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financial storms are not connected to the suns cycle ..

"In economics, the term sunspots (or sometimes 'a sunspot') usually refers to an 'extrinsic' random variable, that is, a random variable that does not directly affect economic fundamentals (such as endowments, preferences, or technology). 'Sunspots' can also refer to the related concept of extrinsic uncertainty, that is, economic uncertainty that does not come from variation in economic fundamentals."

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Related to something i have been reading about for a while, 2012 is the end of the mayan calander and what is being named as the start of the new world. The Mayans have december 21st 2012 at 11:11 (GMT) as the last day.


Most sane people conclude that the calender was ment to roll over kind of like a counter that runs out of numbers but the nutters are concluding that 2012 is:


When Jebus is coming back

When we are all killed by a big meteor

First contact (damn trekkies.)

A few septic`s believe we have already had 2012 this year and the new world is Obama being elected.


When i first started reading about this i was laughing and comparing it to the whole y2k arse but then i was shown a link to This page and thought back to the stuff in this thread about a bit of a do with the sun.


The Mayans prophesied that from 1999 we have 13 years to realize the changes in our conscious attitude to stray from the path of self-destruction and instead move onto a path that opens our consciousness to integrate us with all that exists.


The Mayans knew that our Sun, or Kinich-Ahau, every so often synchronized with the enormous central galaxy. And from this central galaxy received a 'spark' of light which causes the Sun to shine more intensely producing what our scientists call 'solar flares' as well as changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Mayans say that this happens every 5,125 years. But also that this causes a displacement in the earths rotation, and because of this movement great catastrophes would be produced.

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The Mayans prophesied that from 1999 we have 13 years to realize the changes in our conscious attitude to stray from the path of self-destruction and instead move onto a path that opens our consciousness to integrate us with all that exists.


The Mayans knew that our Sun, or Kinich-Ahau, every so often synchronized with the enormous central galaxy. And from this central galaxy received a 'spark' of light which causes the Sun to shine more intensely producing what our scientists call 'solar flares' as well as changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Mayans say that this happens every 5,125 years. But also that this causes a displacement in the earths rotation, and because of this movement great catastrophes would be produced.


So the mayans, without the aid of the telescope discovered the existence of galaxies before Edwin Hubble did. They also discovered the existence of 'the enormous central galaxy' which so far has neither been discovered or proposed by modern astronomy. And this undiscovered enormous central galaxy sends of a spark of light which changes the rotation of the earth, an event which would cause the oceans to wash across the continents, scouring the land down to the rock and wiping out virtually all higher lifeforms on land and causing massive volcanism.


This happens every 5125 years so presumably in the year 3113BC virtually all the life on land would have been wiped out by massive ocean surges, volcanic winters and huge solar flares. And yet 5122 years later there is no trace of these massive catastrophes and the earth has been repopulated witha wide variety of species.



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So the mayans, without the aid of the telescope discovered the existence of galaxies before Edwin Hubble did.


In a way yes, they understood astrology although not in depth because of the obvious lack of reference and tools. You might want to read a little about them before blindly dismissing them as numpties.

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So the mayans, without the aid of the telescope discovered the existence of galaxies before Edwin Hubble did.


In a way yes, they understood astrology although not in depth because of the obvious lack of reference and tools. You might want to read a little about them before blindly dismissing them as numpties.


Do you mean astrology or astronomy? One is a science and the other is a pile of mumbo-jumbo practised by frauds and believed in by credulous ignoramuses.

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They knew stuff about the stars and planets, there you go.




Uniquely, there is some evidence to suggest the Maya appear to be the only pre-telescopic civilization to demonstrate knowledge of the Orion Nebula as being fuzzy, i.e. not a stellar pin-point. The information which supports this theory comes from a folk tale that deals with the Orion constellation's area of the sky. Their traditional hearths include in their middle a smudge of glowing fire that corresponds with the Orion Nebula. This is a significant clue to support the idea that the Maya detected a diffuse area of the sky contrary to the pin points of stars before the telescope was invented.[22] Many preclassic sites are oriented with the Pleiades and Eta Draconis, as seen in La Blanca, Ujuxte, Monte Alto, and Takalik Abaj.


Clever bastards

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Is this Sun the bright blob in the sky that on odd occasions we see lurking in the sky or the two-bit rag of a newspaper?


Look at all the fuss was created over the Y2K problem, the millennium bug - we all held our breaths at midnight waiting for the entire world to shut down (and disappear up its own backside in the dread blue screen of death) and what happen - a big fat NOTHING !!


The worrying thing is what are the kids going to do without TVs, computers and video games? It will be awful if they have to go outside and play in the park and climb trees...


Bring it on - might cover my hat in foil to protect my brain or to make sure it doesn't cook too quickly.

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Look at all the fuss was created over the Y2K problem, the millennium bug - we all held our breaths at midnight waiting for the entire world to shut down (and disappear up its own backside in the dread blue screen of death) and what happen - a big fat NOTHING !!


That was because the computer industry took enormous pains to ensure that nothing did happen. Huge numbers of computer systems were scrapped and replaced. So many, in fact, that the computer industry was blighted for several years afterwards - everybody had a new system, and didn't need another. Contractor's rates also fell, reflecting a massive drop in demand.


It was all a huge success.



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The evidence doesn't point to that and how do we know? Because you can measure the isotope level changes in the atmosphere and compare this to isotope levels abosrbed through the millenia in tree ring, or ice core, samples and you can show the changes nowadays have a unique signature not seen previously which comes from oil based carbon. Link


I tend to find the perspective of a lot of global warming sceptics to be irritating. Maybe my logic is too simplistic or even flawed but humans have pumped out a huge amount of shitty gases into the atmosphere and also chopped down a lot of trees. This isn't natural and we can be sure that we are responsible for these gas emissions. Anything that points to some form of climate change would lead me to think that it is a possibility that emissions are responsible and should therefore be lowered drastically. Why take the chance?


Yet some idiotsramble on about how they think it is all a load of rubbish and they will carry on doing as they please. Maybe I don't understand this point of view.

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Yet some idiotsramble on about how they think it is all a load of rubbish and they will carry on doing as they please. Maybe I don't understand this point of view.


Path of least resistance isn't it? So many people won't accept an issue until they're personally adversely affected, and even then they'll want something else to do something about it.

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They knew stuff about the stars and planets, there you go.


Clever bastards


I don't deny that the Mayans were good observers of the night sky and had a level of knowledge of the stars that might surprise many nowadays. However the same is true of many civilisations before the invention of the telescope, e.g. the Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, etc. However what these civilisations all recorded are naked eye objects - even the orion nebula can be seen to be a diffuse blob with the naked eye.


What I take issue with is that they supposedly had knowledge of things which cannot be seen with the naked eye.


And furthermore we are asked to believe that the Mayans had knowledge of things which are not only invisible to the naked eye but are also completely unknown to today's astronomers using optical, infra-red, radio and x-ray telescopes, spectroscopes, interferometry, blink comparitors etc.?


And these things (e.g. the supposed 'massive central galaxy'), as well as being completely unknown to modern science also exhibit properties which would fly in the face of the known physical laws of the universe (e.g. a spark of light would alter the Earths rotation)?


Additionally we are asked to believe that a massive global worldwide catastrophe which would have wiped out virtually all life on earth happened only 5000-odd years ago and yet geologists/archaeologists have not found any trace of it?


And the only objects in the universe that this 'spark of light' affects are the earth and the sun - we have no observations from billions of other star systems to indicate that any of them are similarly affected?


Finally, how did the pre-technological Mayans come by this astounding information? (This is the bit where I am expecting Aliens, Atlanteans or some type of supernatural beings like ghosts or spirit guides to be invoked).


Whatever happened to common sense?

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Look at all the fuss was created over the Y2K problem, the millennium bug - we all held our breaths at midnight waiting for the entire world to shut down (and disappear up its own backside in the dread blue screen of death) and what happen - a big fat NOTHING !!


That was because the computer industry took enormous pains to ensure that nothing did happen. Huge numbers of computer systems were scrapped and replaced. So many, in fact, that the computer industry was blighted for several years afterwards - everybody had a new system, and didn't need another. Contractor's rates also fell, reflecting a massive drop in demand.


It was all a huge ripoff.




Fixed. Before Microsoft sue you for mocking their business plan.

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