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How far is this all going to go? How much more information do they apprently need. Makes me SO angry that these cocks try and fob these measures onto the populace, and cover it up with reasons that relate to terrorism and crime.


British people are under the most surveillance than in any other country and have the more stringent terrorism measures in the West. Talk of Britain being representative of liberalism, democracy, and freedom is just a bad joke, and it is getting worse.

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What I find incredibly funny (in a dark way) is that the contract to run a massive IT project like this will undoubtedly go to one of the current crop of exceptionally incompetent companies managing the PFI contracts in the UK which are overbudget and simply dont work (Crapita , EDS , etc etc).


All that money on Lobbyists seem to work no matter how shit you are at delivering the promised product. Anyone else remember when failing to provide the described product at the advertised price was considered breach of contract and you lost the contract, and usually any future work with that client?

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they already have your travel info when you buy the tickets!!, customs already keep a record as can be seen from many documentaries where they dig out when and where and how often couriers/smugglers come and go along with all the honest folks. it's nothing new, just now someone wants us all to think about it in a bad way...

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they already have your travel info when you buy the tickets!!, customs already keep a record as can be seen from many documentaries where they dig out when and where and how often couriers/smugglers come and go along with all the honest folks. it's nothing new, just now someone wants us all to think about it in a bad way...


Right ok, so a specific department keeps records when I travel to and from the UK?


What is different here then, clearly there is a new procedure or process or data is held somewhere additional to customs.

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i wonder how people would feel about this had the article been written differently?


New immigration technology opposed by job stealing jonny foreigners!!


there is no data as to why it is or isn't essential in that article it is basically propoganda against the database with a weak serving of some figures (2700 arrests) to give some semblance of balance.


oh wait im on the wrong side of the fence.........


it uses the 1984 defence, dont start the band wagon without me.


"We are sleepwalking into a surveillance state and should remember that George Orwell's 1984 was a warning, not a blueprint."


a surveillance state? is the database going to follow our travels by security cameras?


and what about credit card companies, forget the govenment, the credit card company knows what books i buy online where i travel too what i spend on average each month.......fuck they even have my home address MY FREEDOMS ARE BEING TRAMPLED!

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i wonder how people would feel about this had the article been written differently?


New immigration technology opposed by job stealing jonny foreigners!!


there is no data as to why it is or isn't essential in that article it is basically propoganda against the database with a weak serving of some figures (2700 arrests) to give some semblance of balance.


oh wait im on the wrong side of the fence.........


it uses the 1984 defence, dont start the band wagon without me.


"We are sleepwalking into a surveillance state and should remember that George Orwell's 1984 was a warning, not a blueprint."


a surveillance state? is the database going to follow our travels by security cameras?


and what about credit card companies, forget the govenment, the credit card company knows what books i buy online where i travel too what i spend on average each month.......fuck they even have my home address MY FREEDOMS ARE BEING TRAMPLED!



Suggest you read 1984.



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and what about credit card companies, forget the govenment, the credit card company knows what books i buy online where i travel too what i spend on average each month.......fuck they even have my home address MY FREEDOMS ARE BEING TRAMPLED!


Yes, it is a media article so it is going to written to be sensationalist. Enlighten me if I am wrong, but the running theme of the New Labour's steps against crime, terrorism, and immigration is this consolidation and centralisation of information on the behaviour, whereabouts, and movements of people.

Information of us is held in multiple locations, but it is not accessible in one location or close at hand to the state.


there is no data as to why it is or isn't essential in that article


That is because the government has not made it abundantly clear how it will prevent and stop crime and terrorism and why such measures in particular have merit. As I said, the United Kingdom has the most awful laws to prevent terrorism that are truly excessive, yet wants more steps taken to prevent terrorism. I can only understand this stand in one particular way, and that is recognition that British foreign policy over the past ten years is sure to make terrorism more likely, viz. what has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this isn't why these measures are implemented. The UK government has already gone far enough to prove that its motives for introducing anti-terrorist methods go WAY past anti-terrorism. The elites just want to have more control over the population.


Surveillance is not limited to watching you on CCTV. But you could instead call it the Spying State or Snooping State, but snooping doesn't really bring forth the negative implications.


As to the article title you came up with, I am sure many a cretin would snap up that story because of their ignorance relating to immigration. But borders should be removed not tightened.

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and [it] targets those who aren't willing to play by our rules

and when the rules are changed? - 20 years ago you needed to present an internal passport to travel between major cities in the Soviet Union and we crowed that it was a dictatorship - can anyone suggest that this is any different.

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Suggest you read 1984.


In high school i was investigated for my GCSE coursework on Orwell's 1984 as it was assumed that i had a parent do it for me as it "was too well written" i was grilled for ages and had to submit work on another book so that they could compare the two to see if the style matched.


Later my English teacher entered 1984 coursework into a contest but it was returned stating that i had left the confines of the original assignment and that there was too much unsupported conjecture. but if you feel that i have something to gain from reading it again I'll put it on my list.


i wouldn't get offended by my earlier post it was good of you to point out that this is happening, Orwell himself said "My recent novel [1984] is NOT intended as an attack on Socialism or on the British Labour Party (of which I am a supporter) but as a show-up of the perversions ... which have already been partly realized in Communism and Fascism. ...The scene of the book is laid in Britain in order to emphasize that the English-speaking races are not innately better than anyone else and that totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere.


We should always be ready to oppose totalitarianism i don't want to be a drone controlled by the state any more than you but we must be rational in our approach to these things.


Orwell wrote 1984 in opposition to totalitarianism but after his death it was used specifically to drum up anti socialist and anti communist sentiment. Now writers use his work as the ultimate logical fallacy.


Just because some article says 1984 we shouldn't all assume that our rights and freedoms are being trampled. There is no data for debate in that article either for or against. I personally feel that cameras in pedestrianized areas are more intrusive than computers than record my travel.

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Just because some article says 1984 we shouldn't all assume that our rights and freedoms are being trampled. There is no data for debate in that article either for or against. I personally feel that cameras in pedestrianized areas are more intrusive than computers than record my travel.


And it is more intrusive, but there are so many steps where the government is taken more and more information, making it easier to access ALL of this information centrally, and lying about why such measures are introduced.

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