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[BBC News] Double killer loses prison battle


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just a reply for the heartless vicious mouthed molly! Alot of people do believe that more than one person is responsible for the killings of these 2 children and by the sound of your sadistic mouth r u sure u werent there yourself? you seem to have alot to say about these two children but i can assure you that i know they would never have wished anybody dead like you have that makes them a far better person than you! think before opening your nasty mouth.l

Ok thanks,


back to your cider

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I tend to think he should be allowed be stay in the Isle of Man.


I don't. He convicted of a crime that requires imprisonment in a category A prison and the Isle of Man's prison is category B. The level of security, type of prisoner and type of rehabilitation is meant to match the prisoner with the prison.


But why does the Island not have a facility for the category of person? Is simply because there are so few prisoners who could be classed as such or is it because these people can be exiled to the UK quite easily?


I don't agree with prisons, but it seems a standard thing that th prisoner does have access to family and friends no matter what crime has been committed. It might not be called a 'right' but it seems it is their for everyone and I think it should be there. By sending him across to the UK he won't have any contact with people he knows, and more importantly his family.


its simple why he has to go .. our prison as stated is catagory B and it just doesnt have highly rated enough staff .. simple as.


and ps his victims families no longer have contact with their loved ones.


My bold - staff at prisons here and in the UK are not 'rated' they all receive the same training, the level of category refers to the security of the prison. Staff can transfer between different categories of prison within the Prison Service, although obviously in a Category A prison you are going to have staff who are perhaps more 'security aware' and used to dealing with lifers.

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The government defends its policy on moving life prisoners to the UK mainland, after a murderer loses his battle to stay.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7850014.stm


We can start this all again, yippee!

No need to it's all over now, leave him to cry into his porridge.

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so what if he is moved to the uk and will miss his family, he should of thought of that when he took these 2 kids lives, he robbed their families of seen them grow into adult hood, find jobs , start a family, see their gran children,nephew nieces grow up. why should his feelings be considered? do the crime serve the time...


government need to remove all luxuries prisoners get and give stiffer sentences then maybe it might deter future offfenders. life is too cushy in prison and thats why the same offenders keep repeating crime over and over again.

Christ these two 'kids' that you refer too were as bad if not worse than the killer himself, I see it as he saved us of the nastiness of there scum offspring and a life of benefits and scrounging.


Fuck them! Harsh but no less than they deserve.

Obviously you don't have kids or if you do, GOD help them. Sad, very sad Molly and one hopes that if you do have offspring, you won't want to kill them if they've done wrong!

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