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this craft has been travelling for SEVEN years to a moon in the solar system of Saturn - "Titus" where astronomers are speculating that the information passed back by this apparatus should reveal molecular activity similar to that of the earth 4 and a half million years ago (or was it four HUNDRED THOUSAND million years...not sure - they were bangin on about it on the wireless this morning) they reckon they should find there "orange coloured seas and slow moving waves" - if all this is true, the beatles well deserve credit for imagining what Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds had seen: (ie Tangerine trees and marmalade skies...) :whistling:

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oh YEAH!!!! (i keep remembering bits as the day goes on) - the space ship is going playing music as it arrives (so we don't scare any creatures in case there IS life out there...) they also reckon that coz this is so similar to how the earth was all those zillions of years ago - they will be able to find out a lot more about how we began - fu%£!%in BRILL huh? B)

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It's Titan BTW.....this small craft is british built and designed so hopefully won't got tits up. It was piggy backed onto the Cassini probe that has spent the last 9 months orbiting Saturn sending back some amazing pictures (which don'tneed acid to appreciate!)and reams of other scientific data. The Cassini probe itself is planned to make 40+ passes by Titan alone to take detailed readings. Superb science here and not a blotter in sight!!

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