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[BBC News] Double killer loses prison battle


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He was medicated to the point of being a zombie, living in a different world.


Well you'd probably not want to be thinking about what you done if you were him.


Christ these two 'kids' that you refer too were as bad if not worse than the killer himself, I see it as he saved us of the nastiness of there scum offspring and a life of benefits and scrounging.


Fuck them! Harsh but no less than they deserve.


Unbelievably nasty post IMHO


Yes I agree it was maybe a little nasty, im just pissed of by all the do-gooders pussy footing round after these 'problem' kids. Its obvious the approach

they're taking just isnt working. It seams the worse these kids behave the less they are accounted for. Lack of discipline and to much hand outs is the route of it all.

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Yes I agree it was maybe a little nasty, im just pissed of by all the do-gooders pussy footing round after these 'problem' kids. Its obvious the approach

they're taking just isnt working. It seams the worse these kids behave the less they are accounted for. Lack of discipline and to much hand outs is the route of it all.

Not the best way of putting it, but many of us understand the sentiment. I think more people really need to open their eyes as to what problem kids we do have on the island, and the parental and other scum we have here (as there is everywhere) that gets many of them in those situations. And that these people are not all lower class chav families either.

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I would keep him in seg for the term of his sentence,then farm him off to a mental institution for the rest of his life.All on Island.


Should he be in a mental institution to begin with?


Yes I agree it was maybe a little nasty, im just pissed of by all the do-gooders pussy footing round after these 'problem' kids. Its obvious the approach

they're taking just isnt working. It seams the worse these kids behave the less they are accounted for. Lack of discipline and to much hand outs is the route of it all.


Although the kids need to take responsibility for their actions, who they are is not all their fault. If lack of discipline and too many handouts led them to be bad people then having them dead doesn't solve any problems. Doesn't take long before others show up. I do think when you hear about such people you have to see what society has gone wrong or has big problems, not just that the person has possibly inexplicably gone wrong. But I think the last thing that is needed is discipline. Is it not these rebellious types and problem kids who have demonstrated their opposition to discipline?

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But I think the last thing that is needed is discipline. Is it not these rebellious types and problem kids who have demonstrated their opposition to discipline?


Don't talk through your arse. I think anyone here who actually has children knows that is such a load of crap - discipline is important in giving children a balanced childhood and in engendering respect and tolerance of others. Most of the problems in these dimwitted chav housholds is couldn't give a shit parents breeding couldn't give a shit kids. Its feckless lazy bastards who breed like rabbits and then think its upto the government through the schooling or social services system to bring their neglected kids up. The children are not rebelling against disicpline they are actually acting badly to attract attention / interest from their cider drinking Jeremy Kyle watching lard arse parents on the misplaced understanding that if they do something really bad their parents or somebody else might actually show 10 seconds of interest in their empty fucking lives. Funnily nobody ever does, so they have to act even worse to get any attention at all.

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But I think the last thing that is needed is discipline. Is it not these rebellious types and problem kids who have demonstrated their opposition to discipline?


Don't talk through your arse. I think anyone here who actually has children knows that is such a load of crap - discipline is important in giving children a balanced childhood and in engendering respect and tolerance of others. Most of the problems in these dimwitted chav housholds is couldn't give a shit parents breeding couldn't give a shit kids. Its feckless lazy bastards who breed like rabbits and then think its upto the government through the schooling or social services system to bring their neglected kids up. The children are not rebelling against disicpline they are actually acting badly to attract attention / interest from their cider drinking Jeremy Kyle watching lard arse parents on the misplaced understanding that if they do something really bad their parents or somebody else might actually show 10 seconds of interest in their empty fucking lives. Funnily nobody ever does, so they act even worse.


Your language is robust, but your sentiments are sound.



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Don't talk through your arse. I think anyone here who actually has children knows that is such a load of crap - discipline is important in giving children a balanced childhood and in engendering respect and tolerance of others. Most of the problems in these dimwitted chav housholds is couldn't give a shit parents breeding couldn't give a shit kids. Its feckless lazy bastards who breed like rabbits and then think its upto the government through the schooling or social services system to bring their neglected kids up. The children are not rebelling against disicpline they are actually acting badly to attract attention / interest from their cider drinking Jeremy Kyle watching lard arse parents on the misplaced understanding that if they do something really bad their parents or somebody else might actually show 10 seconds of interest in their empty fucking lives. Funnily nobody ever does, so they have to act even worse to get any attention at all.


I agree with that, I should have been more specific as I was answering in respect of those kids needing discipline at their age, i.e. no discipline from their parents. I would say however that I am little unsure how discipline can instil respect for others. Can you teach respect or is it something that comes naturally from around those who respect themselves? But yeah, I think too though parental discipline is essential.

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Why doesn't the island at least have a part of that fancy new prison that can be used for the most despised prisoners? As with any kind of 'sub-contracting' it will cost more to send him off the island that it would to imprison him here. Whatever this bastard has done (and I remember the git from school) his family shouldn't suffer and be denyed visitation rights because of the location.

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Why doesn't the island at least have a part of that fancy new prison that can be used for the most despised prisoners? As with any kind of 'sub-contracting' it will cost more to send him off the island that it would to imprison him here. Whatever this bastard has done (and I remember the git from school) his family shouldn't suffer and be denyed visitation rights because of the location.

The cost of having a category A prison with all the support agencies that would be necessary to meet the HM Inspectorate guidelines would probably cost another £40 million.

It is not as simple as saying a certain wing will now house category A prisoners. If anyone thinks otherwise, then email the home office with your ideas and let us know as to how you got on.

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But why does the Island not have a facility for the category of person? Is simply because there are so few prisoners who could be classed as such or is it because these people can be exiled to the UK quite easily?

Simple really, statistically it would be stupid to have a dedicated category A prison for the Island.


I don't agree with prisons, but it seems a standard thing that the prisoner does have access to family and friends no matter what crime has been committed. It might not be called a 'right' but it seems it is their for everyone and I think it should be there. By sending him across to the UK he won't have any contact with people he knows, and more importantly his family.

Perhaps if you don't agree with prisons its all rather irrelevant for you to express an opinion. Notwithstanding that, what do you think should be done with convicted killers?


This individual does not require Category A conditions. I would expect him to have been considered as Cat A at the point of remand in custody and he would have been supervised accordingly until his case would have been considered by a "Cat A committee". I would fully expect him to be a Cat B prisoner by now and he should be transferred to an appropriate "Lifer Main Centre" in the UK where he would undergo a two year assessment prior to his removal into the Dispersal System. In the UK system he will receive all the required treatment and courses in order to address his offending behaviour and hopefully these will reduce his "risk" over a period of time, providing of course, that he complies with these programmes. HMP Jurby does not have these facilities to the best of my knowledge and I would suspect they do not have any "Lifer" trained staff to deal with this individual or any other lifer. Conditioning of staff is a major issue in the containment of any long term prisoner and should he remain at Jurby, this through time would inevitably happen and would create a major security risk to all that have contact with him or any long termer. His removal to the UK system is appropriate, he will be able to return to the Island throughout his sentence on accumulated visits. Regarding Cat A Prisons.........there is no such beast! They are Category B establishments with facilities to hold Category A prisoners within them.

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just a reply for the heartless vicious mouthed molly! Alot of people do believe that more than one person is responsible for the killings of these 2 children and by the sound of your sadistic mouth r u sure u werent there yourself? you seem to have alot to say about these two children but i can assure you that i know they would never have wished anybody dead like you have that makes them a far better person than you! think before opening your nasty mouth.l

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