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Examiner Global Warming


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I heard this guy being interviewed on the radio yesterday. Whist I have no problem with him or any individual holding individual views, and I do nor really bank how sensible or quirky they are. Where I have a slight problem is that as a Minister you are relying on the advise and expertise of professionals. As I understand it the majority of climate specialists have signed up to climate change/ global warning. Why would you then ignore or disregard this professional advise.


This is not a global warming/climate change point rather that if you are in a position of power and you have professional advice I do not feel you should let your personal opinion generally override. If you can not marry the advise with your personal views then resign.



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It is not a recent phenomenom, but one that has been growing for at least the last two centuries.

For further information, read Jared Diamond's book Collapse - How societies choose to Fail or Survive, particularly chapter 13, 'Mining Australia.'


Yes, as the article I linked says, climate change will only increase the odds of fires, they won't directly cause them.


Stu: Wilson is entitled to his opinion, which he's presented properly, the issue certainly should be open to debate and it's important that politicians represent both sides. I think it's daft that a policy making politician should ignore the science and press ahead based on his personal view hoewever.


This not the same sort of 'those crazy greenie' subtle subversions I've accused you of, or that features in the examiner.

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The people who do not believe in man made climate change are, in general, ideological soulmates with those who do not believe in evolution.


Wilson belongs to the fundamentalist DUP. Many of colleagues believe that creationism should be taught in schools.


I'm not saying that Wilson is also a creationist. I do not know. But it is significant that he comes from background and circle of people who hold basically anti-scientific and also politically extreme points of view.

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The ones that are full of Chinese mercury, give you headaches and will make your babies sick if you drop or break one in your child's nursery, oh yeah the eco freaks love those!


Yep, the Daily Mail has it spot on again. Broken bulbs are dangerous! Give them a prize!

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I like them money saving lightbulbs....



The ones that are full of Chinese mercury, give you headaches and will make your babies sick if you drop or break one in your child's nursery, oh yeah the eco freaks love those!


Oh bollox, why don't you people tell me these things before I spend a fortune and go around replacing all the frickin light bulbs in the house.

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The people who do not believe in man made climate change are, in general, ideological soulmates with those who do not believe in evolution.


Wilson belongs to the fundamentalist DUP. Many of colleagues believe that creationism should be taught in schools.


I'm not saying that Wilson is also a creationist. I do not know. But it is significant that he comes from background and circle of people who hold basically anti-scientific and also politically extreme points of view.


Global warming is a totally misleading term for what is going to happen. As the Arctic becomes warmer, the ocean conveyor will slow and perhaps halt. The Guld Stream will stop, and average temperatures in the British Isles will plummet by perhaps 8%.


Meanwhile Africa will turn into one vast desert.


But it's not all bad news. Scotland will become a viable ski resort, at last.



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Hmmm what ever happened to the Dinosaurs? I wonder. Carbon emissions, too much fat in diet, smoking, not enough exercise or perhaps just a natural shift in the earths climate. Oh whatever will happen when there is a polar shift? Doomed I tell thee doomed. FFS climate change...yawn.

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The people who do not believe in man made climate change are, in general, ideological soulmates with those who do not believe in evolution.


Wilson belongs to the fundamentalist DUP. Many of colleagues believe that creationism should be taught in schools.


I'm not saying that Wilson is also a creationist. I do not know. But it is significant that he comes from background and circle of people who hold basically anti-scientific and also politically extreme points of view.


Global warming is a totally misleading term for what is going to happen. As the Arctic becomes warmer, the ocean conveyor will slow and perhaps halt. The Guld Stream will stop, and average temperatures in the British Isles will plummet by perhaps 8%.


Meanwhile Africa will turn into one vast desert.


But it's not all bad news. Scotland will become a viable ski resort, at last.



You are being far too certain in your statements here Sebrof - If sufficient fresh water enters the Northern Atlantic the gulf stream might be affected, but it isn't clear if this will occur.


The average global temperature is rising. The distribution of tempertures around the world is very difficult to predict. It changes year on year.


This year is a strong El Nino year Al Nina - giving colder temperatures to the Northern Hemisphere and higher temperture in Australia. Climate scientists have known about this for quite a while and have been pointing out that Northern winters would be colder for the next year or so - trying to stop headlines like this.


Unfortunately the message hasn't got out. Though I hope (and expect) New Scientist, Real Climate et al will run articles on things like this to explain how a few cold years don't make for global cooling anymore than a few hot years make for warming. It is decade long trends averaging out temperatures over the entire globe that point to Global Warming.


Edited got El Nino and Al Nina mixed up

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You are being far too certain in your statements here Sebrof - If sufficient fresh water enters the Northern Atlantic the gulf stream might be affected, but it isn't clear if this will occur.


The average global temperature is rising. The distribution of tempertures around the world is very difficult to predict. It changes year on year.


This year is a strong El Nino year - giving colder temperatures to the Northern Hemisphere and higher temperture in Australia. Climate scientists have known about this for quite a while and have been pointing out that Northern winters would be colder for the next year or so - trying to stop headlines like this.


Unfortunately the message hasn't got out. Though I hope (and expect) New Scientist, Real Climate et al will run articles on things like this to explain how a few cold years don't make for global cooling anymore than a few hot years make for warming. It is decade long trends averaging out temperatures over the entire globe that point to Global Warming.


A degree of over-simplification, and a sprinkling of hyperbole, sometimes creep into my posts. But you will have realised that I was simply illustrating my point (also made by others) that we should be talking about climate change, not global warming. The effect of climate change will not necessarily be to bring bikini weather to Inverness.





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I like them money saving lightbulbs....



The ones that are full of Chinese mercury, give you headaches and will make your babies sick if you drop or break one in your child's nursery, oh yeah the eco freaks love those!



Putting babies in microwaves is also dangerous - get a grip:




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