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Stu's Views

Moghrey Mie

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I would consider that "An-DREE-as" then would tie in more with the KK Andrews thing. Perhaps the DRAY is more modern pseudo posh speak.


But An-drus just seems peculiar. I would hazard a good guess that most folk there would agree.


The "drus" seems to be a picked up idiosyncrasy from some old Manxie.


I used to know an old Manxman who incessantly pronounced Port Erin as Puirtuuurn or something strange. Everything about him was as Manx as could be and his knowledge was always well respected. There was never any move by others to pick up on his pronunciation of his village though. Thank God.


You're not from Andreas are you. Port Erin is the English name for the village, the Manx name is Purt Çhiarn, (the Çh sound is like the 't' in tune, or the 'ch' in cherry), the sounds were sometimes run together and so colloquially Purt Çhiarn became Purt Yiarn, and even sometimes, in later times Purt Iron (yiarn = iron).


Fair comment regarding Port Erin.


I still don't get this Andrus bit though (ask folk from Andreas how they promounce their village).



...and as for Fox-dul..?

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I read the article.


Anyone who comes over here and starts saying saying "An-drus" (instead of An-DREE-as or even An-DRAY-as) because two polarized self styled local despots think it actually should be said that way, should indeed be sent forth on the next boat


I'm Manx and I say Andrus. Maybe everyone else is right and you are wrong?


no-one down south calls it andrus its andreas to us always has been always will be .. hope this helps.

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Is Mr Peters getting paid for his views in the papers? If so, should he?


Nah, he should do it for free. Why get paid for work when employers can screw someone out of a freebie?


From the MR managements side, it must be a case of, what can we do with him? At Manx Radio I understand all the main presenters are employed on full time staff contracts. Something that has not happened in local radio in the UK for many years.


Utter nonsense. Many presenters in the UK are on full-time staff contracts. And what would that have to do with anything anyway? Unless you support both short-term insecure contracting policies as well as employees working for free?


Clearly Mr Peters could not continue on Mandate when he give the audience his personal views.


Even the BBC presenter's guidelines doesn't rule out journalists or presenters giving personal opinions - that was updated when the regional accents were welcomed back into the fold some years ago.


I understand, from the RAJAR, its been disappointing to MR audience reaction to the latest programme line up. Very little feedback, etc.


lmao - I didn't see the table with the statistics for "number of listeners ringing or contacting their local radio station over programming changes" on the RAJAR website. Could you point them out?


Or is this just a case of sour grapes? I suspect somebody who arrogantly styles themself "Manx Media" on web forums whilst revealing their utter ignorance of modern media practices would be somebody fairly well-known with a very big axe to grind. At least I don't see Stuart Peters sniping at rivals under the cover of a pseudonym.


nice putdown..

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I've been here five years so am a stopover, fortunately I'm a Saxon so will never be Manx in any way.



Funny you should say that.


Fortunately I'm 100% Celt and will never be English in any way.


The Manx are not more Celts than half of the English are.


I don't know if anyone watched it first time round but on Youtube there is an interesting programme on there about determining how English people are from their DNA. I think it is called How English Are You (might be wrong). But a manx version would funny to watch.

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I've been here five years so am a stopover, fortunately I'm a Saxon so will never be Manx in any way.



Funny you should say that.


Fortunately I'm 100% Celt and will never be English in any way.


The Manx are not more Celts than half of the English are.


I don't know if anyone watched it first time round but on Youtube there is an interesting programme on there about determining how English people are from their DNA. I think it is called How English Are You (might be wrong). But a manx version would funny to watch.


After the Romans left Britain, hordes of invaders came in and pushed the native Celts into the extremities - Cornwall, Wales, Scotland. Most of these invaders were Saxons, and that is why English is basically a Germanic language. Cut open an Englishman's veins and you will find a mixture of Viking, Celt, and German blood - plus a few other varieties.


I suspect that most Manxmen have some English blood in them (and a large part of Viking), just as most Englishmen have some Celt. Arguing about how much of each is pretty futile, in my view. Especially as the Vikings were perhaps a Germanic offshoot anyway.



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I am just me... and you lot are in my world


Why do we have to compartmentalize everybody and everything - as somebody said; who give a flying plastic seagull over Douglas harbour where you come from, who you think you are and where your going. These is no such thing as Manx, English, Scottish, French, or for that matter comeovers or stayovers.


As they say - where ever I lay my hat is my home, which is at the moment is on a tiny pimple or rock on the backside of a blue planet.

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