategy' and 'tourism strategy' - guess what...no hits.

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Ridiculously expensive golf clubhouses when the Island is overrun with golf clubs I do.


No you've got it wrong. Its not a clubhouse you see. You poor ignorant fool




It is in fact a "facility for the community" actually to quote the website "the superb function room is ideal for family occasions such as weddings and christenings, along with corporate events. The new Meadows Pavilion has represented substantial investment but the end result is a community facility of a standard that reflects the Councils drive to provide Douglas ratepayers and visitors alike with first-class leisure amenities."


Indeed its exactly the same as the other pavilion the Douglas ratepayers paid £2.4 for on Nobles Park




which is totally fucking empty most days of the week. So what you have actually have is the best part of £4m (£1.6m for Pulrose & £2.4 for Nobles) spent on two ludicrously overpriced facilities both paid for and run at our expense.

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I can not help what has gone on in the past, only look at improving for future, I want Douglas to be vibrant and an excellent place to live as well.



At this moment there are two politicians watching this site, myself and politician. I am of the opinion that, if we ever used the excuse "I can not help what has gone on in the past" we would be drummed out of the club, considering we are from different ends of the political spectrum, that's saying something. You've lived here all your life and admit to not ever having a say in your town or it's development? Woe betide any chance of forward thinking and effective politics in Douglas now of in the near future. You think only to do things when you have power, the young people of this island need action now to have a vibrant and excellent place to live in, get your head out of your arse and see about you to earn the respect of the people who voted you into the position you hold. You are THEIR representative, not Christian's.

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I only read a few of the minutes from council meetings and it seems they aren't actually that bad (not to mention that dreadful man seems to have been ousted). I noticed a few promising items, things like not allowing schools to be built on Nobles park and The Bowl being refurbished rather than sold off. I went to have a look at the minutes to see what DTC actually did and was fairly pleased to see they do do some things, they just arent as canny with their news feed as the government (but ofc they do not waste money on a 'News person' like the government do). Where are the government reports about them trying to scam land from the corpy to build more schools?

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they just arent as canny with their news feed as the government (but ofc they do not waste money on a 'News person' like the government do)


Oh come on. One particular councillor can't keep his ugly mug out of the papers. There's a press release whisked off everytime he farts.


Where are the government reports about them trying to scam land from the corpy to build more schools?


Or where is the scrutiny over land deals already done by the corpy? In particular how they ended up with their administrative offices in Braddan and what its actually going to cost the Douglas ratepayers over the next 40 years. Claims of central government scamming land are a bit rich

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