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Your life might be shorter than mine, so far, but both Carter and Ford were quite reasonable people.


That's why they didn't get re-elected (or elected in Ford's case)




NEITHER DID DUBYA .. they had to pervert the highest court in america to get him in the white house.

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It'd be nice to think so, but I can't help feeling that a) one man cannot change the whole set-up in the USA, & b) even if he could, would he be allowed to?


What set-up do you refer to Hessian?


I mean the way in which corporate interests exert influence over the political process in such a way that is at odds with the democratic process. There is also the question of foreign policy - towards Israel, for example (this is a "set-up" issue owing to the large & entrenched pro-Israeli lobby bringing pressure to bear on elected politicians) and there is the systemic issue of welfare dependency (which is a ticking time-bomb in itself). All of these (and others) are policy issues, but they have procedural, i.e. "set-up"-related, roots.

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I mean the way in which corporate interests exert influence over the political process in such a way that is at odds with the democratic process. There is also the question of foreign policy - towards Israel, for example (this is a "set-up" issue owing to the large & entrenched pro-Israeli lobby bringing pressure to bear on elected politicians) and there is the systemic issue of welfare dependency (which is a ticking time-bomb in itself). All of these (and others) are policy issues, but they have procedural, i.e. "set-up"-related, roots.


Ah right I see what you mean. Well I personally think it is would be a miracle if Obama could effect any change on the U.S. set-up in respect of corporate interests impinging on the political process, or any politician in Britain or the Isle of Man. Corporate interests are the interests of the Republican and Democratic partys. Republicans and Democrats do not differ that much in this respect (nor does NuLabour and the Tories). And regardless of whether the President is black, young, female, or has a few novel ideas he/she is ultimately part of the liberal democratic system. Far more advantageous to listen to those with money and influence than follow the principles of democracy.


Not something I know a lot about, but I would suppose that the stance of foreign policy in respect of Israel is difficult given the Jewish population in America, especially when some groups have a good deal of financial clout and can offer incentives to government.

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Obama plans to make the Isle of Man a poorer place.


I'm sure it's number one on his agenda after sorting out Guantanamo.




Have a word with Malcolm Couch about how low it is on Obama's list of priorities


So Malcolm Couch has Obama's ear?


I am impressed.


You might find that Obama has bigger fish to fry.



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I suppose, when considering the possible dangers of an Obama administration for offshore financial centres, I could take the word of an anonymous internet poster over the head of direct tax on the island, but frankly I think that the converse approach is more prudent.

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I suppose, when considering the possible dangers of an Obama administration for offshore financial centres, I could take the word of an anonymous internet poster over the head of direct tax on the island, but frankly I think that the converse approach is more prudent.




What Obama said before the financial crisis is not of much relevance now. Tax havens had nothing to do with America's current predicament, and I do not expect that Obama will have any time to spend on them in the foreseeable future.


By the way, don't judge all anonymous internet posters as you judge yourself.



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Have a word with Malcolm Couch about how low it is on Obama's list of priorities


I've enjoyed listening to Malcolm Couch in the past - he is bright and interesting and has been good for the Isle of Man in many ways ... particularly with respect to encouraging the island the embrace the international community and to look towards making modern agreements etc.


In that same spirit I hope that the island will be one step ahead of any legislation which the US intends to implement.


He has said that the IOM is not a 'tax haven' and should not represent itself as such. He has previously said that by anticipating and preempting any legislation, the IOM can stay ahead. Unless his message has fundamentally changed, I assume this will also be his approach moving forward. We will be the first to comply and will benefit from that attitude.


PS - most people internationally (and many here on the IOM) are probably going to agree with Obama about 'tax havens' - so it would be pretty dumb to try to fight it. The main threat to our prosperity is international economic depression rather than tighter financial regulation.

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Have a word with Malcolm Couch about how low it is on Obama's list of priorities


I've enjoyed listening to Malcolm Couch in the past - he is bright and interesting and has been good for the Isle of Man in many ways ... particularly with respect to encouraging the island the embrace the international community and to look towards making modern agreements etc.


In that same spirit I hope that the island will be one step ahead of any legislation which the US intends to implement.


He has said that the IOM is not a 'tax haven' and should not represent itself as such. He has previously said that by anticipating and preempting any legislation, the IOM can stay ahead. Unless his message has fundamentally changed, I assume this will also be his approach moving forward. We will be the first to comply and will benefit from that attitude.


PS - most people internationally (and many here on the IOM) are probably going to agree with Obama about 'tax havens' - so it would be pretty dumb to try to fight it. The main threat to our prosperity is international economic depression rather than tighter financial regulation.


I think MC's statements are more political than factual. The IOM still has very secretive company legislation (though perhaps no more so than, say, Arizona), and it is also a low-tax jurisdiction (unlike Arizona, in which locally registered companies have to pay federal taxes).


The combination of opacity and low tax rates is what makes the island attractive to foreign companies and individuals. Remove one, and the other loses much of its allure.



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Video of 'UFO' at Inauguration Gets Internet Buzz


Video of what some speculate is a UFO flying over President Obama's inauguration has circulated over the Internet.


The video shows an unknown object flying past the Washington Monument, as nearly two million people gathered to watch the inauguration.


Commentors on the video write that they aren't convinced the object was a bird, due to its flat appearance and lack of visible wings.


One blogger wrote, "Personally, I think the little green men rocked up to join the rest of the world in wishing Obama well."



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as good as 'ole Dubya, fumbling his lines, had to take the oath again just to be sure :D


Yeah its not like he any pressure on while he was speaking. Not like 1.5 billion people were watching. And you can't say he didn't have the little voice in the back of his head saying "come on its not like every KKK member with a rifle isnt out to get me..."

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