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Outrage In Keys Over Transexuals' Rights Comments


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Motor bikes, thats a tricky one. All depends on circumstances, were they a twat on the bike. Popping wheelies up and down the prom and being a general dick on the bike or were they caught up in a crash.


Right, so you suggest medical treatment should be allocated by committee based on their opinion and judgement of the individual?


Let's hope you never actually get to have any sort of responsibility for anything ever.


Well it should, you smoke and you get lung cancer from that. Then you pay for any treatment your self, you decided to smoke therefore you can pay for any treatment your self.


This point is the same for a sex change, if your born a man and want to be a woman pay for it your self.



As for Missions comment, they dont need medical treatment......there past that point already. Hell, not even God can save them now.


Also Mission, you shouldnt post pics of your self in a Borat Mankini, thats how these pics get around.


surely the smoker deserves priority treatment firstly .. i mean he/she has handed over extra duties to the goverment same as the biker has on his /her petrol consumption .. and the drinker .. all 3 are the victims of government greed and therefore should get priority treatment .. those that dont smoke or drive and rarely drink will have saved themselves all that extra duty payments so can afford to pay for theyre own treatment ..


knoxville youre an ass.. .. as in proper donkey..


Thank you, if your ever in the Whitestone I'll buy you a pint some time.

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Please enlighten me TV, sorry I mean LDV, you seem to have a great under standing of being a TV by the sounds of things.


Albert, that was a shit joke. At least say something funny, I know you like cock......but please stop harping on about it.



I wouldnt know if I've ever met a transexual, as they have such good disguises.



I dont care what you say about mind set and all that bollocks, if your born a man, your a man. Not a fucking woman.


You may as well start handing out rights to Peado's and say, " yeah you have the right to sit the park and play with your self ", since the PC gang is all getting together.


I stand by what I say, just as you stand by what you say. You wont change my mind but please carry on. Its fun watching you harp on about how you seem to know everything.


Learning is fun, isn't it. I know to be able to make you far less ignorant. But you just seem like a bit of tit really in respect of your shitty comments on transgendered people.

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Seemed like quite a bit of support for Houghton on MR this PM. Don't know if he got his supporters out or what - but it seemed to me around 3:1 to me against his views.


Rumour had it Stu Peters was wearing a dress for this special. But personally I don't really believe it.

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If anything I thought it was 10:1 in favour of JH - or at least his right to say what he thought without being expected to resign. Interesting, and I don't know if it was our audience demographic, or maybe a reaction to a topic yesterday about people being so PC these days that they daren't deviate from The True Official Path.


Having seen the thrust of this thread, and the newspaper coverage, I'd expected a lynch mob.


Albert - fur coat and no drawers, actually...

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If anything I thought it was 10:1 in favour of JH - or at least his right to say what he thought without being expected to resign. Interesting, and I don't know if it was our audience demographic, or maybe a reaction to a topic yesterday about people being so PC these days that they daren't deviate from The True Official Path.


Having seen the thrust of this thread, and the newspaper coverage, I'd expected a lynch mob.


Albert - fur coat and no drawers, actually...


I wonder whether he should resign.

I think you make a good point. We live in a society where normality and norms are very important (unfortunately) to people's understanding of things. How much has the imposition of legislation changed our perceptions and thinking about race, homosexuality, and gender? Is it simply that we know to behave differently? I actually think that people are becoming less ignorant, more understanding, and generally more moral, but legislation and curbs on freedom of speech I think have forced a situation of tolerance upon people without offering them understanding and an education. And these latter things are very important. Otherwise we remain bigots but with our lips sealed.


I am very surpised just how little support the MHK. I thought there would be more bigots.


But this isn't really about political correctness, not all progress and further understanding in our dealings with each other in society need be termed PC. PC I understand is more focused upon language.

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I think knoxville has demonstrated the point quite well. Everyone should be entitled to present their opinion, but the way you present it is vitally important. JH doesn't appear to have any coherent objection other than he thinks the idea of transsexuals is indecent, he really must do better than that if he's going to take a stand.

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If anything I thought it was 10:1 in favour of JH - or at least his right to say what he thought without being expected to resign.

Yes - many of those against his views still feel he has the right to say it, me included. I hope we all believe in a free speech democracy whatever view we hold on this issue.


But it's not what he said, it's how he said it that is at issue with me. It was IMO an ill-thought-out rant, plain and simple, when the bill they were debating didn't even cover half of the issues and opinions he actually raised - they have been dealt with long ago.


I am one of his constituents, and I have to say he has given me a great deal of food for thought as to how I will vote next time - but not just food for thought on this issue - also the recent Whitely council affair.


JH is a great worker on behalf of the people, and will always help you fight your corner, and I have seen a lot of the good he has done for some people. Despite this, everyone starts out with 100% credibility in my book, but he has nearly run out of credibility with me. One more major cock-up and I think a lot of people will be changing how they vote next time, if they haven't already. Though that said, memories can be short on this island.


Personally, I think JH needs to take a back seat for a good few months, and have a long hard think about all of this. With all this recent stuff happening, I am a bit worried about him to be honest, as I would be a work colleague, and would prefer to see him take a break and come back fighting - but being a bit more aware of the consequences of his actions.

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the PC brigade have used peoples owns fears against them for years now .. people in general are so shallow that they do worry about what others who know them may think of them.


but this is what you get from governments who are more interested in spin than substance .. labours great job creation scheme at work theres a committee/thinktank for everything .. its all bollox .. as roy walker would say .. !!just say what you see!! im not too particularly bothered bout being PC myself the brits can take it and shove it up their collective arses as far as im concerned .. however its too l8 now it has infected every avenue of modern life.


however better l8 than never folks have and are waking up to the fact that its just away of gagging people on subjects that governments have no substance too their stances on..


fuck them all labour twats .. working mans party my ass..

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