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Change? What Change?


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Seems to me as just a continuation of the last President, justifying strikes against foreign countries whilst hiding behind the excuse of hunting for a dead man...


Yeah well if there's a chance of Osama's head being on a stick a few days into his stint then he's going to do it isn't he?

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Seems to me as just a continuation of the last President, justifying strikes against foreign countries whilst hiding behind the excuse of hunting for a dead man...


Yeah well if there's a chance of Osama's head being on a stick a few days into his stint then he's going to do it isn't he?


It's quite a good idea in my view for Obama to show that he is prepared to take the offensive militarily.



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It's quite a good idea in my view for Obama to show that he is prepared to take the offensive militarily.




Why do you say that, so he does not appear weak to his electorate?


To the Taleban.



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Seems to me as just a continuation of the last President, justifying strikes against foreign countries whilst hiding behind the excuse of hunting for a dead man...


They have to clean up the mess they made at the start of campaigning in Afghanistan.


It's quite a good idea in my view for Obama to show that he is prepared to take the offensive militarily.


But I do not see what good this serves, I cannot see why the Taliban or Al-Qaeda would care whether the President is inclined to take the offensive or not. The Taliban insurgents will I think continue to fight long and hard against the current government, unless they are completely wiped out. But I agree, if it is also what you mean, that going on the offensive is the only effective way of eradicating Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. But hasn't the the U.S. army by its very strategy been taking the offensive in Afghanistan from the start?

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But I do not see what good this serves, I cannot see why the Taliban or Al-Qaeda would care whether the President is inclined to take the offensive or not. The Taliban insurgents will I think continue to fight long and hard against the current government, unless they are completely wiped out. But I agree, if it is also what you mean, that going on the offensive is the only effective way of eradicating Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. But hasn't the the U.S. army by its very strategy been taking the offensive in Afghanistan from the start?


The technology these new drones have are more than amazing. I did a lot of reading about these future technologies whilst doing the ISS and OCC whilst with the MoD (I've purposely left them as acronyms!) it has amazed me now that they are 'Now' technology. The Americans are doing their black arts in typical 'American Style'. You will be amazed how many of the UK's special forces are in Baghdad, Kabul and more importantly the NWFP carrying out similar assassinations but on a much lower budget.


At the moment the current plan is to cut off the head of the snake - bring the fight to the FOBs, bring out the big commanders, the taleban's trained sniper and mortar squads. Bring them to the fore and then introduce them to Mr Apache and Uncle A-10. Once the hardcore have been dealt with, then grass roots stuff. Simple stuff and I hope it works.



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At the moment the current plan is to cut off the head of the snake - bring the fight to the FOBs, bring out the big commanders, the taleban's trained sniper and mortar squads. Bring them to the fore and then introduce them to Mr Apache and Uncle A-10. Once the hardcore have been dealt with, then grass roots stuff. Simple stuff and I hope it works.




Problem is, is that this campaigning in Afghanistan is just killing more and more innocents.


Yeah well if there's a chance of Osama's head being on a stick a few days into his stint then he's going to do it isn't he?


I don't think they will be getting Obama's head on a stick. If they are REALLY interested in getting him they would have him already. But lack of evidence that Obama is to blame for 9/11 is the problem and that American will not deal with the Taliban.

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I don't think they will be getting Obama's head on a stick. If they are REALLY interested in getting him they would have him already. But lack of evidence that Obama is to blame for 9/11 is the problem and that American will not deal with the Taliban.

What the heck are you going on about - or are you off to join the nutters on the 911 conspiracy thread?

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I don't think they will be getting Obama's head on a stick. If they are REALLY interested in getting him they would have him already. But lack of evidence that Obama is to blame for 9/11 is the problem and that American will not deal with the Taliban.

What the heck are you going on about - or are you off to join the nutters on the 911 conspiracy thread?


Ooops, I typed Obama instead of Osama. That even confused me reading it back. No, I was talking about the lack of evidence that Americans seemingly have for Osama Bin Laden being a direct cause for 9/11

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I don't think they will be getting Obama's head on a stick. If they are REALLY interested in getting him they would have him already. But lack of evidence that Obama is to blame for 9/11 is the problem and that American will not deal with the Taliban.

What the heck are you going on about - or are you off to join the nutters on the 911 conspiracy thread?


Ooops, I typed Obama instead of Osama. That even confused me reading it back. No, I was talking about the lack of evidence that Americans seemingly have for Osama Bin Laden being a direct cause for 9/11

Actually LDV I missed your typo - I understood you were claiming there was a lack of evidence Al Qaeda was to blame for 9/11.


Yeah I understand what you mean (not) - like having Osama boast about doing it multiple times, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fully acknowledging his promance in the plot and desiring to be matyred for it. The role of the Hamburg cell etc etc etc.


LDV if you are going to start going on about media conspiracies and huge plots to hide the truth I am going to call you very very nieve.

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