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Isle Of Man Resident Of The Year - Your Nominations, Please.


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Since all one has to do on this Island to be nominated for some or other extravagantly titled award is be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, I am going to nominate one outstanding citizen for Resident of the Year.


According to page 2 of last week's Courier, this gem of a human being was found by police in the possession of four packs of cigarettes stolen from a dispenser in the Saddle pub, Douglas. He pleaded guilty to burglary and handling stolen goods.


So, in common language, our hero is a thief. A particularly cheapskate one, too. How low do you have to go to steal cigarettes from a dispenser in your local?


However, what clinches his nomination is his behaviour in Marks & Spencer on 17th December last year. Imagine it, all the staff furiously busy, customers bouncing off the walls in the pre-Christmans rush, hustle and bustle, commotion everywhere.


Our hero decides to enter unnoticed (except by the CCTV system. Hellllooooo.) into a communications room through an unlocked staff door (why would you do that, anyway?) There he removes (i.e. steals) a set of keys and a "branded baseball cap" (what did it say? "I AM AN IDIOT AND A THIEF"?)


And then, friends, our hero delivers his piece de resistance. His inspired moment of genius and contribution to society.


He squeezes one out on the floor for the M & S staff to find and clean up.


Isn't that brilliant? Isn't that truly ... gifted even?


I give you Jonathan Alan Andrew Jones, 20, of Clifton Terrace, Douglas. He is my nominee for Resident of the Year.

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He squeezes one out on the floor for the M & S staff to find and clean up.


It was a cry for help, he so wanted to be caught he left DNA evidence behind.



It is (or at least was) quite common for a lot of thieves to leave a skid mark at the scene of the crime.

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