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Sometimes Jail Is Not Enough


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Forget the deterrent aspect (jail's too soft for that); forget the reform aspect (the prison system is too under-funded for that). If prison can do those things at some time in the future, great. Meanwhile, what it does do is keep violent toerags out of general circulation and, therefore, serves a public protection function.


I agree, society will be propected from these people for a while but then after some years they are set free to be able to do such things again.


Unless we're going to support a policy of "throw away the key", I can't see any alternative to that.

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Forget the deterrent aspect (jail's too soft for that); forget the reform aspect (the prison system is too under-funded for that). If prison can do those things at some time in the future, great. Meanwhile, what it does do is keep violent toerags out of general circulation and, therefore, serves a public protection function.


I agree, society will be propected from these people for a while but then after some years they are set free to be able to do such things again.

But LDV as you have repeatedly said prison isn't the answer, so how in your world should society be protected from them?


Society can't protect itself from rape and murder. It is necessary to remove those in society who CLEARLY pose a threat, certainly those who are mentally imbalanced.

But this should not be done by using a prison, which uses the removal one's freedom AS a punishment.

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I sincerely hope that this means a good few years added on to their sentences.


Considering these muppets got 8 years, you would think that the sentences would be increased significantly. Then again these doddery old fools never seem to be consistent in handing down jail terms.

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Society can't protect itself from rape and murder. It is necessary to remove those in society who CLEARLY pose a threat, certainly those who are mentally imbalanced.

But this should not be done by using a prison, which uses the removal one's freedom AS a punishment.


Yes, you're right. I see where you're heading with this. OK; I have to concede this one. Fuck it, then; just shoot them - or better still, make them bludgeon each other to death with light-to-medium-weight rounders bats. Last one standing is rewarded by a comparatively merciful exit via beheading. You're very draconian in your proposals, but by God I bet we'd see violent crime fall pretty rapidly once word got around that the "rules of engagement" had changed. When it comes to crime & penal policy, I have to admit to being a bit of a soft-hearted old teddy bear, but you don't believe in messing about, do you? Fair play to you.

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Forget the deterrent aspect (jail's too soft for that); forget the reform aspect (the prison system is too under-funded for that). If prison can do those things at some time in the future, great. Meanwhile, what it does do is keep violent toerags out of general circulation and, therefore, serves a public protection function.


I agree, society will be propected from these people for a while but then after some years they are set free to be able to do such things again.

But LDV as you have repeatedly said prison isn't the answer, so how in your world should society be protected from them?


Society can't protect itself from rape and murder. It is necessary to remove those in society who CLEARLY pose a threat, certainly those who are mentally imbalanced.

But this should not be done by using a prison, which uses the removal one's freedom AS a punishment.


I do NOT want to live in your society, " Hi I'm Jimmy the rapist, just so you know tonight I'll be entering your house by the back door and then you "...............Christ LDV if you get in power I'll be changing my name to John Wilkes Booth.

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I do NOT want to live in your society, " Hi I'm Jimmy the rapist, just so you know tonight I'll be entering your house by the back door and then you "...............Christ LDV if you get in power I'll be changing my name to John Wilkes Booth.


Changing your name to that? Hahaha why? I don't understand what you mean.


(Edited: Oh I see what you mean now, well in "my society" (or what I think could be a better one) there would be no possibility of me or anyone else getting 'in power').

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I do NOT want to live in your society, " Hi I'm Jimmy the rapist, just so you know tonight I'll be entering your house by the back door and then you "...............Christ LDV if you get in power I'll be changing my name to John Wilkes Booth.


Changing your name to that? Hahaha why? I don't understand what you mean.


(Edited: Oh I see what you mean now, well in "my society" (or what I think could be a better one) there would be no possibility of me or anyone else getting 'in power').


Someone would have to have power, or it would just be utter chaos.


So with no one in charge, that would mean the rapist/peado's your setting free from jail will roam freely. Meaning an increase in rape/murder not just them murdering people, but the people they've raped etc there family/friends turning on them and taking the law into there own hands.


Your society would suck big time.


Mine is pretty simple:


You kill, expect to be killed.

You rape, expect to be killed.

You committ a crime, be ready for the Calf of Mann. Where its a dog eat dog world.......no food/water etc, if you need to survive do what you can.


That will sort everyone out and everyone would then fall into line, I'll even broadcast whats happening on the Calf as a deterrent to what will happen should you feel like breaking any of my laws.


Other than that, life will continue as normal on the IOM.


No jail and very little need for Police, as the system would Police its self.

Moment your tried an convicted, that day you either get be headed or sent to the Calf.


Oh and there will be savage beasts on the Calf also and you cant ever escape as there will be roaming death squads 24/7.

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Someone would have to have power, or it would just be utter chaos.


So with no one in charge, that would mean the rapist/peado's your setting free from jail will roam freely. Meaning an increase in rape/murder not just them murdering people, but the people they've raped etc there family/friends turning on them and taking the law into there own hands.


I don't think there would be chaos at all. People do not need to follow someone or be told what to do.


The point I was making is that in society today you bang away someone for ten or twenty years and then they get out. But why are they less likely to commit crime after that period than they would be if they were never imprisoned at all? I don't see imprisoning people as teaches any good lessons.


Mine is pretty simple:


You kill, expect to be killed.

You rape, expect to be killed.

You committ a crime, be ready for the Calf of Mann. Where its a dog eat dog world.......no food/water etc, if you need to survive do what you can.


Why do you think it is okay to kill someone else who kills or rapes? I would love to hear what your other crimes are though.

I take it the knitting needle punishment is only reserved for paedophiles? :P


That will sort everyone out and everyone would then fall into line, I'll even broadcast whats happening on the Calf as a deterrent to what will happen should you feel like breaking any of my laws.


I think they will fall into line too, they will be shit scared of you, rule by fear!

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Forget the deterrent aspect (jail's too soft for that); forget the reform aspect (the prison system is too under-funded for that). If prison can do those things at some time in the future, great. Meanwhile, what it does do is keep violent toerags out of general circulation and, therefore, serves a public protection function.


I agree, society will be propected from these people for a while but then after some years they are set free to be able to do such things again.

But LDV as you have repeatedly said prison isn't the answer, so how in your world should society be protected from them?


Society can't protect itself from rape and murder. It is necessary to remove those in society who CLEARLY pose a threat, certainly those who are mentally imbalanced.

But this should not be done by using a prison, which uses the removal one's freedom AS a punishment.

I repeat if prison is not the answer what do you think should be done? just answer the fucking question will you and stop avoiding it I repeat WHAT DO YOU THINK SHOULD BE DONE TO PROTECT SOCIETY FROM THESE PEOPLE IF PRISON IS NOT THE ANSWER is that clear enough

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I repeat if prison is not the answer what do you think should be done? just answer the fucking question will you and stop avoiding it I repeat WHAT DO YOU THINK SHOULD BE DONE TO PROTECT SOCIETY FROM THESE PEOPLE IF PRISON IS NOT THE ANSWER is that clear enough


The only way to completely ensure that such people can never perpetrate such crimes again is to kill them or imprison them indefinitely. But obviously this is just as bad as the crime.


With people who are a SERIOUS and PERSISTENT threat to society as these men may be I think the best thing to do is to is detain them and make efforts to rehabilitate in an environment that is not mean to be punitive. Offer psychiatric help to those mentally unsound. I think the community has to be involved in rebahilitation as the community or one's society is I think key to making the person understand the impact of their crime. But then the state would never allow the public to take control of dealing with criminals.


Though I may be wrong in thinking this, I do believe that social deprivation and economic deprivation is a massive factor in the development of deliquency. Therefore, in this society it would be an expensive and possibly fruitless goal to rehabilitate those who background has had an impact on their anti-social mentality.

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Your society would suck big time.


Mine is pretty simple:


You kill, expect to be killed.

You rape, expect to be killed.

You committ a crime, be ready for the Calf of Mann. Where its a dog eat dog world.......no food/water etc, if you need to survive do what you can.


That will sort everyone out and everyone would then fall into line, I'll even broadcast whats happening on the Calf as a deterrent to what will happen should you feel like breaking any of my laws.


Other than that, life will continue as normal on the IOM.


No jail and very little need for Police, as the system would Police its self.

Moment your tried an convicted, that day you either get be headed or sent to the Calf.


Oh and there will be savage beasts on the Calf also and you cant ever escape as there will be roaming death squads 24/7.


Haven't you just broken down the idea behind the Ray Liotta film "No Escape"?

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