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Nazi Party


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After this disgraceful act, Harry needs to find out what it was *really* like to be a nazi. He should be forced to gas thousands of Jews. Maybe then he'd realise that being a nazi wasn't all about parties and socialising, it was a nasty, traumatic job which involved getting your hands dirty - something the royal family aren't used to. That's the only way he'll ever learn to show some respect for the nazis, and sypmathy for the suffering they underwent before almost ALL of them were wiped out at the end of WW2.

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After this disgraceful act, Harry needs to find out what it was *really* like to be a nazi.  He should be forced to gas thousands of Jews.  Maybe then he'd realise that being a nazi wasn't all about parties and socialising, it was a nasty, traumatic job which involved getting your hands dirty - something the royal family aren't used to.  That's the only way he'll ever learn to show some respect for the nazis, and sypmathy for the suffering they underwent before almost ALL of them were wiped out at the end of WW2.



I think some kind of irony was intended here but it appears to have become lost under an avalanche of distasteful and inappropriate humour. Besides being wrong.


C.f.: Neo-Nazi party, now regaining strength in several European countries.

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All he has to do to become a ‘private’ person is to renounce his rights of succession and stop taking any form of taxpayers money.




And if you were third in line to the throne of England, Rog, this is exactly what you would do. I'm sure.


Of course I wouldn't, but then again nor would I be so stupid and insensitive as the two boys seem to have been.

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Once upon a time there was a writer who wrote adventure stories. He created a character called Jack. The stories were immensely popular. Then one day, the writer got sick of writing about Jack and decided to put him in an impossible situation. Utterly impossible, stuck at the bottom of a deep pit with no way of escape. So he could kill him off, you see.


Except his publisher and the public refused to allow this to happen. They insisted Jack came back for one more series of adventures. So the writer began his next story with the famous line: 'With one bound, Jack was free...'


Rog reminds me of this writer. He paints himself further into a corner with every post and then, with one bound ...



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I'm just getting one onf those 'whoosh' moments where I feel that certain people are misunderstanding my point.


I am NOT comparing the tsunami with the holocaust.


I WAS comparing the press reaction to the tsunami against a young man, (poorly advised ) wearing a Nazi arm-band.


To compare 'death tolls' or to even compare the events is sick and just trying to steer this thread in another direction.


Let's stick with the subject of the thread and leave aside the vitriol.

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I am NOT comparing the tsunami with the holocaust.


There's not much new news about the tsunami to fill the papers with. All we can expect is updates of the situation every so often. It's not like Harry has pushed it off the front page, the papers had moved on to other subjects.


To compare 'death tolls' or to even compare the events is sick and just trying to steer this thread in another direction.


But didn't your


It is a sad indictment, that this matter has chased other slightly more important issues off the front pages.


Such issues as, say, oh I don't know - the Asian Tsunami.


kind of link them in some way?



Let's stick with the subject of the thread and leave aside the vitriol.


I hope you don't see me as being vitriolic. I'm not angry about Harry and the Nazi uniform. I had hoped this generation of royals might have been better previous ones, a bit more down to earth and I'm left disapointed in that they attend "colonials and natives" parties dressed as a Nazi

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Let's stick with the subject of the thread and leave aside the vitriol.


Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. :huh:


My personal feeling is that Prince Harry behaved foolishly rather than cruelly, and meant no harm. He has apologised and there is little else he can do under the circumstances. However, it is important to note two contradictory things here: firstly, that he has offended a great many people and for good reason, and secondly, that mocking the Nazis is actually - IMHO - an excellent thing, considering the ongoing and sinister rise of the Neo-Nazi Party both abroad and in this country. We should not be afraid to make fun of people whose sole desire is to terrify and intimidate. Especially when their politics are still very much in evidence - contrary to those on this thread naive enough to consider the war against fascism a thing of the past.


There. :P

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that mocking the Nazis is actually - IMHO - an excellent thing, considering the ongoing and sinister rise of the Neo-Nazi Party both abroad and in this country.


But will everyone around the world see it as mocking the Nazis? Will some of those dumb feckers actually see it as encouraging that third in line to the throne wears a swastika?


I've not been to many fancy dress parties but when I do I sometimes would go dressed as an alter ego, some fanciful character that I'd aspire to perhaps. I'm not suggesting that he'd like to be a Nazi, I do wonder if he really understands what they were and what they did, but it could send out a signal that could be misunderstood by some people

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it could send out a signal that could be misunderstood by some people


Absolutely, Old Git. (You're not my father, are you? He's an old git too.)


I can't recall exactly where, but I was browsing the net last month and came across a site for BDSM types who like to party together with whips and whatnot. What I found both hilarious and rather fascinating about this site was that, under Dress Code, they stated quite baldly that although most men would be expected to attend in some sort of uniform, no one in a Nazi uniform would be admitted.


So even us kinky perverts have a social conscience!


(Erm, in case anyone was wondering, the dress code for women at these parties was much more ... diverse. :D )

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I hate fancy dress parties. And there is often some idiot who still thinks it's funny to black - up. But recently there have been a few good examples of comedians blacking - up and making it funny again. By turning the joke on it's head. When the blacking - up is done knowingly and stands for crassness. So the crassness is the joke.


Sometimes Nazi humour can be funny and poignant. I think it works when Nazism is stands as a metaphor for the worst possible kind of tastelessness. Obviously it's a very fine line. Peter Cook and Mel Brooks both managed, in different ways, to make intelligent humour which had Nazism as a theme - but was so potentially offensive that, in context, it stood for offensiveness. So the humour was about tastelessness.


Sooner or later someone will be able to make a very funny joke about Prince Harry dressed as a Nazi. My guess that it will point to his idiocy.


Meanwhile - I'm never sure about the rise of 'Neo Nazi' parties. I've been hearing about their rise since at least 1979 when the British National Front was the 4th largest party by share of the vote. The thing about these nasty parties is that they always schism. Partly because they are invariably populated by bombastic, simple minded and fundamentally unreliable people. Also because it is a fundementally pessimistic perspective which never has anything positive to say.

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The thing about these nasty parties is that they always schism. Partly because they are invariably populated by bombastic, simple minded and fundamentally unreliable people. Also because it is a fundementally pessimistic perspective which never has anything positive to say.


Um ... the Nazi party in Germany managed okay for several decades last century. The Second World War stands testimony to that.


Also, Britain may not exactly be a hotbed of fascism, true. Though it does exist here and should not be dismissed as harmless. I was actually thinking more about countries like modern Germany and Austria, where the NPD, as I believe they call themselves, is a respected Neo-Nazi party with representation in Parliament.


Correct me if I'm wrong there, since I haven't googled to check their current status. Just going on my memory of political events in those countries over the last few years.

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My understanding is that the European neo nazi parties are currently in gradual decline, in terms of share of the vote. The reason, as always, is that the mainstream parties employ aspects of the language of the extremists when their vote is under threat.


This happenned in 1979 in Britain - when many National Front supporters voted Conservative after Mrs Thatcher spoke about a 'wave' of immigration. Recently David Blunkett, as Home Sec, made references to a migrant 'invasion'.


It's unfortunate that, in some ways, extremists are able to set the agenda. On the other hand - responsible politicians have a duty to address the fears which cause stupid (or perhaps frightened) people to support extreme points of view.


Neo Nazis (like the Liberal Democrats) gain support in local elections and by elections - or when the mainstream parties start arguing internally. They are essentially protest vote parties.


I was staying at a little village in France during the last French Presidential elections. The locals were horrified en masse when two people in the village voted for the FN (and the results for each commune are posted on the internet). It was almost certainly a husband and wife. People in the village (both conservative and socialist) actually stopped me in the street to ask me what I thought about the vote. And to express their horror and apologies. The popular opinion was that the vote reflected badly on the commune.


I'm always impressed by the fact that when 'push comes to shove' most people are moderate and sensible. At the second vote - the left voted with the conservative right rather than splitting the anti Nazi vote. The FN had only done so well because the socialists were split. But it could, equally, have been the result of a divided moderate right wing.

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I can't recall exactly where, but I was browsing the net last month and came across a site for BDSM types who like to party together with whips and whatnot. What I found both hilarious and rather fascinating about this site was that, under Dress Code, they stated quite baldly that although most men would be expected to attend in some sort of uniform, no one in a Nazi uniform would be admitted.


So even us kinky perverts have a social conscience!



I wonder you are not ashamed, admitting to such things, hollandaise.

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