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Iom Govt Security


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In the pub kast night somebaody told me that security measures may be taken in the next week in order to look after some of the politicians involved in the kaupthing issues. Dont know if they were having me on or not but I suppose it makes sense - Tony soprano had money in an an Isle of Man based account (Obviously the show isnt real, but the perception is some mobsters could have a lot of money at stake).


Has anybody else heard anything?

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According to this it's always a possibility...


"On Wednesday he (Madoff) caused quite a stir by arriving at a Manhattan federal courthouse sporting a flak jacket. Some may have thought this excessive, since his wealthy clients' traditional weapon of choice has been nothing more lethal than social ostracism. But perhaps they were unaware of two of the week's other revelations: that among those defrauded by him are a Russian billionaire – who tried to get his cash out just weeks before the collapse, but was refused – and a gentleman representing a Colombian drugs cartel.

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