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Manx Radio Listening Figures Drop


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I used to like Alex & Stu in the mornings, only listen really in the morning & during driving times [catch the 8am-9am slot, some of Stu's Moaning Line equivalent at lunchtime & the 5-5.30pm slot] and the amount of adverts these days is ridiculous. On a drive from Douglas - Laxey or similar you can find yourself only hearing adverts. Haven't these people ever heard of spacing their adverts out? 5 or so at once, then leading up to 3 or more to sponsor the news/weather etc? Bah.


I'm listening at the moment - 09:49 - Chris Williams - you wouldn't know that it's a station for the Island. Alex is good IMO, he's local and is involved with the Island.


Chris is just running a morning music program, there's no real reason to listen.

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I agree, and although I'm no particular fan of Chris, to be fair he had just a few minutes before phoned Ann Summers shop in Strand Street to chat about their recent award. The shop doesn't open until 10, so that one fell a bit flat, but at least it was local.


Anyway, me, you and Stu - that's 3 that listen to Manx Radio on the forum for a start.

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I am getting a sense of déjà vu.


Every year the RAJAR figures are released. This, without fail, means that within a nanosecond of the figures being published a thread is started which results in Alex Brindley getting his annual slating (IMO somewhat unfairly), Stu understandably defending MR and forum members taking the opportunity to whinge incessantly about who they want to or, more importantly, don’t want to listen to.


I don’t really care if people do or don’t like Alex Brindley, he clearly has some fan base to justify his existence. I don’t have any issues with the bloke and feel that his show is typical of breakfast radio. What I don’t like is people continuing to listen to him and complaining about him though! Is this because they are being martyrs to Manx Radio by trying to show that despite their absolute detestation of Brindley, they will put up with listening to him for the general cause? I simply don’t believe that, I think that it is just a case of slagging off for the sake of it which is totally uncalled for. People need to get a life.


I think that in this day and age it is unrealistic to expect people to remain loyal to one station. I can honestly say that I prefer some presenters to others and if I don’t care for the music or the banter, I will flick to another station. I think most people (certainly of the younger generation) would be the same. I support Manx Radio and like mandate, Stu, Alex on occasion, the shows focussing on local issues and Carnaby Street. However, I also like listening to late night love songs on 3FM and don’t feel guilty for listening to both stations. It is ridiculous to me that anyone would continue listening to someone that they don’t care for – I certainly wouldn’t.

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Well said. This year I've decided not to bite (how grown up is THAT?).


In fairness, people have an understandable love/hate relationship with Manx Radio because it's the national broadcaster and is part-funded (and owned entirely) by the taxpayer.

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I don’t really care if people do or don’t like Alex Brindley

My wife sets the radio alarm to his programme - knowing full well that I'll be out of bed within a nano second of hearing his voice to turn the damned thing off!

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people have an understandable love/hate relationship with Manx Radio because it's the national broadcaster and is part-funded (and owned entirely) by the taxpayer.


Neither of those are the issue for me. I just more or less hate all pop radio.


Any news on putting together a once a week talk only podcast stripped of advertising* ? As I said before, if I worked at MR I would asking to be allowed to put it together in my own time.


* but potentially sponsored

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Any news on putting together a once a week talk only podcast stripped of advertising* ? As I said before, if I worked at MR I would asking to be allowed to put it together in my own time.


I was just thinking this morning that it would be good if Terry Cringle's History Man programmes were available as a podcast download.


Also, the likes of Howard Caine's walks programmes would be handy on podcast so you could listen to them while doing the walk.


How about it Stu? Can you suggest it to them?

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I also honestly believe that there would be an international audience for that sort of thing (how ever small to begin with).


Remembering that most of the people with Manx ancestors do not live on the IOM. Therefore the potential for ultimate sponsorship is ultimately feasible.


+ the tourism / wider interest argument

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people have an understandable love/hate relationship with Manx Radio because it's the national broadcaster and is part-funded (and owned entirely) by the taxpayer.


Neither of those are the issue for me. I just more or less hate all pop radio.


Any news on putting together a once a week talk only podcast stripped of advertising* ? As I said before, if I worked at MR I would asking to be allowed to put it together in my own time.


* but potentially sponsored


It's not just the banal and repetitive noise which passes for music, but the banal and crass witterings of the people selecting which noise to play.


Radio 3's audience figures are up, apparently, so perhaps the world is not getting "dumber".



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the banal and crass witterings of the people selecting which noise to play.


In between the crap they've got some good content which they could make more use of. Hence my interest in them doing a podcast. I think it's more useful to be positive rather than getting their backs up by being critical of the people they use to fill in between the content. Actually it probably does not make any difference. I don't think they realize yet that they need to change.


Radio 3's audience figures are up, apparently, so perhaps the world is not getting "dumber".


I like Radio 3 sometimes. So does a friend of mine. And so does my Granny. People often think it's a classical station but it isn't. I have heard The Fall being played on a Radio 3 arts programme more than once eg. So if you are listening too Sebrof then that's 4 of us at least. It's wonderful that the BBC support minorities like us.


My Mum listens to Classic FM. Which is normally like drowning in sugary sick IMO. Although Alex James from Blur has a show on that which is about the history of music and which I heard some of. It was quite interesting. I used to listen to Radio 4 all the time. Less and less these days.

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I like Radio 3 sometimes. So does a friend of mine. And so does my Granny. People often think it's a classical station but it isn't. I have heard The Fall being played on a Radio 3 arts programme more than once eg. So if you are listening too Sebrof then that's 4 of us at least. It's wonderful that the BBC support minorities like us.


To be fair, it is primarily a classical music station. On the serious music side, it's one of the last bastions of elitism left in Britain, and it's wonderful to be able to listen to progammes produced by intelligent people for intelligent people without any feeling that they need to water things down to appeal to a wider market.


Sadly, in the other departments, the picture is less rosy. One example is a regular programme devoted to the pop music of third world countries, hosted by some breathless woman who thinks she is in the presence of great art when a dalit bangs away on a sitar with broken strings. Really boring.


Another is a prog called "The Word" featuring a joker with a thick yokel accent. Impossible to take seriously. He was clearly chosen for no quality other than his accent, which is so totally hammed up that it's quite embarassing.


They also tend to find work for the egregious Gross Lloydman on various Jazz programmes. How you can put a man who sounds like that on a music programme I don't know.


But basically, thank God for Radio 3. Radio 4 is a no-mans-land thanks to the insufferably smug Jenni Murray, who presides over Women's Hour with its perpetual theme of man's inhumanity to women. Needless to say, she won't be doing progammes on Myra Hindley, Karen Matthews or Margaret Thatcher.



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To be fair, it is primarily a classical music station.


The vast majority of what I hear them playing is 19th century or later.


Which makes sense really since the vast majority of surviving music is 19th century or later.


Maybe we listen at different times.

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