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Recession Could Prove Hit Or Miss For Iom Tourism


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In my view the best thing the govt can do for tourists is to ensure that the poor blighters can get here without raising a mortgage. Whether that means nationalising the ferry I don't know, but if they don't tackle the fare problem, there's no chance.


And the sooner they replace the Lady with a boat that doesn't turn tail at the first sign of a few white caps, the better. The catamarans aren't up to the job and are very expensive to run.



I Agree, Government should of bought Steam Racket and Manx Airlines at the time, and ran them as a loss leaders to bring people here, then visitor numbers go up, people spend money, tourist industry gets a much needed boost!

But not forgetting we could get off this Island without costing us an arm and a leg as well.

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The Japanese yen is stronger against the pound now than ever. The Japanese love motorbikes, seafood, golf etc and would probably be quite happy to escape their hot summers. I don't suppose the DTL have any ads running in Japanese bike magazines though - that'd be too much bother.


Your guessing though, right? They might do, you'd just rather piss on any efforts without knowing the facts.

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The Japanese yen is stronger against the pound now than ever. The Japanese love motorbikes, seafood, golf etc and would probably be quite happy to escape their hot summers. I don't suppose the DTL have any ads running in Japanese bike magazines though - that'd be too much bother.


Your guessing though, right? They might do, you'd just rather piss on any efforts without knowing the facts.

A few months ago the £ went to 139 Yen it's lowest since 1995, since then it has got even worse £1 = 126 Yen. So, er, no guessing.


You could have checked that for yourself.

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The Japanese yen is stronger against the pound now than ever. The Japanese love motorbikes, seafood, golf etc and would probably be quite happy to escape their hot summers. I don't suppose the DTL have any ads running in Japanese bike magazines though - that'd be too much bother.


Your guessing though, right? They might do, you'd just rather piss on any efforts without knowing the facts.

A few months ago the £ went to 139 Yen it's lowest since 1995, since then it has got even worse £1 = 126 Yen. So, er, no guessing.


You could have checked that for yourself.

It's a good idea to run dvertisements (naturally in Japanese) in Japanese bike mags for a start. I know from experience that the Japanese inbound tourism market is one of the most challenging to develop in any sizeable way. It means having representation there, good accommodation, Japanese speaking guides and above all else the development of long term relationships with Japanese tour companies. One way that get's round this a bit is to have an internet site in Japanese and to encourage e.booking. This appeals to younger visitors who tie in with the biker image.


But guys the euro has never been stronger against the pound and we don't even have a tourism site in French, German, Dutch and Italian (Italians...motorbikes!). I would recommend realistically starting closer to home in Europe! I mentioned this to the DTL and was told it was not a market they focused on!

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But guys the euro has never been stronger against the pound and we don't even have a tourism site in French, German, Dutch and Italian (Italians...motorbikes!). I would recommend realistically starting closer to home in Europe! I mentioned this to the DTL and was told it was not a market they focused on!


But it is a market which we choose to police during TT with imported policemen!

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If the project is ever off - modern BUS STATION!

and maybe your monorail - with connections at St John's for the steam train to Ramsey!



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And what a tourist drawcard! We'd be world famous.




Is that one Albert Tatlock posing on the platform?


Lartigue, Listowell & Ballybunnion Railway


The section on "balancing the train' is highly recommended reading.


Come on Martyn Quayle extract digit! it would cost a lot less than an airport runway (particulalry if it was paid for in Manx £1 notes!)

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The minister said the aim was to attract a different kind of retailer that would not be in competition with existing town centre stores and added: 'There is a need for retail space within the town of Douglas, otherwise it will go out of town.'


So basically anyone not peddling a load of tired expensive old crap would be acceptable then?

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The minister said the aim was to attract a different kind of retailer that would not be in competition with existing town centre stores and added: 'There is a need for retail space within the town of Douglas, otherwise it will go out of town.'

So what is his plan for all the empty retail space in town?

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