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Tourism Awards?


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There should be an Isle of Man awards ceremony for the best awards ceremony.


For a small Island nation, there seems to be one helluva lot of smug boasting and back slapping going on.


I really don't think we have a lot to shout about.

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On the subject of nights out, around Christmas I was walking along Chester Street about 8 am when I spotted a Pizza box perched on a big wheelie bin near the back of Spam Dregs. Anyway, whoever had bought it the night before had eaten the whole thing and then in what seems an amazing feat of bodily control, puked the whole shebang back into the box without any spillage. Pity he hadn't thought to close the lid though. Mr and Mrs Gull were fastidiously breakfasting on the contents.



That is like something out of Dostoevsky, a well-known Irish feller. I nominate you to be the next T.E. Brown, our national Bard and Poet Laureate.



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That is like something out of Dostoevsky, a well-known Irish feller. I nominate you to be the next T.E. Brown, our national Bard and Poet Laureate.

Natheless, for mine own people do I sing,

And use the old familiar speech:

Happy if I shall reach

Their inmost consciousness.

One thing

They will confess

I never did them wrong,

And so accept the singer and the song.

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Is there an award for who charges the most money out of one tourist duing TT time?




What about an award for trying to present the IOM as a sleepy, little countryside resort and then being shocked when no young people want to come here because they will be bored out of their crazy young minds?

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What about an award for trying to present the IOM as a sleepy, little countryside resort and then being shocked when no young people want to come here because they will be bored out of their crazy young minds?

I think this is already included in the Annual Tourism Awards in the category for:


"The best most expensive advertising campaign produced by the DTL which fails to show a single tourist in it"

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Worst performance by a Government Department, the nominees -


The Department of Tourism - for being "badly run, mismanaged, carrying out actions which it had no right to carry out, and, ...having... poor, virtually non-existent communication within the department, and with other departments." Mount Murray Report


The Department of Tourism - for "a woeful, dismal performance on the part of the Department." The judgement of his worship the High Bailiff in the matter of the Chief Constable V Julie Corkill.


The Department of Tourism - for presiding over the 2007 TT where "Members of the public may well be astounded not only by the number of failings but the gravity of them. In short, this was a sad and sorry mess,' with 'considerable and wholesale failings in the system designed to ensure the safety of spectators was paramount'. Coroner of Inquests Michael Moyle

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What about an award for getting slatted for having some one tombstoning in the IOM and yet letting the Welsh get away with it?


Is our water not splashy and cold enough? Is our tombs not stoney enough? Or did we not hire a comedian and thats why it got slated?


our ffs..??

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In the absence of a 'Can you believe it?' section, I've put this MR LINK here.


Tourism in the Isle of Man will be celebrated at lunchtime today.


Professor Hugh Davidson will be the guest speaker at the 2008 Tourism Awards at the Villa Marina.


Prizes will be presented in a number of categories, among them best town/village; best night out; area of most scenic beauty; attraction of the year and best customer service.


DTL officials will also hand over a special award for 'Significant contribution to Tourism'.



Who voted?

Who paid for the lunch?

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What about an award for getting slatted for having some one tombstoning in the IOM and yet letting the Welsh get away with it?


Is our water not splashy and cold enough? Is our tombs not stoney enough? Or did we not hire a comedian and thats why it got slated?


our ffs..??


I'm sorry did that big word confuse you.


OUR = "Of or pertaining to us; belonging to us; as, our country; our rights; our troops; our endeavors."


I live here. So yes Ours.

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