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Clarke Back To Tory Front Bench


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And coming back to Churchill again; he was from a bygone era too. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

Sebrof - I'm not totally disagreeing with you that Clarke won't be an asset on the front bench - but Churchill spent his wilderness years raising the spectre of Hitler and totalitarianism. Clarke has spent his flogging fags for BAT - he has zero profile over the current bust up.


It will be interesting seeing how he performs - he's a good political operator, but I think you are being over optimistic that it isn't risk free.


Few good things are risk-free. But I don't think Clarke will be anxious to deflect attention away from the economic mess at home.


Obama and Clarke! Obama and Clarke! Yippee!


(Who says I'm being over-optimistic?)



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Charity begins at home. :P


So something Manx.



I know it's off topic but why oh why do people insist they will only give to Island based charities, and seem to take some peverse pride in doing so?. Is not Oxfam, for example a worthy cause in itself. Do we not benefit from the work/research of, say, the British Heart Foundation? By all means give to Manx charities only if you want to but I find the attitude very mealy mouthed.


Charity begins at home - where is home? Is it your house, your street, your town, your Island, your continent, or what?

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I know it's off topic but why oh why do people insist they will only give to Island based charities, and seem to take some peverse pride in doing so?. Is not Oxfam, for example a worthy cause in itself. Do we not benefit from the work/research of, say, the British Heart Foundation? By all means give to Manx charities only if you want to but I find the attitude very mealy mouthed.


Charity begins at home - where is home? Is it your house, your street, your town, your Island, your continent, or what?


Can't disagree too much, though I do have a bit of a thing against the big charities. A friend worked for a while for Save the Children, and she was amazed at the level of pay and perks. Regular meetings on topics such as the Rights of Lesbians in the Work-Place used to irritate her, too.



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I know it's a stupid thing but people making bets on this forum (however stupid - Ken Clarke's position eg) may have implications. One probably needs a licence to act as a bet broker (Betfair etc). Probably nothing, but in this day and age but you know the way the world is. (mad) Anyway just thought i'd mention it in case there's someone out there with nothing better to do with their time but report such innoncent exchanges. Then again I've probably bought it to their attention - shit! .

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I know it's a stupid thing but people making bets on this forum (however stupid - Ken Clarke's position eg) may have implications. One probably needs a licence to act as a bet broker (Betfair etc). Probably nothing, but in this day and age but you know the way the world is. (mad) Anyway just thought i'd mention it in case there's someone out there with nothing better to do with their time but report such innoncent exchanges. Then again I've probably bought it to their attention - shit! .


Two people making a bet between each other isn't the same as someone running a book and taking bets.


Anyhow don't worry. It's a charity bet. Think of it like an agreement between friends for a good cause. Someone would have to be unbelievably uptight to go after that.

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I know it's a stupid thing but people making bets on this forum (however stupid - Ken Clarke's position eg) may have implications. One probably needs a licence to act as a bet broker (Betfair etc). Probably nothing, but in this day and age but you know the way the world is. (mad) Anyway just thought i'd mention it in case there's someone out there with nothing better to do with their time but report such innoncent exchanges. Then again I've probably bought it to their attention - shit! .


Two people making a bet between each other isn't the same as someone running a book and taking bets.


Anyhow don't worry. It's a charity bet. Think of it like an agreement between friends for a good cause. Someone would have to be unbelievably uptight to go after that.


I'm certainly not worrried about it. Just that there are some unbelievably tight people out there! I've seen them in action which has probably stoked my paranoia!

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Clarke is one of the few Tories who I could conceive of voting for. Given a choice I'd vote for the Monster Raving Loonies before voting for Osborne. On that basis, it's a good move. However, as others have suggested, it is more-or-less insignificant in the face of Labour's implosion in recent months. Houdini himself couldn't escape from the chains they've put themselves in.


The departure of Hazel Blears is a positive move, though - I'm sick of the sight and sound of her.

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The departure of Hazel Blears is a positive move, though - I'm sick of the sight and sound of her.


How she ever got elected in the first place is one of the world's great mysteries.



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The departure of Hazel Blears is a positive move, though - I'm sick of the sight and sound of her.


How she ever got elected in the first place is one of the world's great mysteries.




Because she used to be popular and seemed to be 'one of the people'. But as is inevitable in such a so-called democracy where people represent others she became detached from the electorate.

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Very simple really, it's called democracy and she got more votes than anyone else.

Isn't it time you pulled your head out of your arse and thought about what you write?


You may be stupid and almost wholly uneducated, but you could at least be polite. Well, in theory.



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But you're the one that doesn't understand the voting system in England.

Why should I be polite to you, I thought you were a prick when we first met you, I am now convinced of it.

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Why should I be polite to you, I thought you were a prick when we first met you, I am now convinced of it.


Because he'll use it as an excuse to be pompous and side step whatever point you've made. Even you must have spotted how it goes.

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