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I think MC's statements are more political than factual. The IOM still has very secretive company legislation (though perhaps no more so than, say, Arizona), and it is also a low-tax jurisdiction (unlike Arizona, in which locally registered companies have to pay federal taxes).


The combination of opacity and low tax rates is what makes the island attractive to foreign companies and individuals. Remove one, and the other loses much of its allure.


Yes, but you ignore 'joke jurisdiction of the decade' namley Delaware. Whilst it still exists and argument that the US has against any other offshore centre on the grounds of lack of transparency etc, etc is totally invalidated. If it cannot practice what it preaches and allows a place like Delaware to operate within its borders its just wasting its time really.


I'm not ignoring it, but I fully agree that it's opacity is perhaps greater than the IOM's. It's problem, however, is that it is still subject to federal taxes.



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Good start though IMO - Obama getting geared up to close Guantanamo.


It's interesting how that turned out. Defence Sec Robert Gates said a few days ago that the prospect of closing Guantanamo is "very very low".


Here was President Obama two years ago signing an Executive Order and committing to close Guantanamo within one year. That would have been a year ago.



Here is Defence Sec Robert Gates a few days ago.



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It's strange the way he seems to be running things - or the way things seem to end up working out. He seems to be all about signing orders announcing stuff which is apparently passed into law but which doesn't actually seem to be implemented. The issue of gays serving in the military is another example. Apparently in reality it remains subject to the military agreeing it. Despite the big speeches.


And the promised withdrawal from Iraq seems to have been achieved by re designating the troops as advisors.


And the US involvement by proxy in Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen ? And the extending of the Patriot Act etc [+ what often seems like security theatre in general -- talking up the threat levels etc ].


I'm not making a partisan or political point. But I do wonder how the people who voted for President Obama feel about his presidency so far. I wonder whether they got what they were hoping for.

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But what were they hoping for? Was it 'Change'? You have mentioned a number of particular foreign policy matters. But the American public (and nor the British for that matter) have seen international/foreign policy issues feature significantly in any campaigns. Only in respect of matters relating to serving in such wars. Foreign policy is a subject that has always be kept away from the public as a subject of any interest, nevermind democratic decisionmaking. It is purely domestic issues, often less important ones, where attention is focused by the elites.

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But what were they hoping for? Was it 'Change'?


You think they voted for his rhetoric and staccato delivery ?


I think that lots of people in the US did probably think they had elected a sort of more economically effective version of President Carter. Where as it does sometimes almost seem as if they have ended with Blair [+ Goldman Sachs and increased security] :)

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But what were they hoping for? Was it 'Change'?


You think they voted for his rhetoric and staccato delivery ?


I think that lots of people in the US did probably think they had elected a sort of more economically effective version of President Carter. Where as it does sometimes almost seem as if they have ended with Blair [+ Goldman Sachs and increased security] :)

Certainly very many people do vote due to rhetoric and how the person acts in public. It is largely a show in the United States. But people were told and told and told from Obama about 'change'. You can't beat that when things are shit, but even though the result might be even worse.


I think from memory that people really thought Obama would be different. Someone who would bring something very new to politics, without much idea of what. Obviously, those intelligent enough to recognise the almost one-party system of the USA would know that that can't happen.

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