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Mnp = How To Kill The Iom In 3 Letters!


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Would you care to provide some examples of my struggles with the English language or are just trying to get a rise out of me.



I didn't have far to look. The first sentence of your previous post in this thread contains the line:


"Just looked at the quotes that Lexy put forward are in fact from the Mec Vannin site."


Try: "Just looked at the quotes that Lexy put forward. They are in fact from the Mec Vannin site."


The subject of the first sentence is the "I" that you omitted (quite reasonably) to place in front of "Just" - along with the word "have". The object is "quotes". Being an object, it can't then be the subject of "are".


I'd provide more examples, but you can take my word for it that they are legion.



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Would you care to provide some examples of my struggles with the English language or are just trying to get a rise out of me.



I didn't have far to look. The first sentence of your previous post in this thread contains the line:


"Just looked at the quotes that Lexy put forward are in fact from the Mec Vannin site."


Try: "Just looked at the quotes that Lexy put forward. They are in fact from the Mec Vannin site."


The subject of the first sentence is the "I" that you omitted (quite reasonably) to place in front of "Just" - along with the word "have". The object is "quotes". Being an object, it can't then be the subject of "are".


I'd provide more examples, but you can take my word for it that they are legion.




It is called a mistake, not a struggle with the English language. Nice to see that the one of the regulars are once again trying to sway the subject (bit to close to home S?) by making a point of correcting every last grammatical and speeling (put that one in so you can point it out and feel big and important about yourself) error I make.

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Would you care to provide some examples of my struggles with the English language or are just trying to get a rise out of me.



I didn't have far to look. The first sentence of your previous post in this thread contains the line:


"Just looked at the quotes that Lexy put forward are in fact from the Mec Vannin site."


Try: "Just looked at the quotes that Lexy put forward. They are in fact from the Mec Vannin site."


The subject of the first sentence is the "I" that you omitted (quite reasonably) to place in front of "Just" - along with the word "have". The object is "quotes". Being an object, it can't then be the subject of "are".


I'd provide more examples, but you can take my word for it that they are legion.




It is called a mistake, not a struggle with the English language. Nice to see that the one of the regulars are once again trying to sway the subject (bit to close to home S?) by making a point of correcting every last grammatical and speeling (put that one in so you can point it out and feel big and important about yourself) error I make.



It's not one mistake, matey, it's dozens. You can't even spell a three-letter word. Anyway, my post was directed at MM2; you were just collateral damage.


And if you think this silly thread means anything to me or anybody else other than the resident illiterates, you are deluding yourself.



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...Why should THEY worry when you can't even hold a halfway-sensible discussion among yourselves for more than half-a-dozen posts on a forum before you're off bitching and sniping at each other's personality faults and failure to have been born Manx unto the seventh generation......Maybe there sure be a commission for racial purity, and we should all have number tattooed on our arms to prove who we are. Or is that racist? Bigoted (did I spell that right?), or just plain totalitarian extremist....


Meanwhile the politicians have given the Linskspan to the Steam Racket, allowed BA to nick the Heathrow slot, build unplanned developments all over the Island, ripped off the Grant scheme, stolen 20 million for some pie-in-the-sky piss-take at MEA, charge twice the going rate for oil, petrol and gas, etc, etc, et bloody cetera, and you're still arguing about who's the biggest Manxie of them all and how to spell halfwits.


I like jonnyrotten, he makes a good point. The MDO and MM2 show, whilst momentarily interesting, does not sustain.

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A political party which refuses to contest elections. That's always a successful way to change the system.


Actually, it can often have far more potential to change the system that participating in it. Depends however on whether you are looking for reform or remove that system.

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I'm aware that many parties from around the world refuse to contest elections - often because they see the system as corrupt or they don't believe it represents them (in territorial disputes). But usually these parties maintain a large profile with publicity, demonstrations and frequent speeches and articles. But what do Mec Vannin do?

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I'm aware that many parties from around the world refuse to contest elections - often because they see the system as corrupt or they don't believe it represents them (in territorial disputes). But usually these parties maintain a large profile with publicity, demonstrations and frequent speeches and articles. But what do Mec Vannin do?


I think the lack of support and funds prohibits much campaigning, fortunately.

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I'm aware that many parties from around the world refuse to contest elections - often because they see the system as corrupt or they don't believe it represents them (in territorial disputes). But usually these parties maintain a large profile with publicity, demonstrations and frequent speeches and articles. But what do Mec Vannin do?


I think the lack of support and funds prohibits much campaigning, fortunately.



I think the above quote in bold type and underlined speaks volumes.........nobody really gives a fuck, black, white, blue, yellow, manx, english, martain, whatever..............I tell you this though it's not the nationality of someone that matters it's their attitude and outlook on life, and if that's positive then they should be welcome anywhere in the world, if on the other hand it's negative then they should be made to feel unwelcome.....having said that one persons negativity is another persons positivity, so if we base attitude on the general concensus of the majority as the accepted norm we then have a potentially dangerous situation since a majority isn't nesseccarily the best thing...so, in summary it's always good to debatue, argue, question, doubt, disagree, protest...even if it does get personal, because if we don't use it then we lose it!!!! :cool:

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Mec Vannin, and the Manx Nationalist party have had plenty of representation at elections in the past.


It is interesting to note that some of them only gained success once they had dropped the party tag.


A Manx National Party/Mec Vannin candidate successfully gained election in Douglas South in 1976 when Peter Craine was elected although he was not returned at the following general election.


Allan Bell, the current Finance Minister, stood unsuccessfully as a Mec Vannin candidate in 1976. He didn't stand again until a by-election in November 1984 although he didn't stand as a Mec Vannin candidate then or any time in the future.


Charles Faragher unsuccessfully stood as a Mec Vannin candidate for Rushen in 1976. He successfully stood as an independent at a by-election when Eddie Lowey was elevated to the Legislative Council in November 1982, but did not stand again.


Hazel Hannan stood unsuccessfully in 1981 as a Mec Vannin candidate but was only elected at the following election when she stood as an independent. Mrs Hannan topped the poll of 9 candidates, with a sizeable majority. She remained elected for the next 25 years.


Around those years there were another half dozen or so other Mec Vannin candidates who were less successful


So I would say that the influence of Mec Vannin has been fairly considerable, but nationalist parties tend to be only bubbling under until there is some sort of crisis. Maybe Mec Vannin days are not yet over.

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Much as most people disagree with the views of extreme parties, they do serve a purpose in getting the suppressed feelings of sections of the community into the open. This can only be good when they see how easily their arguments are knocked down!

The alternative is a discontented and disenfranchised undercurrent, which can blow up into a major disturbance. I feel that allowing this kind of debate is a pressure safety valve for the system!

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Bloody hell, it's no wonder this Island has such a bunch of sorry-arse politicians. Why should THEY worry when you can't even hold a halfway-sensible discussion among yourselves for more than half-a-dozen posts on a forum before you're off bitching and sniping at each other's personality faults and failure to have been born Manx unto the seventh generation. Or is it eight? Well, some say ten. And even then, you can't be really sure. Maybe there sure be a commission for racial purity, and we should all have number tattooed on our arms to prove who we are. Or is that racist? Bigoted (did I spell that right?), or just plain totalitarian extremist....


Meanwhile the politicians have given the Linskspan to the Steam Racket, allowed BA to nick the Heathrow slot, build unplanned developments all over the Island, ripped off the Grant scheme, stolen 20 million for some pie-in-the-sky piss-take at MEA, charge twice the going rate for oil, petrol and gas, etc, etc, et bloody cetera, and you're still arguing about who's the biggest Manxie of them all and how to spell halfwits.


One gets the government one deserves, so it's been said, and on the evidence of this forum there's a lot worse to come.


Please have my babies!

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