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Road Closed In Onchan

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Oi & No! Have a bit of respect. A lady has lost her life and her friend is seriously ill in hospital. Daft? You are the judge, jury and law, you know all about what happened & why they were in the car, do you? :( Go have a gossip with your next door neighbour, this isn't really the place.

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I have a great deal of sympathy for the lady's family and friends. Presently also the injured passenger. However for the lady herself but sorry I do not a have jot of sympathy and have as much consideration as she would apparently have had to have for the rest of us when she choose to drive whilst over the limit etc. In different circumstances it could have been one of us who was joining her friend in the hospital or worse her in the morgue.


If that offends her family and friends or seems hearless then sorry but I would much prefer that as a public we were offended about the actions of drink drivers and the possible consequences to others totally innocent in the matter rather than be offended by a few tactless words about an unfortunately deceased individual who by luck did not take any others with them


Oi & No! Have a bit of respect. A lady has lost her life and her friend is seriously ill in hospital. Daft? You are the judge, jury and law, you know all about what happened & why they were in the car, do you? :( Go have a gossip with your next door neighbour, this isn't really the place.
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Thousands of cars on the road at 6am aren't there? Have you ever skidded on ice? Regardless of drink/drugs/tiredness if your car skids out of control on icy roads, there is not a lot you can do about it, try driving into a skid when you dont even know which way you are skidding. So, take away the thought of the drink, it may or may not have been a factor. It is most probable that the lady had slept and thought she was fit to drive, hardly a case of 'pissed out of head' behind the wheel of a car, like the woman who went to collect her kids from school and crashed into a police car, there are cases when drinking and driving is disgusting some are not so 'cut and dry'.

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I have no idea wether the deceased had been on an all night session and got into her car to drive home or wether she had one glass of wine 8hrs earlier and had a good sleep. I make no conjecture on wether she skidded on Ice on the Roads, as you do or to matters of speed etc as I am not aware of those matters as I am not aware that they have detailed yet at the Coroners inquest.


The fact that it was 6.00am to me is irrelevent although your post suggests that you appear to believe that your standrad of driving and duty of care to other road users at that is less at that time. Sorry but I not aware that apart from use of the horn, parking and lane restrictions many if any laws relating to driving are variable depending ion the time of day.


Presently as far as the facts are reported a drunk driver driving without a seat belt crashed car and killed herself and badly injured her passenger. In my world that means sympathy for her family and friends, lots of sympathy for her passenger unless at a later point it turns out they were aware of the state of the driver eor complicit but to the driver herself presently zilch.


If it turns out at the inquest she was driving at 30mph at the time, had had a good night sleep after a few drinks the night before and was not wearing a seat belt as it had recently broken and the car was booked in to have it mended then I will gladly amend my opinion and apologise. But in the interim I have not got a shred of sympathy. Maybe you would not if in the past you had lost a friend you had been hit by a drunk driver!


Thousands of cars on the road at 6am aren't there? Have you ever skidded on ice? Regardless of drink/drugs/tiredness if your car skids out of control on icy roads, there is not a lot you can do about it, try driving into a skid when you dont even know which way you are skidding. So, take away the thought of the drink, it may or may not have been a factor. It is most probable that the lady had slept and thought she was fit to drive, hardly a case of 'pissed out of head' behind the wheel of a car, like the woman who went to collect her kids from school and crashed into a police car, there are cases when drinking and driving is disgusting some are not so 'cut and dry'.
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Lost Login Wrote


If it turns out at the inquest


Exactly the point. As thebees said this isn't the place to be discussing or summizing what happened. That's why there are inquests.

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Show me where I have summised because as far as I am aware I have not unlike "The Bees" who conjectures that the deceased may have skidded on ice or had a goodnight sleep etc.


I agree it is not the point to be summising, although it seems it is fine to summise if it is in favour of the deceased as The Bees has done! As for this not being the place to discuss why not? I would totally agree and not be posting a if the adjourned inquest had not already released details, or if her death had been a tragic accident in which she was entirely blameless. However the fact as reported are driver a third over the legal limit and not wearing a seatbelt kills herself and badly injures her passenger.


Sorry but cases like this really annoy me as yes it was a tragic accident, but an accident that the individual brought upon herself by not obeying the law, which harmed one other and could have potentially badly injured others. To mention that is to be frowned upon but to post how wonderful they are is fine. Sorry in cases like this but it should be both or neither and if posters are to complain about what I have posted then fine but equally complain when there are posts stating an opposite position.




Lost Login Wrote


If it turns out at the inquest


Exactly the point. As thebees said this isn't the place to be discussing or summizing what happened. That's why there are inquests.

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Sorry but cases like this really annoy me as yes it was a tragic accident, but an accident that the individual brought upon herself by not obeying the law,


She's dead, be as annoyed as you like but your ramblings will not change anything here.


Mr Moyle said that the cause of death had been multiple injuries sustained in the crash.


He said: 'I don't wish to criticise the deceased, but this is a timely reminder of the dangers involved for people who drive after having partaken a substantial quantity of alcohol.'


Even Michael Moyle has decided not to criticise the deceased. After all, what difference will it make to her now?


It is unlikely that there will be any criminal proceedings.


If you don't have anything useful to contribute which I've not seen from you yet, leave it where it is and move on.

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Looking back at a topic you posted recently, I don't really think you're in the best position to appoint yourself as the forum's moral guardian when it comes to respecting the dead.


Sorry, could you link that thread for me, I can't remember which one you mean.


I thought that 'THIS' thread had been started to avoid all the speculation and unnecessary comments.


Perhaps start yet another thread about breathalysers / drink drivers / speeding / car power restrictions or why not just dig up one of the other ones and revive it. This thread doesn't need to turn into a debate about these issues when there are already plenty of threads already out there and are even more suitably titled.

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Sorry, could you link that thread for me, I can't remember which one you mean.


I could, but you wouldn't be able to view it. We had to move it out of public view when we received multiple complaints about it.

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I am not annoyed by her being dead, alive etc etc


What pees me off in situations like this is people who appear to want to act as moral Guardians wherby it is fine to say what you like or conjecture as much as you like in favour of a deceased if you dare utter anything even a tiny bit critical then it is deemed by some to be morally wrong.


I have not conjectured like many here purely exprssed a view that in my opinion in cases such as this I would prefer to see more moral outrage about a drunk driver driving without a suitcase rather than the moral outrage being at the fact somebody dared metion that at the time the deceased died they were over the limit and not wearing a seat belt.


Maybe this is the wrong topic to post this on but I only started posting when posters started to state that it was wrong in their opinion to refer to the fact that the deceased was over the limit etc. My opinion was and remains that remains that the fact she was prepared to break the law and risk others probably deserves a bit more moral outrage than the odd post.


Again apologise if this is deemed insensitive but since the death of Diana it appears that it is basically now Taboo to not treat anybody whose has died to anything but absolute Saint hood .





Sorry but cases like this really annoy me as yes it was a tragic accident, but an accident that the individual brought upon herself by not obeying the law,


She's dead, be as annoyed as you like but your ramblings will not change anything here.


Mr Moyle said that the cause of death had been multiple injuries sustained in the crash.


He said: 'I don't wish to criticise the deceased, but this is a timely reminder of the dangers involved for people who drive after having partaken a substantial quantity of alcohol.'


Even Michael Moyle has decided not to criticise the deceased. After all, what difference will it make to her now?


It is unlikely that there will be any criminal proceedings.


If you don't have anything useful to contribute which I've not seen from you yet, leave it where it is and move on.

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