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Buses - Strike Coming?

Albert Tatlock

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From that criteria, my view could never be balanced, nor could yours. This crisis relates to our and our fellow workers lives. We have an interest. As does everyone.


In respect of knowledge, I don't see how you could make such idiotic claims about my readership and selectiveness with reading. I read the papers, I watch the news, I sometimes even read the Economist. I have a good understanding of the conventional and orthodox perspectives that surround current issues. As you may or may not gather, there are not that many anarchist publications nor ones that cover all issues. But as you do, I interpret the information I am given and come to my own conclusions.


Actually, the reason for posting on this issue was because I witness very little recognition of the appalling state of affairs that has occurred. There has been very little harsh indictment of the financial system that created this state of affairs. And no criticism of the burden that workers have to face in maintaining the financial system.


I think your problem is that you really don't see your ideological bias, yet believe that because you have what you consider a wide readership that that readership affords you a perspective balance, and thus leads you to a conclusion that you have always been told to be true: acceptability of the status quo or reform of capitalism.


You DO sound selective Sebrof. You think what Dick Cheney and Osama Bin Laden have to say is worthless? I don't.

And maybe I represent that 'other side' of the argument to which you reject so readily based on your ideological assessment.

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LDV - a person has some money - they use it to employ some engineers and managers, who develop a product, and who get paid to do it, these employ some assembly workers who make the product, and who also get paid. Then a financial crisis comes along - and the product doesn't sell in sufficient numbers, doesn't make a profit, the company goes bankrupt. The person who invested the money has lost every penny - hasn't been paid a cent - the managers, engineers and the assembly workers have been paid the entire time. Just tell me - who has taken advantage of who?


That's a a tough question because there are aspects of exploitation here as well, as the problem is with the system. Those getting paid a wage are being taking advantage of, it is the investor who owns the means for production (the capital to finance this) and compensates their work with a wage.


Everyone employed has been 'taken advantage of' by the impact of the failure of the system by losing their jobs.


The investor has lost his money,he has suffered from the crisis. But he hasn't been taken advantage of.




So in your worlsd then, how do u get products that u like to buy, how would u get your computer, your internet etc,

how does your view work in the respect to this,

if we get taken advanatge off because we paid to make a product, if we dont make it who will, how would your world make these things, im quite intrested in how in your world, u would be able to buy anything, please explain



i dont think anyone gets taken advantage off, u go for a job, thay offer u say £10ph u only wanted £8ph does that mean the worker took advantage of the company, should he say no no i only want £8ph!!!


works the other way thay offer £10ph u want £12ph, there not taken advantage thay told you the wage u can take it or not, u dont have to take £10ph u can refuse the job, but if u take the job u know the wages so u know what u gettinging into

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i wonder has the following calculation been carried out?


school bus service using low cost budget buses (no frills) and part time drives, much like the american system combined with partially subsidised taxi's for workers and fully subsidised taxi's for local pensioners.


Scapping the current bus service.


I wonder what the cost differential would be. It would mean that we would have a lot more taxi's on the road for social use, in turn reducing the risk of drivers risking drink driving.

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Spermann - That would mean more cars on the road, especially at rush hour. Therefore, more congestion, more pollution, taxi ranks everywhere, delays trying to find a cab @ 5pm. Presumably, the cost to the passenger would be more as well. Also personally, I'd rather catch a bus than a taxi.

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So in your worlsd then, how do u get products that u like to buy, how would u get your computer, your internet etc,

how does your view work in the respect to this,

if we get taken advanatge off because we paid to make a product, if we dont make it who will, how would your world make these things, im quite intrested in how in your world, u would be able to buy anything, please explain


I found just now but was looking for something else: http://www.geocities.com/capitolHill/1931/secIcon.html


i dont think anyone gets taken advantage off, u go for a job, thay offer u say £10ph u only wanted £8ph does that mean the worker took advantage of the company, should he say no no i only want £8ph!!!


works the other way thay offer £10ph u want £12ph, there not taken advantage thay told you the wage u can take it or not, u dont have to take £10ph u can refuse the job, but if u take the job u know the wages so u know what u gettinging into


It isn't about how much you get paid. Your expectations on your pay are set within the framework of how you understanding things should be, in capitalist terms. Rather getting a wage is a result of exploitation. In taking up work in today's society you really have no choice but to accept that the employer owns your work, and what your produce, and owns you. Because the employer owns the tools you need to make or do things, he/she classes your work as his property. And you get a wage as a form of compensation for your trouble.

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Spermann - That would mean more cars on the road, especially at rush hour. Therefore, more congestion, more pollution, taxi ranks everywhere, delays trying to find a cab @ 5pm. Presumably, the cost to the passenger would be more as well. Also personally, I'd rather catch a bus than a taxi.


I'd rather pay a bus fare than a taxi fare, certainly. Rather than scrap the existing system, why not introduce a series of "last buses" round the island at 11:30pm? Could be very popular, and might bring back a bit of trade to country pubs.


The biggest problem with IOM buses is that it is such a half-hearted service. If I want to spend the day in Port Erin, for instance, there's two or three buses in the morning, but the last one back to my neck of the woods leaves in mid-afternoon. What use is that?


The government will no doubt say that there is little demand for buses because everybody has a car. But everybody has a car because of the inadequacy of the bus service.



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The government will no doubt say that there is little demand for buses because everybody has a car. But everybody has a car because of the inadequacy of the bus service.




I know what you mean, you are at a big disadvantage if you don't take the car or don't drive.


Are you talking about the Port Erin to Peel bus route?

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The government will no doubt say that there is little demand for buses because everybody has a car. But everybody has a car because of the inadequacy of the bus service.




I know what you mean, you are at a big disadvantage if you don't take the car or don't drive.


Are you talking about the Port Erin to Peel bus route?



Sssh. Don't let on that I am from Peel.



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Sebrof - Are you deliberately obtuse? You counter the argument that buses are better than taxis for mass transport by bleating that some obscure route that few people will ever use is poorly served.


It would be nice to have extra buses on the Peel to Port Erin route, but not at the expense of the main routes. The reason they run at the times you state is because they are spare at that time, but early morning and late afternoon they are used for schools and commuters. Besides, Port Erin & Peel aren't inaccessible from each other by bus during these times you just need to go through Douglas. Personally, I think of the Peel - Port Erin route as a bonus route.

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