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Minester Fer Edukashun


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Just seen the article about the UK Misister for Education's blog, I bet he feels a right plonker.




Words the Education Minister got wrong:


maintainence (maintenance)


convicned (convinced)


curently (currently)


similiar (similar)


foce (force)


pernsioners (pensioners)


reccess (recess)


archeaological (archeological)


acheiving (achieving)


receieved (received)


2/10 Must try harder

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I would guess that he can spell the following:

  • members' expenses
  • waffle
  • overseas parliamentary study trip
  • big fat pension
  • directorships

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couldda got caught giving his secretary a portion if all he wanted was publicity manxy..

Lol manxman, I think you could be right, but you'd have thought that there would have been people who would have proof read it first or any statement issued, especially in his position.

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