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[BBC News] Meeting decides residents' rates


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Bins and grass I don't have a problem with. Ridiculously expensive golf clubhouses when the Island is overrun with golf clubs I do.

yeah yeah i've a party or 2 at pully golf club. i tryed for my 30th at pully's new golf club & the price is x2 about £300 or for the room. and food a tenner a head & it's not mint!! but who payed for it to get building? & is that where the cash goin 2 the gov? or corp? to pay the the building or pokets?

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Skrappy, My head is not up my arse, you just seem intent on trying to stick your foot up there.


I have been back on the IOM for 6 years, before which I lived in Derby for 5 years, so how can you place expect me to have has any say on how Douglas was run, when before Derby i lived in Onchan ?? Before that Peel. Until 2003 I never lived in Douglas.


You say you are also a Politician, so how do you help Ramsey ? Have you ever been a Local Authority Member?


I just feel this is becoming a presonal bitch slap between you, me, Sultan any any one else that wants to have a pop at stupid seagulls and expensive club houses (both off which i even agree are excessive)


It would be nice to have a break and give me a chance to work from within the Council. But I dont have a magic wand that can make all the scruffy buildings immaculate and all the dog walker resposible, but i can keep on voicing my opinions that they should be. If any off you would like to see what I say in a Council meeting or have an issue, then i am always open to conversation.

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quote skrappy .. refered to by john faragher.


At this moment there are two politicians watching this site, myself and politician. I am of the opinion that, if we ever used the excuse "I can not help what has gone on in the past" we would be drummed out of the club, considering we are from different ends of the political spectrum, that's saying something. You've lived here all your life and admit to not ever having a say in your town or it's development? Woe betide any chance of forward thinking and effective politics in Douglas now of in the near future. You think only to do things when you have power, the young people of this island need action now to have a vibrant and excellent place to live in, get your head out of your arse and see about you to earn the respect of the people who voted you into the position you hold. You are THEIR representative, not Christian's.



skrappy isnt a politician .. ex asshole shitstirring union activist as he claimed the otherday on the union thread maybe .. politician my arse..


a fantisist is my main bet with the idiot..


and as manx as mcdonalds .. in hove.


this is from his blog.


Politics on the back burner for now, local elections are too much for me at present with everything else going on so decided not to stand, maybe if a bye-election comes up. Never one for public office surprisingly, prefer the back room stuff really, much more interesting.


total fantasist..


come on skrappy prove me wrong .. who are you..???

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they just arent as canny with their news feed as the government (but ofc they do not waste money on a 'News person' like the government do)


Oh come on. One particular councillor can't keep his ugly mug out of the papers. There's a press release whisked off everytime he farts.


Where are the government reports about them trying to scam land from the corpy to build more schools?


Or where is the scrutiny over land deals already done by the corpy? In particular how they ended up with their administrative offices in Braddan and what its actually going to cost the Douglas ratepayers over the next 40 years. Claims of central government scamming land are a bit rich


Point 1 - Photographs are hardly news, I was more talking of the written word. John, do they have news paper reporters at DTC meetings? Actually come to think of it, it is not the councils duty to report on itself, the local press should be reporting about council business...I wonder why they don't, I think I would much rather read real news rather than the crappy court reports the IOM Newspapers are full of, but ofc the criminals haven't got friends in the papers have they? unlike the 'usual suspects' who might have a vested interest in things of this nature remaining unreported, them, who shall remain 'nameless'.



Point 2 - If you were so interested why didn't you do something at the time? bit late now, dont you think? They might have given the land away and done an apparently stupid deal with the developers but I think that land down by the harbour is a bit crappy, I wouldn't want to live there, floods and water and all of that. Which would have cost more, to relocate to purpose built buildings in Braddan or to make good of the buildings at Lake road? I tried to find the minutes of the meetings where this little deal was done but I lost interest...rapidly :) John, how much is Braddan costing? or When did the deal get done? Cheers.



Theman - I imagine the club house has a steward, who has a business to run, lots of the smaller clubs who offered rooms for parties etc have closed, maybe that is a clue as to why they have increased the price. Operating costs will not have gone down (bigger building = higher overhead running costs). Oh and one more thing....speak English boy!

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I just feel this is becoming a presonal bitch slap between you, me, Sultan any any one else that wants to have a pop at stupid seagulls and expensive club houses (both off which i even agree are excessive)

John, to keep this on a rational level can you tell me where the Douglas strategic development plan is shown on the Council's website? I am concerned, given the fact that it is not on the front page that there may not be one (at least in the public domain). In which case it means councillors have to make decisions in a strategic vacuum and ratepayers are kept in the dark about the future development of their town. Douglas needs a consistent development direction over 10-20 years not ad hoc initiatives.


I am always concerned about websites that promote ex-mayors (CEOs etc...) on the front page but don't promote where the institution is heading. This is particularly so when a site is for a 'representative' body that should be accountable to the people who fund it.

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They might have given the land away and done an apparently stupid deal with the developers but I think that land down by the harbour is a bit crappy, I wouldn't want to live there, floods and water and all of that. Which would have cost more


I'd say that regardless of what you think regarding the location apartments on that site are already up with an asking price of over £1m so somebody has done a great deal (assuming they sell). It is rarely good financial advice to sell or give away prime land in or near the centre of town. It will always hold its value long term, and could have been put to many good uses. As an example they are now bearing the cost of dropping Quines Corner and the bottom end of Lord Street - surely you could have cleared Lake Road at half the cost and inconvienience and put twice as many council apartments up for the same cost as you are not restricted in terms of expansion unlike Lord Street?

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"You say you are also a Politician, so how do you help Ramsey ? Have you ever been a Local Authority Member?"


I could say anything at this point and you couldn't contradict me. Maybe others that know would like to educate John?

It's not a "bitch fest" between us, why would it be? I only 'talk' to you because you are a councillor whom I see as

lacking experience, so an easy target for a wind-up. Your useage of the English language is a gift.

If we were to meet in the chamber or on the stump it would be a very different matter, I am merciless.

(I help Ramsey by not living in Douglas)

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quote skrappy .. refered to by john faragher.


At this moment there are two politicians watching this site, myself and politician. I am of the opinion that, if we ever used the excuse "I can not help what has gone on in the past" we would be drummed out of the club, considering we are from different ends of the political spectrum, that's saying something. You've lived here all your life and admit to not ever having a say in your town or it's development? Woe betide any chance of forward thinking and effective politics in Douglas now of in the near future. You think only to do things when you have power, the young people of this island need action now to have a vibrant and excellent place to live in, get your head out of your arse and see about you to earn the respect of the people who voted you into the position you hold. You are THEIR representative, not Christian's.



skrappy isnt a politician .. ex asshole shitstirring union activist as he claimed the otherday on the union thread maybe .. politician my arse..


a fantisist is my main bet with the idiot..


and as manx as mcdonalds .. in hove.


this is from his blog.


Politics on the back burner for now, local elections are too much for me at present with everything else going on so decided not to stand, maybe if a bye-election comes up. Never one for public office surprisingly, prefer the back room stuff really, much more interesting.


total fantasist..


come on skrappy prove me wrong .. who are you..???


your a bullshitter skrappy and you keep contradicting your claims.

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This really is becoming a joke, Skrappey if the only real pleasure you get in life is trying to winding people (including myself) up, then you lead a shallow life.


Looking at your masterful control of the English language, you really should not be throwing stones when you are living in a glass house.


As for your comment, are you are offering me outside or are you simply saying you are merciless with your acid tongue? I really hope for Declans sanity that its the latter.. :rolleyes:

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