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Mnp = How To Kill The Iom In 3 Letters!


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Lexy there is a reason why no one votes for or takes seriously Mec Vannin - they are a very clever Manx joke. Their web site, policies etc are pure irony and only rolled out to confuse comeovers. they are so scared of facing an electorate who will shatter their feeble grasp on reality that they never dare stand for election!


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Well, in fairness there are good sides and bad sides to both arguments. The human race is already over populated as far as resources go and infrastructures have limits (could the Island support the population with out importing food? Does every tax payer have a dentist and doctor?). However, regards the nationality of the people living in a place...Who cares? As long as people contribute to what ever society they live in, I do not see a problem with anyone being anywhere they like. There are people who do not contribute to their chosen society in anyway, perhaps that is what the MNP should be looking at fixing (if anything).

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"Manx nationality must be defined by legislation and a Manx passport introduced, with Manx nationality being first citizenship. Whilst all residents would be eligible for Manx citizenship upon the introduction of legislation, subsequent new residents could only become citizens after due process of naturalisation. Only Manx citizens would be eligible to vote or to stand for representative public office"


I'm not getting your problem with this? its basically what we have in place now whereby you cant get benefits or get on the first time buyers list until you've been resident for a certain length of time. Why would we want any johnny come-over to stand for office? Why should someone who's only been here for short time be able to have a say in the politics & policy's of the island?


you seem to be reading a lot into what are fairly reasonable ideals, they'll never happen but at least they show that they care concerned for the long term future of the island

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Every country has it's immigration control. We only need skilled immigrants for vacant posts.

Countries which adopted open doors are now regretting that policy.


My first bid.........


Surely with the work permit system your only going to get people who are working coming over and staying or does the Manx unemployment pay out to non residents?

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"Manx nationality must be defined by legislation and a Manx passport introduced, with Manx nationality being first citizenship. Whilst all residents would be eligible for Manx citizenship upon the introduction of legislation, subsequent new residents could only become citizens after due process of naturalisation. Only Manx citizens would be eligible to vote or to stand for representative public office"


I'm not getting your problem with this? its basically what we have in place now whereby you cant get benefits or get on the first time buyers list until you've been resident for a certain length of time. Why would we want any johnny come-over to stand for office? Why should someone who's only been here for short time be able to have a say in the politics & policy's of the island?


you seem to be reading a lot into what are fairly reasonable ideals, they'll never happen but at least they show that they care concerned for the long term future of the island


(In bold 1)


Isn't that statement contradicting the Mec Vannin purpose of getting rid of all us come-overs? Making all us come-overs Nationals would really upset the likes of Manxman2.


(In bold 2)


So you'd rather someone who by accident of birth, without a clue, a backbone or gives a monkeys about the way the island is going compared to someone born else where who actually cares, knows what they are talking and is willing to stand up for their beliefs? Theres nationalism and there is stupidity.

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allow me to light the blue torch paper.



I am not manx , but i am a human being with more than 2 brain cells. I have been reading the Manx Nationalist Party website and now that i have just about finished laughing my ass off i will say this. The quote below is taken directly from the MNP's website


liar no-one with more than 2 would even consider that undertaking.


Believe it or not this is an actual policy statment from a so called political party..., seriously are you lot completly inbred.... A statement like this could just have easily come from the BNP. You claim that:


we are not inbred anymore thanks too muppits like you. .. nowt wrong with the bnp either.


What you MNP idiots dont seem to realise or want to accept is that if you had or were to introduce an immigration policy on the isle of man Your beloved Isle of man would have NO infastructure as the only reason you have one now is due to the large amount of "come over" companies and people that not only aid the income of this island but are in effect the backbone of it! I mean lets face it this is an island that without the financial sector and the expertise in it from the uk and other europian countries would rely on the TT each year as its primary source of tourism and subsiquant income (funny how you dont mind the come overs then)


our island has a fine infra-structure for 60k .. and trust me we wont starve..


And as for : "eroding the fabric of community life" If we all go back to our respective countries your "community life" will consist of over 50's going to the local church hall once a week for bingo, mass unemployment and sitting around thinking "i wish i hadent been so biggoted" when you realise that all you have left is farms, local industries (that no one will use because all the comeovers have gone and very few of the remaining manx will have any money to afford them due to the unemployment) and Shoprite ........


to know how the fabric of our society has been effected .. firstly you have to have lived thru it.. if you dont like country life then go forth and multiply..


This sounds more like somthing you would hear at a clu clux clan rally rarther than a political statment , in this day and age its takes someone of extreme stupidity to think this is actually a legitimate way to deal with people .. Hitler would be so proud of u!!!!!! And by that action you would make half the population (i.e. the non-manx born part) Manx Nationals with all the rights and priveliges that go with it. Seems counter productive to their purpose if you ask me.


To sum up, The MNP have spent alot of time and effort in coming up with a list of policys that if implemented would effectivly KILL the isle of man (congratulations on that) it seems to be a political organisation that has drawn all their policys from old KKK,BNP and German world war 2 propaganda leaflets... Tell you what guys i have a great idea for you once you have wrecked this island and are all out of a job fear not as i know North Korea are looking for new goverment members and im sure with your policys you will all fit right in...


this coming from someone living under new labour .. the same new labour that passed thru all the new security laws making even peaceful protest illegal.

never mind keeping databases on every individual and I.D. cards to boot .. freedom you have no idea how much has been stolen from under your nose muffin..

p.s. nothing wrong with the clan they were just country folks..




"In a small island nation such as ours, in default of policies to control the growth of the finance sector, policies to control the size of the population are essential for the achievement of economic, ecological and cultural sustainability. The rapid and unnatural population increase, due to an open door policy on immigration, has increased the burden on the island's infrastructure and environment whilst eroding the fabric of community life. As a result, Mec Vannin believes the immediate introduction of immigration controls to be a priority"





The rapid and unnatural population increase, due to an open door policy on immigration, has increased the burden on the island's infrastructure and environment whilst eroding the fabric of community life.




"Manx nationality must be defined by legislation and a Manx passport introduced, with Manx nationality being first citizenship. Whilst all residents would be eligible for Manx citizenship upon the introduction of legislation, subsequent new residents could only become citizens after due process of naturalisation. Only Manx citizens would be eligible to vote or to stand for representative public office".


sounds absolutely spot on to me... however we would have a good clean out first.

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