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Sometimes Jail Is Not Enough


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It is actually racist though because who you stop and search becomes determined by what colour of skin they have. If colour of skin is a determining factor then it is obviously racist regardless of the increased odds.

Try considering the fact that the ones they stop most whatever colour of skin or race happen to be part of a section of the community that commit the most crime

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LDV, had you thought of developing an interest in science fiction? It's pure fantasy, just like your normal reading, but you won't have to keep justifying your weird beliefs on this forum.


Of course I need to justify them if they are what I believe in. In respect of pure fantasy, however, you did say you coming round to being a believer in the free market.


Try considering the fact that the ones they stop most whatever colour of skin or race happen to be part of a section of the community that commit the most crime


And this is may be the case. But racist is still is. To treat black people as a 'section' of the community and to make a decision to search them based on their skin colour is nothing but racist. The same is true of the much highher proportion of people who look Arab or even have dark skin as part of the response to terrorism in this country. A good deal of searches are carried out simply because the person has dark skin. For it to be racist it doesn't depend upon the police officer being a bigot or there being some malicious intent on the part of the police force, it just need be something that in practise is based around skin colour.

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Coloured people ......what is the year again? How about the Eastern European gangs running people traffic in London, they will be well 'tooled up' but they will be white, just like I presume you are. Coloured? I really really am just shaking my head and wondering how people can be so blind and where these crazy ideas come from, the bees is bewildered.

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I'd say most of the stabbings and shootings you hear about are done by coloured people.


So I think the police are right to stop them and search.


There should be uniformity because if the police clearly demonstrate that they consider a particular non-white people a suspect 'community' then all it does is to reinforce a racial divide. And not that the police deserve any good relations from people, but many of the liberal perspective believe that you need to foster good relations between the ethnic minorties or people of colour, not process them based on their skin colour.

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.......And this is may be the case. But racist is still is. To treat black people as a 'section' of the community and to make a decision to search them based on their skin colour is nothing but racist.

So what you are saying is that if a person has just reported to the police they have been robbed at knife point by 3 black teenagers then if the police stop and search any groups of 3 black teenagers in the are they are being racist, or would it be fairer to also search any groups of 3 white teenagers even though they couldn't have committed the crime

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Coloured people ......what is the year again? How about the Eastern European gangs running people traffic in London, they will be well 'tooled up' but they will be white, just like I presume you are. Coloured? I really really am just shaking my head and wondering how people can be so blind and where these crazy ideas come from, the bees is bewildered.


Well they are coloured, as I am white. So your saying there black then, if were being all PC I shall call them brown people then.




Whats more in the news, Eastern Europeans or the stabbings and shootings?

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Only just read this story and it's sickening. I just can't fathom what kind of thing can make a human mind believe that doing something like this is 'ok' or the way to behave. It's mind boggling.


I advocate a completely different social system because so much of the existing one stinks,


It certainly does.


Knitting needle down the japs eye, followed by repeatedly jumping on there pelvis.


:lol: Funny.


You just laughed at a racist word didn't you? :P


I'm with Knoxville on the punishment though. Off with their goolies.

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.......And this is may be the case. But racist is still is. To treat black people as a 'section' of the community and to make a decision to search them based on their skin colour is nothing but racist.

So what you are saying is that if a person has just reported to the police they have been robbed at knife point by 3 black teenagers then if the police stop and search any groups of 3 black teenagers in the are they are being racist, or would it be fairer to also search any groups of 3 white teenagers even though they couldn't have committed the crime


The difference here is that this is not a random search. To do anything other than search a black person would be stupid and would make no sense.


Well they are coloured, as I am white. So your saying there black then, if were being all PC I shall call them brown people then.


It is offensive. Black people generally tend to prefer being called black, rather than coloured. Coloured is a word that white people use in a normative fashion to differentiate between those who are not white.

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.......And this is may be the case. But racist is still is. To treat black people as a 'section' of the community and to make a decision to search them based on their skin colour is nothing but racist.

So what you are saying is that if a person has just reported to the police they have been robbed at knife point by 3 black teenagers then if the police stop and search any groups of 3 black teenagers in the are they are being racist, or would it be fairer to also search any groups of 3 white teenagers even though they couldn't have committed the crime


The difference here is that this is not a random search. To do anything other than search a black person would be stupid and would make no sense.


Well they are coloured, as I am white. So your saying there black then, if were being all PC I shall call them brown people then.


It is offensive. Black people generally tend to prefer being called black, rather than coloured. Coloured is a word that white people use in a normative fashion to differentiate between those who are not white.


Why call someone black when there not, surely thats more offensive.

Its like me saying, " dont call me white.....I'm pink ".

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Why call someone black when there not, surely thats more offensive.

Its like me saying, " dont call me white.....I'm pink ".


True, but white people call themselves white. Black people prefer to be called black and so they in referring to their skin colour it would be the proper word to use.

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.......And this is may be the case. But racist is still is. To treat black people as a 'section' of the community and to make a decision to search them based on their skin colour is nothing but racist.

So what you are saying is that if a person has just reported to the police they have been robbed at knife point by 3 black teenagers then if the police stop and search any groups of 3 black teenagers in the are they are being racist, or would it be fairer to also search any groups of 3 white teenagers even though they couldn't have committed the crime


its quite clear what he is saying your just acting the bellend.. .. give him a break ffs..

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.......And this is may be the case. But racist is still is. To treat black people as a 'section' of the community and to make a decision to search them based on their skin colour is nothing but racist.

So what you are saying is that if a person has just reported to the police they have been robbed at knife point by 3 black teenagers then if the police stop and search any groups of 3 black teenagers in the are they are being racist, or would it be fairer to also search any groups of 3 white teenagers even though they couldn't have committed the crime


The difference here is that this is not a random search. To do anything other than search a black person would be stupid and would make no sense.


Well they are coloured, as I am white. So your saying there black then, if were being all PC I shall call them brown people then.


It is offensive. Black people generally tend to prefer being called black, rather than coloured. Coloured is a word that white people use in a normative fashion to differentiate between those who are not white.


Why call someone black when there not, surely thats more offensive.

Its like me saying, " dont call me white.....I'm pink ".


LDV do yourself a favour dont be biting at thier baits ffs..


its crystal clear what you mean .. the key word was random ..

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Why call someone black when there not, surely thats more offensive.

Its like me saying, " dont call me white.....I'm pink ".


True, but white people call themselves white. Black people prefer to be called black and so they in referring to their skin colour it would be the proper word to use.


So it would be the correct word to use even though it is incorrect? I want to make sure I get it right because I genuinely thought that the word "coloured" was meant to be "safe ground" (and I'm sure plenty of other people do as well as this is the first I've heard to the contrary) but it would seem not to be the case from what you say. It's certainly not my intention that I would offend people based on their race regardless of what that might be.


Strangely though I've known of black people who insist that they should be referred to as coloured and not as black so how does that work? How is anyone meant to know, in terms of who they may or may not offend. That means that whichever word you use you could be accused of being racist depending on who you speak to and that makes a nonsense of the whole thing FFS.


I'm not white. I'm coloured, even though everyone would say I'm a 'white man'. If you hold up something white next to my skin, it's obviously that it's not remotely white. I couldn't give a shit if I'm described as that but it'd be daft to insist on being referred to as that when it's just not the case.


In the same respect, black people aren't actually black. Also if that's the "ok" word for using, what should be used for other races? Who knows anymore as it seems like there are plenty of people just dying to tell you this week it's a different word and you're an evil nazi for not knowing it.


Everyone is coloured - it's all just varying tones. If anyone denies that, then their eyes simply don't work. Surely that sounds better from a unifying point of view as well? At least if you say it like that you're not dividing people into groups which helps keep them separate from each other.


Just like in Shaft, when the copper holds up a black fountain pen to Shaft and says "You ain't so black" and Shaft retorts with "You ain't so white" as he holds a china cup up to the copper's skin - it's a perfect demonstration that it's all bollocks- neither word is 'correct', equally, on both sides. Everyone is just different tones that's all. My mum has a theory that one day a long time from now everyone will have 'evened out' to some sort of half way tone in between what people now consider black & white, and hopefully when that happens they won't be able to discriminate between different groups any more if everyone is pretty much the same. :)


Maybe people would all get along a little better then.


But just to stir a little myself (as believe it or not the above is not actually intended as stirring - it's my honest opinion on how silly everything is) I noticed you didn't reply to my earlier comment in reference to:


I consider Jap to be racist and so should it be.


Knitting needle down the japs eye,


:lol: Funny.


Go-on. This'll have to be good. ;)

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