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Vehicle Plate Recognition

Albert Tatlock

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What's stopping them doing that now? You don't need cameras, just a list of the numbers, SPC keep a list, pass it to the cops, who put them in a simple database.

Yes but that also involves the Police doing some actual work and do some thinking. Come on get real.

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What's stopping them doing that now? You don't need cameras, just a list of the numbers, SPC keep a list, pass it to the cops, who put them in a simple database.

Yes but that also involves the Police doing some actual work and do some thinking. Come on get real.

You missed the other essential ingredient - why do something with existing resources when you will get the taxpayers to buy a lot of expensive technology that will have to be replaced in 5 years with even more expensive technology.


Utilise what we've got versus spend money. For an MHK that's a 'no-brainer'.

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I really struggle with the logic of this board sometime, and of the German court, as it seems recording the numbers manually and entering into the computer or checking is fine, but having a machine read the numbers is not?.




What's stopping them doing that now? You don't need cameras, just a list of the numbers, SPC keep a list, pass it to the cops, who put them in a simple database.
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What's stopping them doing that now? You don't need cameras, just a list of the numbers, SPC keep a list, pass it to the cops, who put them in a simple database.

Yes but that also involves the Police doing some actual work and do some thinking. Come on get real.



the cameras are much better than getting plod to check everything by eye. there are quite a few untaxed cars 'parked' on streets, and i saw a motorcycle recently with tax months out of date. if you are legal, whats the problem?? if you aren't, you fucking should be and anything that gets you caught is fine by me. why should i be at risk of getting crashed into by some uninsured wanker chav on benefits and have naff all chance of getting my vehicle fixed at their expense if i'm only 3rd party?? even if fully comp i get stung with the excess. fuck tax dodgers and insurance dodgers. bring in the crush the car law too..

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One of the reasons they want it besides the obvious tax and insurance checking, is that nubers can be logged coming off the boat and auto flagged if they dont go back withing a time period, i.e. not registering a car here withing the legal time limit thus avoiding paying revenue, also it can do the same in reverse i.e. spot manx cars going across and not returning thus stopping people from across buying cars here to use in the uk as if a Manx reg car has a full legal plate i.e. with dashes in reg a lot of cameras including specs ignore them, also a lot of councils dont chase parking tickets for Manx cars, thus eliminating us getting a bad name and being pulled by UK police because of a few tossers, in addition cars coming over frequently can be logged and checked against owners to check if they may be used for crime like drug smuggling.


Oh yes, the efficiency argument. Well, if you record every single detail of peoples lives then everything becomes super efficient doesn't it? But what benefit does the the ordinary citizen get from this intrusion and efficiency? Cock all basically and the by product is that Government has more and more control over our lives. It's like trying to do away with cheque books and cash transactions. You end up with every detail of your financial life being recorded somewhere for posterity and police investigation 'just in case' you do something untoward.


In the case of ANPR it allows the Government to build up an audit trail of your movements. Every time you pass an ANPR camera it logs the time and place. Government get to keep a record of who you are and where you go. It's basic police state and the idea should have been scrubbed with the Berlin Wall.


A friend of mine in a large English city went for a parking permit at a large public building. The security guys had monitored him as he approached the building from TWENTY MINUTES AWAY! I.e. ANPR was used to spy on his movements across town. The same will happen here in the Isle of Man. If the police don't like the look of you then they will just sit in Lord Street, Peel, Ramsey or elsewhere and watch you drive round the Isle of Man.


Do we really want to live in this kind of society? Some of these MHK's really need to get their heads round the Human Rights Act and realise it's there to protect ordinary people from the government encroaching on peoples lives.


Have a look at BBC - 'Warning over surveillance state'

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What's stopping them doing that now? You don't need cameras, just a list of the numbers, SPC keep a list, pass it to the cops, who put them in a simple database.

Yes but that also involves the Police doing some actual work and do some thinking. Come on get real.



the cameras are much better than getting plod to check everything by eye. there are quite a few untaxed cars 'parked' on streets, and i saw a motorcycle recently with tax months out of date. if you are legal, whats the problem?? if you aren't, you fucking should be and anything that gets you caught is fine by me. why should i be at risk of getting crashed into by some uninsured wanker chav on benefits and have naff all chance of getting my vehicle fixed at their expense if i'm only 3rd party?? even if fully comp i get stung with the excess. fuck tax dodgers and insurance dodgers. bring in the crush the car law too..


The trouble is that every incremental erosion of liberty seems to be insignificant in itself. However, one day we will wake up and find that the government has tagged everyone of us, knows where we are at all times of the day and night, and it can then start passing laws saying you have to pay a tax to go out at night.


Was the UK a worse place before they put cameras on every lamp-post? Is it a better place now?


So-called speed cameras have not brought about a reduction in accidents, they are just a scam to make money. The more this surveillance business goes on, the more it will be abused.



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The trouble is that every incremental erosion of liberty seems to be insignificant in itself. However, one day we will wake up and find that the government has tagged everyone of us, knows where we are at all times of the day and night, and it can then start passing laws saying you have to pay a tax to go out at night.

Hear, hear!


It isn't as if the Isle of Man is exactly Dodge City. It can be a good idea to keep things in proportion. For those who want cameras everywhere remember that you can't go out at night without all your neighbours knowing. Far more effective than cameras and cheaper too. "We counted them out and we counted them back again".

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I.e. ANPR was used to spy on his movements across town.


I've heard today (from a reliable source*) that they even have sensors in the road the can measure the axle and total weight of a lorry as it passes over them at 56 mph. This is checked at an instant using ANPR with the vehicles max weight at the DVLA. If over the max, it's pulled in for a proper weight check by VOSA personnel down the road where they have those accurate weigh pads you drive on.


*bother in law, a VOSA inspector.


What's next?

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Easy really.


You turn up to get your tax done, you get issued with an official form, you go to a registered plate maker, get it made up with the the year on, no probs. You still should however, have the insurance policy and not a cover note. Then if you cancell the insurance, it is up the the covering company to let the police know. As they do to the DVLA in the UK.


All you have to do is make the road tax year start on a certain day, like income tax. 1st April.


Incorprate the plate charge in the tax price and let the police pull everyone who hasn't got one. It would allow people to have personall plates and no worries.


Does anyone else give a shit whether it's got IOM in the plate? I don't.


Get it wrong, they take you car and sell it, if not sold, scrap it.

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He is part of the 'Youth task FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'. This past friday they organised a 'Free' youth disco at Paramount City. Turned out they has the biggest dicks as bouncers and recouped the cost of it all in drinks... I paid £1.80 for a J2O.


And that's got something to do with car/bike tax then ?



I'm supprised they let you in :o

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Actually it probably has more to do with bagging a few votes for the not too distant general election. Today's 14 year-olds are tomorrow's 16 year-olds, sort of thing.


Bill Malarkey* and Juan Watterson have teemed up on this disco for the kids. They will have realised that David Quirk MHK (Onchan), after 6 attempts, finally got in as MHK when the voting age was dropped to 16. Suddenly David was supporting all the yoof activities he could and Hey Presto! he finally got in as MHK.


Every court needs a jester.


Mind you, in a democracy, there is a school of thought that would say what is wrong with pandering to a particular section of the electorate for our vote, that after all is what we expect.


Before the vote for 16 year olds, the support was to be found in granny farming but I suppose it is easier these days to just targets the kids. Less need to have to sit and listen to all those problems and life stories for the sake of an 'X'


What has all this got to do with car number plates? Buggar all really but it got it off me chest.




*expect a lot more of this sort of thing from Bill over the next 18 months to secure plenty of publicity and votes.

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I know a few tossers who try and fiddle the system by getting online insurance, printing a copy off and then canceling. Use the print off to obtain a tax disk for the year (they used to just scan them but a couple of them got caught out doing that.) what they need is a live time system that is linked to the reg that has insurance cover as well as the valid tax.


Big brother my arse, if there are uninsured people on the road then i welcome each and every idea to make these bastards pay up like the rest of us.

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Have a disk that needs to be attached to the number plate for insurance.

Make it a law that it must be returned if insurance cancelled, against the law not to.

Not possible to cancel without returning the disk physically


Instant recognition at a distance. No insurance, crush car, no exceptions.

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Have a disk that needs to be attached to the number plate for insurance.

Make it a law that it must be returned if insurance cancelled, against the law not to.

Not possible to cancel without returning the disk physically


Instant recognition at a distance. No insurance, crush car, no exceptions.

The Irish system is simple, straightforward, very cheap, easy to implement and works - IOM could copy. Police could enforce by getting out of their cars and checking passing motorists.


Low tec, High effect



PS: Let the UK deal with UK motorists at their end - Liverpool, Belfast and Heysham - so simple

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