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[BBC News] Ferry firm welcomes Tynwald probe


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Smacks to me of a little kid walking off with his ball coz they don't want to play any more...pathetic.


I agree with you. There is Mark Woodward saying 'we only have 40% utilisation of our ships' - guess what Mark that is YOUR JOB to maximise utilisation and 60% empty does not indicate you are being a very successful manager. Could the 60% empty be something to do with people who have a choice deciding the fares are too high and taking their money and custom elsewhere?

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they know that the government will do nothing about it.


It's not that they WILL do nothing, but that they CAN do nothing. The Racket couldn't give two hoots what noises the government makes, because it can gouge the public to the limits the User Agreement allows.


Unless they build another linkspan, of course - or threaten to

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they know that the government will do nothing about it.


It's not that they WILL do nothing, but that they CAN do nothing. The Racket couldn't give two hoots what noises the government makes, because it can gouge the public to the limits the User Agreement allows.


Unless they build another linkspan, of course - or threaten to


That would be an empty threat. There isn't the traffic to justify another linkspan.



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It wouldn't be the first capital project that was nothing more than a job creation scheme. It could all be rolled into a plan, say, to revitalise Ramsey with new freight facilities. They could even fold the pier into the plan.


Something needs to be done to break the stranglehold that the Racket has on the Manx populace, and it has to avoid breaking the User Agreement. I guess that they could also tax, in addition to banks and landlords, companies that carry on maritime passenger services to the UK

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