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Outrage In Keys Over Transexuals' Rights Comments


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I only disagree with people having a sex change on the NHS dip shit.

It was clearly genetically predisposed that you were to be born a stupid moron, and I'm sure your asininity is responsible for long bouts of severe depression. Now if there were only something that could be done about that, some miracle operation somewhere, somehow, then nobody on this board would object to the NHS picking up the tab. I'm convinced of that. Unfortunately, it's in all likelihood terminally hopeless.

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I just read on IOM online, there is someone who is under going a " transformation " but has kept there identity hidden.

If there so happy to slate Houghton, why dont they reveal who they are? Double standards, since there saying the Island has moved on etc.


Also, some 14 year old is also saying " when I'm older I'm having a sex change and want to speak to Mr. Houghton about his views " WTF!!!!

Talk about jumping on the band wagon.



I do and I dont agree with what he has said, but one thing is that the NHS here should not be funding them having this change.

You were born a fucking woman, deal with it FFS and if you dont like it, pay for it your self!!!!!


Take a look at some of the people who have to raise money for surgery, example Mike Bellis. This guy went out and RAISED the money, these are the sort of people the NHS should be helping and funding not fucking Trannys!!!


This is the mother of the 14 year old boy you have commented on. I have demanded that your judgemental comments be removed from this forum. If they are not, then I will be taking further action against you and this site. You dont know my son, nor do you know what he has to and still endures every day.. Just because he is a child, doesnt mean that he doesnt know that he is in the wrong body.. You ought to shut your mouth and keep your thoughts to yourself, especially when commenting on a child and a minor. My son is not a "Fucking Tranny". If you post any more comments in relation to my son, then I will be taking the matter up with the press and police.

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I only disagree with people having a sex change on the NHS dip shit.

It was clearly genetically predisposed that you were to be born a stupid moron, and I'm sure your asininity is responsible for long bouts of severe depression. Now if there were only something that could be done about that, some miracle operation somewhere, somehow, then nobody on this board would object to the NHS picking up the tab. I'm convinced of that. Unfortunately, it's in all likelihood terminally hopeless.



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Tell me in all honesty can a 14 yr old child, yes that’s right they are still a child LDV, decide that they should not be the sex they where born.


If an adult decides they where born incorrectly, that is there right as a adult, but children want many things for other reasons, to be popular, some attention, they are going through puberty and are a little confused etc.


IMO including a 14 year old wanting a sex change in the article was rather ridicules.


John, this is the mother (and you know my and my family very well and the next time I see you I will make it clear that its me) of the 14 year old that you are so very quick to judge and make comments on. I have made it very clear to the Manx Forums that the comments in relation to my son ALL have to be removed. You dont know my son or how he feels, so what gives you the right to judge or make comments. As a religious man and a parent yourself, I cannot believe that you have made the comments you have. My son is not bloody confused, he was born in the wrong body and yes a 14 year old can decide that they want a surgery, but only after being an adult for many many years. If you read my comments on IOMOnline, you will see that my husband and I are trying to raise our son in a loving and honest environment, but that doesnt mean that at 18 years he is going to have an operation to become a woman. I am also a practising buddhist and dont judge people. As a loving family, we will get him through whatever decision he makes in his future and not as a child. However, as a child he is still allowed to express himself.

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Ball Bag Lady, something to help you out on what a forum is:



S: (n) forum (a public meeting or assembly for open discussion)

S: (n) forum, assembly, meeting place (a public facility to meet for open discussion)



Your son commented in the public domain, expect people to comment.


Its as simple as you.

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I have been asked by the mods to post to remind you that you must not post anything which identifies anyone, and in particular not an apparently 14 year old child.


Bag Lady has asked we remove these posts and threatened to report us to the authorities. Nothing so far appears to have passed the line between legality and illegality or acceptable and non acceptable. The topic was set invisible whilst the mods considered matters It is now restored. The child has not been idedntified.


Remember for the topic that this is about Mr Houghton’s comments, not about individual cases, of whatever age, nor about a mothers attempts to protect her family.


Remember that sex change operations have been available on the IOMNHS for many years and this Bill has nothing to do with approving, or not approving, those treatments


This bill is a requirement of complex international agreements and court judgments which mean that we in IOM as well as the rest of the world have to recognise the rights of a gender re assigned person to be fully recognised in their appropriate sex so they have a birth certificate and the right to marry etc


Finally please respect the privacy of Bag Lady and her child. He needs and deserves her support and they both deserve our discretion

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I do and I dont agree with what he has said, but one thing is that the NHS here should not be funding them having this change.

You were born a fucking woman, deal with it FFS and if you dont like it, pay for it your self!!!!!


Take a look at some of the people who have to raise money for surgery, example Mike Bellis. This guy went out and RAISED the money, these are the sort of people the NHS should be helping and funding not fucking Trannys!!!


Where do you draw the line on what's acceptable for the nhs to pay for?


Does a smoker deserve NHS treatment over a cancer patient? Someone who's overweight? What is it about a medical condition that makes it deserving?

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I do and I dont agree with what he has said, but one thing is that the NHS here should not be funding them having this change.

You were born a fucking woman, deal with it FFS and if you dont like it, pay for it your self!!!!!


Take a look at some of the people who have to raise money for surgery, example Mike Bellis. This guy went out and RAISED the money, these are the sort of people the NHS should be helping and funding not fucking Trannys!!!


Where do you draw the line on what's acceptable for the nhs to pay for?


Does a smoker deserve NHS treatment over a cancer patient? Someone who's overweight? What is it about a medical condition that makes it deserving?


No a smoker doesnt at all, the cancer patient should receive full help and be put a head of any smoker.

The smoker made a life style choice to smoke, so they should suffer the consequences of that.


How much does a sex change cost the NHS?


I agree with some of Houghton is saying, in the fact that rights are given to Men and Women. So having a sex change doesnt mean your a man, your still a woman no matter what your piece of paper says.


If a sex changed man was to be put in a womans prison system would there not be a public out cry? I think there would.


There DNA, mind set etc is still that of a man.........they may have had a " change " but there still a man at the end of the day.

They were born a man and will die a man, not a woman.



Thanks Mr Wright for clearing up everything.......that guys a hero.

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No a smoker doesnt at all, the cancer patient should receive full help and be put a head of any smoker.

The smoker made a life style choice to smoke, so they should suffer the consequences of that.


So to permit a cancer patient speedy treatment on the NHS, a doctor must first acertain what factors contributed to that cancer and deal with it accordingly?


What if the cancer patient was a drinker, not a smoker? How much drink makes him a heavy drinker who doesn't deserve treatment and made a lifestyle choice and should face the consequences?


What if the cancer patient has skin cancer that may be attributed to too much sunbathing? No treatment?


What if the patient is a motorcycle rider who's crashed, he made a lifestyle choice, should he be denied treatment?


As to your other points, I think it's time we stopped differentiating between men and women full stop. It'd make everything a lot easier.

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