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After You, No After You Old Chap


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Listening to some of the reports after that aircraft recently crash landed on the Hudson, it was interesting to hear that the 'women and children first' cry went out a few times, and formed part of the organised evacuation lead and calmed by several passengers.


If the Ben got into trouble for example, negating a few panickers put back in their place by a few 'natural leaders', I think in many cases we probably would wait for a lifeboat in the irish sea and put 'women and children first' and be organised. Being told to 'get back to your seat' encased in sea-cat though, thinking it might sink at any time, would probably be a wholly different matter though for many - personally I think I'd rather take my chances on the deck thanks, but with the women and children first rule still applied.

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More British passengers died on the Titanic because they queued politely for lifeboats, researchers believe.


Would that be the same today?


yes if it were a manx boat .. most of the comeovers travel by plane.. .. most of them cant even Q in a shop without trying to jump the Q. never mind letting someone thru in traffic etc .. its what is killing the island spirit.

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yes if it were a manx boat .. most of the comeovers travel by plane.. .. most of them cant even Q in a shop without trying to jump the Q. never mind letting someone thru in traffic etc .. its what is killing the island spirit.


You're talking bollocks. It's morons like you who give manx people a bad name

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I heard the tale about the man who made himself a human bridge so other passengers could climb out of the Titanic, it was sadly later found that he had tripped in a rush and people just used this misfortune to their own advantage.

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I was surprised to read this, it was a good while ago but I remember my history teacher for A level talking about how it was the British who lost their cool and were desperately trying to get in the boats, whereas the Americans showed more decency.


Probably one of the great unwashed who gets their history from Hollywood...

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look if it was a manx boat it would depend in what direct it was heading..


coming to the island would be a problem you would need to keep her afloat for longer so the lifeboats could reach you .. so you would have to make her lighter .. well that would be easy throwing all the oneway ticket holders over the side might gain the time you needed if not who cares they were never going home anyway....


leaving the island well just send out a couple of lifeboats casually like..

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yes if it were a manx boat .. most of the comeovers travel by plane.. .. most of them cant even Q in a shop without trying to jump the Q. never mind letting someone thru in traffic etc .. its what is killing the island spirit.


You're talking bollocks. It's morons like you who give manx people a bad name


excuse me i wasnt aware manx people have a bad rap..


im sure its exclusive to your house..

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look if it was a manx boat it would depend in what direct it was heading..


coming to the island would be a problem you would need to keep her afloat for longer so the lifeboats could reach you .. so you would have to make her lighter .. well that would be easy throwing all the oneway ticket holders over the side might gain the time you needed if not who cares they were never going home anyway....


leaving the island well just send out a couple of lifeboats casually like..


Would you like a fish on your shoulder to go with the massive fucking chip on the other one?

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