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Hamas Dec Appeal Vs Ross & Brand


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Russell Brand & Jonathan Ross cause a radio hoohar = 30,000+ complaints to BBC....


BBC refuse to air a DEC Hamas Aid Appeal advert to remain impartial = 10,000+ complaints to BBC (and an Arch-Bishop).


Either people were genuinely more upset by the radio broadcast...




People just aren't interested in aiding a militarily objective lead organisation (thats Hamas by the way).

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Take the time to read this to find out what Hamas is.




Now ask yourselves, what is there to negotiate with when the other party has only one unalterable objective --- other than the date of your own destruction?

Rog, your use of sources really doesn't help you. If you want to get people to listen to what you are saying I really would recommend you try and not link to fundamentalist rightwing Christian sites as authorities.


Try this Middle East Media Research Institute: Hamas: Between Liberating Palestine and Restoring the Global Islamic Caliphate

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Isn't DEC's goal to provide humanitarian aid to people who affected by natural disasters i.e. not aiding war victims?


Shouldn't there also be a collection for the Israelis killed, injured or made homeless by Hamas rockets just so everything is fair and even?

No the DEC's goal is to provide humanitarian aid to those in need - whether stricken by Natural Disaster or War or whatever.


My bell weather in these sorts of things is the Red Cross - they are members of DEC and fully support the campaign.


The British Red Cross is one of a number of leading humanitarian agencies that joins forces to fundraise in the event of a major disaster under the umbrella of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). Visit Gaza Crisis Appeal to donate directly to the British Red Cross Gaza Crisis Appeal.


I believe Humanitarian aid shouldn't be politicized - if the Charities on the ground believe they can distribute aid without interference then there is no reason to stop them.


The BBC seem to be saying to appeal for aid is to politicize the debate, that makes little sense to me.

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Russell Brand & Jonathan Ross cause a radio hoohar = 30,000+ complaints to BBC....


BBC refuse to air a DEC Hamas Aid Appeal advert to remain impartial = 10,000+ complaints to BBC (and an Arch-Bishop).


Either people were genuinely more upset by the radio broadcast...




People just aren't interested in aiding a militarily objective lead organisation (thats Hamas by the way).


I don't think it is that bizarre. People are just far more interested in inconsequential shite like whether RussellBrand and Jonathan Ross get a telling off and how naughty they are. I think 10,000+ complaints is something of a success in a way, even though the media have picked on this issue.


The general media directs attention (and recipients respond to it) towards people and matters which on balance are of no importance whatsoever when you consider the deaths of others. I mean, how much are people obsessed with relatively inconsequential matters such as football and Big Brother. People do not read the Sun, the Star, Heat magazine because it is simple to read and most people far too often believe that the News (on television or in broadsheets) represents exactly what is important, and by omission what is not. So many people are largely apathetic, indifferent, or ignorant of many issues such as politics that will potentially have far more affect on them.


Besides a lot of this apathy in terms of foreign policy suits those who make it, our masters. Even more than so than in domestic politics, they want the public to be apathetic about what role Britain has outside of the country and how foreign policy is conducted. If you keep information and control firmly within government then people will generally have a level of indifference to foreign matters.


We have also been desensitised to killing. Whereas the appropriate reaction to killings and murder would no doubt be horror were it not be a regular thing, it is so common. People hear about killing and then switch on their television to see much of the same. And I think it is becomes less horrific and far more acceptable when it is going on in another nation with little connection to the UK. Yet if we have one of 'our' celebrities being RUDE to an actor from a beloved British comedy people go ape shit. Rant over.

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