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Orbital Reforming For The Big Chill

Cliff Hazard

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Went last year to this festival and have to say it truly was ace. For me personally, every good bit of Glastonbury filtered out and plonked in a really nice setting in Herefordshire. None of the 'herd' mentality, and a special sort of madness you just don't get at Glasto. Ace people, loads of space, brilliant acts and the food, oh man the food, is awesome.


Orbital are reforming for it this year (20 years after 'Chime') so I reckon the tickets will go quick.


If you're into this sort of thing, get on it!

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Ooooh, I dont really know if we will get to go anywhere this year. Darn Shpongle are on again in October, them, Younger Brother and Hoopy Frood all have new albums due out , thus will play concerts & I've already missed Shri once but really need to see him. We might have to go for lots of 'little nights out' in the UK instead. Although, I was quite liking the look of Sunrise last year (which ended up joining with the Big Chill due to the bad weather), might see what the weather is like at the end of April and see what the bands I really like are up to. Glastonbury is 'on hold' until I can go as a 'granny' & enjoy that side of the festival.


We might have to goto Campbestival though :)

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And oddly enough Gong are playing there...........it's their 40th anniversary this year!!!

not that odd, believe me. I think Steve Hillage was there last year for one reason or another - at the Sunrise festival anyway, which was incorporated into the Big Chill.


If they are playing, don't forget your teapots!

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The Big Chill is pretty much favorite for me at the mo - notably for the Gong gig - but also because its not too big and its in the grounds of a castle.


Have been up to Connect in Inverary for the last two years but its not on this year so have been looking for a smallish cool festival to go to instead.


Also, Gong should be touring the UK in the autumn. Maybe they could come here? The UofE gig in Peel was bloody great!

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