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New Villa Marina - Why The Hell Is It Taking So Long?


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When they (after several postponements) opened the new Sayle Gallery, I immediately noticed there was condensation on the windows. Just what the doctor ordered for a facility for storing works of art, eh? If I was an artist, I wouldn't want my paintings displayed in a damp environment.


These photos were taken last week:



I told them that an art sauna was a bad idea!

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I wonder if they kept them old toilets or if they have replaced them with some tin shit.


Also in my view, the Villa is just a cheep and tatty mess since they 'refurbished' it. It's a disgrace that they used polystyrene for the ornamental features on the outside of the building - A cost cutting measure which has resulted in penny's being lodged in it.

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Well, the "Independent" reports that scummers smashed a window at the new Sayle Gallery last weekend. No idea who could have been responsible.


Funny that. As one of the main sewers for Douglas' late-night drunken filth to trawl their way home to the long-stay boarding houses, it'd never have occurred to me that having an art gallery with paintings and sculptures behind the windows might attract some unwanted attention. Have a look at the fancy new external lights. Pretty good for swinging on, I would have thought.


Perhaps a genius might have thought this could be a good place for some CCTV cover?

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Alternatively, it could be the work of a performance artist, breaking the window in a symbolic gesture to unite culture and the worker.

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Because it is a Government project.


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They've also got to break it again just as its been completed. Rather like whay they have done on North Quay - spent hundreds of thousands of pounds unnecessarily on a total new road layout and paving area and then just as its finished and looking nice let somebody demolish a building over all the work thats done and churn it up with diggers. It only makes sense in the wonderful world of the worlds most incompetent corporation.

It breaks my heart when they do this, time and time again.

They tarmac the road and then dig it up to put pipework down.

The prison was a massive (and apologise for saying this) big cock up due to various numerous hidden factors and cheapest isn't always the best. When will they learn? Yes we want to save money, yes we want it done quickly, but please please please, get it right first time without having to redo things afterwards!

I don't know, am I out of order, or is it just common sense that certain 'persons' have ignored for 'one reason or another'?


So, come the next national or local elections, we can expect you all to stand and change things.....




It annoys me when people I know go on and on about how crap the government is, or why do Douglas Corporation waste money on thais scheme or that scheme. When I ask them if they voted at the last election - No.

Now, I'm not suggesting that all of those slagging off local or national government on these posts didn't vote, but I'd bet a fair few didn't.

Didn't vote - no right to complain.

If you don't like what they do - stand yourself.


and relax...



You're obviously not an MHK or you'd have read the many many emails I've sent.

I won't be standing because I get embarrassed public speaking and to a bully, thats lamb to the slaughter.

Have I said something wrong Kevster?

Have I not said the facts?

I am entitled to complain about shoddy workmanship as whether it's to my house or what my taxes go towards, is it not?

If I see a problem, I write emails and if people see it as a personal complaint, then thats up to them and their own personal perceptions and I can only add that this had nothing to do with why I did it in the first place.

I am a tax payer and I also want value for money and to see it regularly squandered in such a lackadaisic fashion is disgusting and appalling.

I also voted and I do have a right to complain do I not?

So do you think it's right that 'whoever' can lay a road and then tear it up because something hadn't been strategically planned in advance? Well Kevster, DO YOU?


Sorry if you think that I was picking on you - my comments were aimed at the 'they're a load of fools, I could do better, I know everything about construction - roundabouts - traffic management - etc' brigade who seem to predominate threads on here.


If you voted, you have every right to moan. My point was also aimed that those who don't - and there are many. Just look at the % turnout.

Thank you Kevster for being open and honest. No harm done and you have a valid point.


There's something fundamentally wrong with this. Two adults coming to amicable resolution on the forum.



Nice to see though.


Group hug anyone?

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