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Department Of Tourism And Leisure

Moghrey Mie

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These guys need to seriously up their game. Some of them will be struggling at the next election if things start to pan out as badly as they potentially look.

Sure they might struggle to be re-elected. But that shouldn't be the issue. Because just who are you going to replace them with?


Swapping Mr Dreadfully Mediocre for Mr Appallingly Mediocre is not going to move the IOM forward now is it?


Maybe the "Revolution" thread wasn't so tongue-in-cheek after all....



you mean it was a joke .. ive a good mind to jab my newly sharpened pitchfork in the thread starters ass .. hope it was tony brown..

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Don't often do this, but....


Fucking sort yourselves out, you have a whole department given over to an anachronsim and no cogent PR strategy. You have an excellent Treasury Minister who can string a whole paragraph together, but scuttles for the rocks when things get a bit dodgy (or the tide turns).


You know, things are more than a bit fragile out there, and is there one single message from the IOM?


No, it ranges from street lighting in Onchan (who needs a consultant, I can see when its dark) to a kind of playing with inflation thingy which means we have manipulated this year's increase thingy, quite well, really.


Sharpen up chaps. Interestingly, the last time the island was under duress, also produced the best politicians: Charles Kerruish, Clifford Irving, probably more, but they were committed, focussed and relevant. And what do we have now? Jack shit, really, but I don't remember voting for him.



Wsn't freedom to flourish (now known as F2F) supposed to give out a co-ordinated message about the island?

That's not much use if they don't go to trade fairs and spread the word.

The newspapers are full of articles about people taking holidays in Britain because of the credit crunch.

IOM tourism needs to get its act together.

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Well, they have lost their chief exec Carol Glover, MR "it's official" story here.


A UK local authority acted slightly differently in similar circs. They did this.


Council sues former chief for £1m


A local authority is suing its former top executive for more than £1m, claiming she concealed her depressive illness when she applied for the job.


Cheltenham borough council accuses Christine Laird of "fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation" in concealing details of her medical history.

If the job made her ill then it's a completely different scenario and having had a colleague go the same way I can sympathise. But you do have to wonder if Chief Executive at the DTL really is a poisoned chalice i.e. trying to breath some life into the corpse that is IOM tourism - they've got to be having a laugh!

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Whilst I personally welcome her appointment, after all PR is what bringing tourists and events over here is all about, and marketing is what I consider to be a major remit of the DTL - I suspect one of her first PR challenges from some of the powers that be in the DTL will be to justify the unneccessary salaries that are currently being paid in the DTL (£250K P/A - CE, HR duplicated etc. when clearly the organisation could easily sit within the DTI). I cannot see that these salaries can be justified.


I just do not see the logic in paying out an extra £250K a year to pay people to justify that events such as the Jazz festival etc. are being cancelled because of sic 'a lack of budget and having to prioritise'. I heard Martin Quayle talking about this and answering a call on MR the other day, seemingly against such a merger, implying that the budget was separate from the salaries. They are not separate, it is all taxpayers money - and IMO too the money is being used very inefficiently.


I think also that they should not just consider the economics of getting people over here from elsewhere in the equation, but that they should take into account what certain events do for locals, quality of life etc. and not forget that locals too spend money at such events. People are crying out for things to do here...and currently the DTL seems to be satisfying few.

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Given the horrendous collapse in real tourism numbers over the past decade, it is just rewarding failure to continue to invest public funds in the tourism marketing side of DTL and beggars belief in the current financial climate that Alan Bell allows it to happen given its' record of 'achievement'


I understand that the Isle of White (sorry Wight) local authority have abolished their tourism marketing department altogether and are saving a fortune


Tourism marketing only works where those involved have a vested interest in its' success - here the responsibility ought to be given to an industry body working within the ambit of the DTI


Anybody entering the role of Chief Executive would see that this is obvious and you'd have grave doubts about anyone who went along with the departments 'plans'


I'd certainly agree with Asitis that the current climate calls for serious people with serious ideas and I also worry where Tynwald will take us

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She's the communications manager not the chief executive.


Her first pronouncement on the radio was to say that they need to optimise their website for search engines- hardly rocket science.


But maybe DTL didn't know that already.


If not somebody should get the boot.

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She's the communications manager not the chief executive.


Her first pronouncement on the radio was to say that they need to optimise their website for search engines- hardly rocket science.


But maybe DTL didn't know that already.


If not somebody should get the boot.


I think you'll find they've identified the need to do work on communications and hried a Communications Manager accordingly. As you say - not rocket science. Good on 'em.


Post already existed and has been empty for a few years.

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What's the betting the second announcement will be: "We need a S.W.A.T. and a P.E.S.T. - stat!"


You jest - put people/companies/managers spend so much time and money pissing into the wind or get so bogged down in the day-to-day, that it's not so farcical to go back look at the basics sometimes.

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Whilst I personally welcome her appointment, after all PR is what bringing tourists and events over here is all about, and marketing is what I consider to be a major remit of the DTL - I suspect one of her first PR challenges from some of the powers that be in the DTL will be to justify the unneccessary salaries that are currently being paid in the DTL (£250K P/A - CE, HR duplicated etc. when clearly the organisation could easily sit within the DTI). I cannot see that these salaries can be justified.


I just do not see the logic in paying out an extra £250K a year to pay people to justify that events such as the Jazz festival etc. are being cancelled because of sic 'a lack of budget and having to prioritise'. I heard Martin Quayle talking about this and answering a call on MR the other day, seemingly against such a merger, implying that the budget was separate from the salaries. They are not separate, it is all taxpayers money - and IMO too the money is being used very inefficiently.


I think also that they should not just consider the economics of getting people over here from elsewhere in the equation, but that they should take into account what certain events do for locals, quality of life etc. and not forget that locals too spend money at such events. People are crying out for things to do here...and currently the DTL seems to be satisfying few.


As usual, that's all thanks to TB. The re-structure of Gvt suggested this and he shelved it.


We need a CM with some balls - someone who is a little more bold me thinks

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