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Outrage In Keys Over Transexuals' Rights Comments


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No a smoker doesnt at all, the cancer patient should receive full help and be put a head of any smoker.

The smoker made a life style choice to smoke, so they should suffer the consequences of that.


So to permit a cancer patient speedy treatment on the NHS, a doctor must first acertain what factors contributed to that cancer and deal with it accordingly?


What if the cancer patient was a drinker, not a smoker? How much drink makes him a heavy drinker who doesn't deserve treatment and made a lifestyle choice and should face the consequences?


What if the cancer patient has skin cancer that may be attributed to too much sunbathing? No treatment?


What if the patient is a motorcycle rider who's crashed, he made a lifestyle choice, should he be denied treatment?


As to your other points, I think it's time we stopped differentiating between men and women full stop. It'd make everything a lot easier.


Well yes, if your a heavy drinker ( someone who drinks 4/5 times a week, and were talking 6+ pints at a go ) then you should be made to wait, again anothe life style choice.


Sun bathing, again life style choice. If your stupid enough to sit in the sun for too long.


Motor bikes, thats a tricky one. All depends on circumstances, were they a twat on the bike. Popping wheelies up and down the prom and being a general dick on the bike or were they caught up in a crash.



In my Utopia everyone would be fine, apart from keyboarder.........they would be the town fool, every Friday is hunt the keyboarder day and the winner has keyboarder as a slave for the week.

Duties would include, cleaning out the shitter, wiping the royal ass and serving all the fat girls.



As for my other points, well this thread is about transexuals........so my other points still stand.

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I just read on IOM online, there is someone who is under going a " transformation " but has kept there identity hidden.

If there so happy to slate Houghton, why dont they reveal who they are? Double standards, since there saying the Island has moved on etc.


Also, some 14 year old is also saying " when I'm older I'm having a sex change and want to speak to Mr. Houghton about his views " WTF!!!!

Talk about jumping on the band wagon.



I do and I dont agree with what he has said, but one thing is that the NHS here should not be funding them having this change.

You were born a fucking woman, deal with it FFS and if you dont like it, pay for it your self!!!!!


Take a look at some of the people who have to raise money for surgery, example Mike Bellis. This guy went out and RAISED the money, these are the sort of people the NHS should be helping and funding not fucking Trannys!!!


This is the mother of the 14 year old boy you have commented on. I have demanded that your judgemental comments be removed from this forum. If they are not, then I will be taking further action against you and this site. You dont know my son, nor do you know what he has to and still endures every day.. Just because he is a child, doesnt mean that he doesnt know that he is in the wrong body.. You ought to shut your mouth and keep your thoughts to yourself, especially when commenting on a child and a minor. My son is not a "Fucking Tranny". If you post any more comments in relation to my son, then I will be taking the matter up with the press and police.


you refer to a 'son' and 'he', but say he's in the wrong body?? if thats the case surely your offspring should be referred to as 'daughter' and 'she' if the body is 'wrong'?? if it's a 'son' and 'he', the body must be right??


as to the comments that started the thread, that berk 'defy's common sense'

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Motor bikes, thats a tricky one. All depends on circumstances, were they a twat on the bike. Popping wheelies up and down the prom and being a general dick on the bike or were they caught up in a crash.


Right, so you suggest medical treatment should be allocated by committee based on their opinion and judgement of the individual?


Let's hope you never actually get to have any sort of responsibility for anything ever.

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Motor bikes, thats a tricky one. All depends on circumstances, were they a twat on the bike. Popping wheelies up and down the prom and being a general dick on the bike or were they caught up in a crash.


Right, so you suggest medical treatment should be allocated by committee based on their opinion and judgement of the individual?


Let's hope you never actually get to have any sort of responsibility for anything ever.


Well it should, you smoke and you get lung cancer from that. Then you pay for any treatment your self, you decided to smoke therefore you can pay for any treatment your self.


This point is the same for a sex change, if your born a man and want to be a woman pay for it your self.



As for Missions comment, they dont need medical treatment......there past that point already. Hell, not even God can save them now.


Also Mission, you shouldnt post pics of your self in a Borat Mankini, thats how these pics get around.

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Well it should, you smoke and you get lung cancer from that. Then you pay for any treatment your self, you decided to smoke therefore you can pay for any treatment your self.


I was referring specifically to your suggestion that motorbikers should be refused treatment if they 'acted like a twat'. That's why I quoted that part.

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Well it should, you smoke and you get lung cancer from that. Then you pay for any treatment your self, you decided to smoke therefore you can pay for any treatment your self.


I was referring specifically to your suggestion that motorbikers should be refused treatment if they 'acted like a twat'. That's why I quoted that part.


Ok then..........your going up the prom in your car with the kids. Its TT week and some dick is popping wheelies and playing to the crowd, you come down the road as he is coming, still popping a wheelie and he goes through your window screen.


Who should get the treatment first then?


I double dare you to say the biker.

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What makes you think they can't be treated at the same time?


Anyone who pays into a national health service should have the right for fair and equitable treatment. Injuries should be treated in a priority system, not some attached arbitrarily assigned validity. If the biker has broken his neck and punctured both his lungs and I have a broken arm and one of my kids has a cracked rib, then yes, the biker gets treated first as he's likely to die.


It's off topic anyway, I'm just picking up on your ridiculous notion that the NHS shouldn't be available to everyone for injury and illness regardless of the circumstance.


Whether or not you think gender changes should be done on the NHS pretty much comes down to whether you class it as a lifestyle preference or as a medical condition.

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Motor bikes, thats a tricky one. All depends on circumstances, were they a twat on the bike. Popping wheelies up and down the prom and being a general dick on the bike or were they caught up in a crash.


Right, so you suggest medical treatment should be allocated by committee based on their opinion and judgement of the individual?



it is already, if you are a 60 year old 'poor' smoker, you aren't going to get new lungs on the NHS. if you are 'rich', you can go private and jump the queue. new organs on the NHS seem to 'usually' go into clean living folks that contribute to society and , i'll use the word 'respect' their bodies on a health level ( tattoo's and piercings don't count on this issue ). just on the numbers it is better to finance an operation that could benefit someone for 30 years over someone with maybe 10 to go. you are not going to waste good organs on someone who will carry on doing what fucked the one they have. someone somewhere decides who gets the chance of living a full life with a donor organ, what are the criteria used for this decission?? there must be some somewhere as it is certainly not first come first served!! money can get you good organs to waste as proved by Mr G Best. the annoying thing is that someone, probably deserving, missed out cos a washed up piss head 'star' had a few quid.

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Well it should, you smoke and you get lung cancer from that. Then you pay for any treatment your self, you decided to smoke therefore you can pay for any treatment your self.


I was referring specifically to your suggestion that motorbikers should be refused treatment if they 'acted like a twat'. That's why I quoted that part.


Ok then..........your going up the prom in your car with the kids. Its TT week and some dick is popping wheelies and playing to the crowd, you come down the road as he is coming, still popping a wheelie and he goes through your window screen.


Who should get the treatment first then?


I double dare you to say the biker.

After ensuring there is no danger: the most seriously injured, taking into account Breathing, Bleeding and Breaks.

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