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Sometimes Jail Is Not Enough


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Absolute scum. But I just wonder why the caustic soda. I mean, they got the girl, raped her and got what they wanted. But why is the power trip so appealing that they need to thrown caustic soda on her. It's cowardly to the say the least. I don't see how dropping them into gaol is an appropriate punishment, however.

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As my gf has just said - "I hope those dirty scumbags get raped every day of their miserable sentence".

Oh dear wait until LDV sees they are of Afro-Caribbean origin and therefore suffering from years of white oppression therefore as the girl was white and crossed their paths she must have deserved it because they are not really criminals just misunderstood oppressed ethnic minority youths let down by an oppressive white society

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As my gf has just said - "I hope those dirty scumbags get raped every day of their miserable sentence".

Oh dear wait until LDV sees they are of Afro-Caribbean origin and therefore suffering from years of white oppression therefore as the girl was white and crossed their paths she must have deserved it because they are not really criminals just misunderstood oppressed ethnic minority youths let down by an oppressive white society


You were quick with that, was that theory one of the first things that popped into your mind?


More interestingly, why do you think she was white?

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Seems to give weight to the theory that rape isn't really motivated by sex, it's more about anger, power and domination through humiliation.


I did actually read another article from a different paper on this and it said the caustic soda was used in an attempt to hide evidence. Talk about calculated. I think rape is largely down to some form of sexual repression, it would seem to make sense with what the attacker thinks he achieves from it which is power and domination. I think you are right. Sickening though.

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So LDV - what punishment would be appropriate?


Exactly LDV if they arn't kept locked up should they just be free to roam? Perhaps a trip abroad or send them on a team building course or something? Maybe karting?


I say it is inappropriate because it is meant to be a deterrent, I doubt it is; if it meant to teach a lesson, I doubt it will; and those it has affected would surely not feel that the right thing has been done.


But they will be out in nine years, and the others in even less time than that. I don't think years in prison aren't going to have the effect of removing the motivating factors that led them to rape and treat that girl the way they did. Some might argue that they should be locked away for life, that would prevent them ever committing rape again but you really would never know if these people could change.

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I say it is inappropriate because it is meant to be a deterrent, I doubt it is; if it meant to teach a lesson, I doubt it will; and those it has affected would surely not feel that the right thing has been done.


But they will be out in nine years, and the others in even less time than that. I don't think years in prison aren't going to have the effect of removing the motivating factors that led them to rape and treat that girl the way they did. Some might argue that they should be locked away for life, that would prevent them ever committing rape again but you really would never know if these people could change.


You didn't answer the question you just rambled. What is the alternative to prison? A telling off? Excecution maybe? That would remove all of your doubt that they won't do it again.

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Let the family decide the punishment I say.


Public stoning.




Knitting needle down the japs eye, followed by repeatedly jumping on there pelvis.


Or what I would do, savage dogs chase them down, then cover them in salt, followed by a bath in vinegar and then cutting of there cocks and feeding it to them and if there still moving after that cut off the hands and feet and take out the voice box.

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I say it is inappropriate because it is meant to be a deterrent, I doubt it is; if it meant to teach a lesson, I doubt it will; and those it has affected would surely not feel that the right thing has been done.


But they will be out in nine years, and the others in even less time than that. I don't think years in prison aren't going to have the effect of removing the motivating factors that led them to rape and treat that girl the way they did. Some might argue that they should be locked away for life, that would prevent them ever committing rape again but you really would never know if these people could change.


You didn't answer the question you just rambled. What is the alternative to prison? A telling off? Excecution maybe? That would remove all of your doubt that they won't do it again.


I advocate a completely different social system because so much of the existing one stinks, and that includes prisons. I've said this already but I don't condone punishment when it is meted out by judge, when what is a crime and what is a punishment is established by them. In the society we live in I don't think you are going to stop many people committing crimes again by punishing them.


Knitting needle down the japs eye, followed by repeatedly jumping on there pelvis.


:lol: Funny.

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