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[BBC News] Meeting decides residents' rates


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I had a quite mad thought about dog dirt yesterday. If people were fined the £1000, then it would prove cost effective to take DNA samples from all dogs, which could be registered with the government when the person gets a dog license, then if a dog fouls the pavement and the owner leaves it for someone else to clean up along comes the by-law enforcement officer, collects said dog pooh, gets it analysed - bingo they will know exactly which dog has left a mess. If dogs are not licensed then why not? lazy by-law enforcement officers not doing their job, I presume this is their area.

or alternatively, and here's a thought - not get so wound up about it all when there are far more important issues that have needed to be addressed for years by the corpy. The parks and beaches should remain open to dog walkers - full stop. Heavy fine and a dog warden is all that is needed. Get caught once and have to pay out £200, word will get around and people will soon stop their dogs doing it anywhere without cleaning it up.


If they introduce a DNA scheme, I'll pop into my awkwards neighbours garden, nick some dog poo and put it on the town hall steps. I wouldn't really, but I could.


Maybe it would be far easier if we just banned the corpy. At the very least kick out some of the useless meally-mouthed, 'stick your beak in' arseholes that seem to have got in there.

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If only it was restricted to The Quay, Victoria Street, Duke & Strand Street you may be right, but sadly its not. I would say infact 99% of Douglas is not covered by CCTV.


Sarcasm may be the highest form off intelligence, but it is still the lowest form off wit and occasionally i really can't be arsed with it, so choose to ignore.

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Not at all, I think the beach should be open at all times to dog walkers. I was just pointing out the beach died over 20 years ago...and I certainly wouldn't go swimming off it nor spend an afternoon sitting on it.



Oooh you mean the sewage stuff? I get you.



I remember the beach's heyday - piles of deckchairs every 400 yards 35 years ago. Great summer job for senior schoolies.


No dugouts though, or Bob will have you! £27 we got for a 7 day 9-5, which we blew in the arcades in about 30 mins.



or white city.


yank shimmin is still knocking about indestructable he is..

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Thanks for clearing that up. I was obviously getting confused.


You should be flattered your humor manages to go over somebodies head Albert :)


John, I hope the rest of the council will take that view too. The ban on poop is enough if enforced. Banning dogs only punish the responsible owners, while the irresponsible will continue to do what they like.


slim makes a valid point .. and it applies to lots of areas of modern life .. responsibility has been replaced by a new labour blame culture.

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I had a quite mad thought about dog dirt yesterday. If people were fined the £1000, then it would prove cost effective to take DNA samples from all dogs, which could be registered with the government when the person gets a dog license, then if a dog fouls the pavement and the owner leaves it for someone else to clean up along comes the by-law enforcement officer, collects said dog pooh, gets it analysed - bingo they will know exactly which dog has left a mess. If dogs are not licensed then why not? lazy by-law enforcement officers not doing their job, I presume this is their area.


why not go the full hog and paw print every last one of them..

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If only it was restricted to The Quay, Victoria Street, Duke & Strand Street you may be right, but sadly its not. I would say infact 99% of Douglas is not covered by CCTV.


And thank God for that.



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If only it was restricted to The Quay, Victoria Street, Duke & Strand Street you may be right, but sadly its not. I would say infact 99% of Douglas is not covered by CCTV.


And thank God for that.



lol we should have cctv on all lamp posts. with the broadband through power lines . http://www.internetnews.com/xSP/article.php/3315881 no more crime. no more yobs kickin heads in. oh & then i think bring back the death penalty

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If only it was restricted to The Quay, Victoria Street, Duke & Strand Street you may be right, but sadly its not. I would say infact 99% of Douglas is not covered by CCTV.


And thank God for that.



lol we should have cctv on all lamp posts. with the broadband through power lines . http://www.internetnews.com/xSP/article.php/3315881 no more crime. no more yobs kickin heads in. oh & then i think bring back the death penalty


So technology will stop crime?


What touching innocence.



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