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[BBC News] Arrests over fighting at Quayside


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Their cast-iron defence is that 'there's f*ck all else to do in Ramsey on a Saturday!'

There's naff-all to do at the best of times. At least there are roads heading away from Ramsey...

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Something for the historians to record following on from 1079.

A third time he gathered a massive force and came by night to the harbour which is called Ramsey, and three hundred men he hid in a wood which was on the sloping brow of the mountain called Sky Hill. At dawn the Manxmen formed up in battle order and after a massive charge joined battle with Godred. When the battle was raging vehemently, the three hundred rose from their place of hiding at their rear and began to weaken the resistance of the Manxmen and compelled them to flee. Now when they saw themselves defeated without any place for them to escape to, for the tide had filled the riverbed at Ramsey and the enemy were pressing constantly from the other side, those that were left begged Godred with pitiful cries to spare them their lives. Moved with compassion and taking pity on their plight, since he had been reared among them for some time, he called off his army and forbade them to pursue them further.


— Chronica Regum Manniae et Insularum (The Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles)


Were any descendants of Godred involved?

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A bunch of chavs from pully get on a bus, start a scrap amongst themselves after a couple of pints and get kicked out of town.

How is that worthy of newsbot?


It isn't but I have to say it's more news worthy than 10 centimetres of snow in southern England which is all the BBC seem to be writing about these past few days.

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